
Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are angry Asians, no doubt



Dewa is different now. He has evolved into another kitten. He is no longer that playful, dig holes in litterbox, and play soccer with a plastic ball that we put hamsters in, kind of kitten. Mommy told me, he now sleeps all day long and wakes up only to eat. JUST THE KIND OF KITTEN THAT I LIKE, GROW FATTER YOU FAT SO AND SO. I miss him terribly and no one would email me his picture or post his recent picture in their blog. (Read: Birth mother , Gorgeous blood sister, and little sib's pet blog).

So this is all I got, the pictures of him I took before I left for Segamat. *Its really annoying how Segamat is my overlyused word nowadays, referring to all my blog entries, Segamat 4 Lifesz haha*

You remember Agustus, Aisywarya's (T_T) brother. He has grown into a hunky teenage cat. He is the big brother to all kittens of the new batch, and he plays with them, teach them soccer, let them eat first whenever there's food, beli surat khabar, sekeh kepala bila marah, yeah that kind of brotherly. And as you can see from this picture, this is why Shika nicknamed Dewa, Tebal.

Agustus and Tebal doing what siblings do best. Kung-fu Fighting.

Tebal doing what Miley Cyrus do best, acting asian *sepet*. Haha I dont understand whats the big deal seriously.


  1. "Tebal doing what Miley Cyrus do best, acting asian *sepet*. Haha I dont understand whats the big deal seriously"

    making the asian face in the post millenium years is what being an anti semite was during the 1930-1950.

    it is just a lame attempt to force people to be more politically corect when it is not that offensive to begin with.

  2. huhu..ingtkan entri psal mrah2, ropanya psal meow2.. =)

  3. seriously, collection kucing yg sangat best! dewa agustus dan tebal... adeh jelesnya -_-

    cheers to cat-lover! ;)

  4. *fights the urge to squeeze BOTH Dewa and Agustus*

    Thanks for your comment. I am writing about that event. You just wait okay haha.

  5. i still want pictures of ur mom's homemade cake!!!

  6. eeee..geramnye..........comel banget...

  7. OMG your cat are so cute

    minta sekor boleh tak hanis? nak bagi kawan kt my cat Daisy

  8. Your cats are cute.. as ALWAYS. and very creative names as well. About that Miley Cyrus thing, I don't get what's the big fuss either. I'm asian with mata sepet yet I don't feel offended at all. Why should anyone? sheesh people.

  9. Hanis..
    nanti u tak pegi Readers Theatre ke?

  10. tebal mata sepet macam tuan dia. tapi nama memang annoying. tebal. macam kalau dah botak macam emperor nanti terasa sebab tak tebal tapi nama tebal macam teringat rambut kau dulu belah tengah macam kamus waktu tu kau suka mus dan aku telah keluar topik.

    ni aku hot ni, kenapa dalam list precious people, izzah atas aku?!

  11. cant believe they are suing miley cyrus 4 billion dollars for that picture...

    anyways comel giler kucing2 tuh

    i guess memang berbaloi kot beli makanan kucing pek besar tuh..

  12. cant believe they are suing miley cyrus 4 billion dollars for that picture...

    anyways comel giler kucing2 tuh

    i guess memang berbaloi kot beli makanan kucing pek besar tuh..

  13. hanis, adakah kamu sudah lupa alamat belog ayam KLG? salah linknya dong.. pls dong..hehehehe

    aku sudah mcm cikgu besar cek keje skolah anak murid dong :)

  14. duh.cute.tapi ku tidak suke bende bulu bulu buluuuuu..

    newayy u k.

  15. hari tu aku gi jalan nampak kucing comel gila. aku nak pegang tp ayah tak izin. mungkin dia ada penyakit. dan serangga bahaya di seluruh badan. anda punya nampak cantik dan kilau. mereka ada penyakit? boleh pegang sesuka hati tanpa di gigit?

    aku tak pernah ada pet, jadi tatau kenapa dia berkelakuan aneh. mungkin perubahan usia?

  16. OMG !! The cats are so cute ;)

  17. comel gile kucing u.anak kucing tu kiut ah..i nak..eheheheeee

  18. cis saya yakin kucing saya boleh mengalahkan kucing anda di pertandingan kucing (marilah daftar menjadi ahli kelab kucing malaysia)

  19. nk2..kucing2 tu.. B|

    pnjam sbulan.. B)

  20. my gosh comel gila kucing tu.
    rase nak makan je,
    eh, tak taleh makan kucing.

    himpap pon jadilah xD

  21. COMEL~!!!!!!!

    Nak datang rumah!!!

    Wuu comel sungguh comel comel comel~!!

  22. yep, again. in the end the so-called-postponement is an actual CANCELLATION.

    I'm glad i didn't get the tix to that concert =D


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