
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How I'm so empty without you

This damn 3D Pinball is nothing without the little competition you and your friends/siblings have over it, Who Got The Highest Score etc. Oh with me and my siblings, it was never just 'little' competition. Whenever someone scores the highest and run downstairs naked (only the kids), the pc will be busy with us lining up to top the score. And everyone has annoying Gamer names like King Khairi or Cutie Hun (guess who heh). And why am I suddenly talking about this? Because yesterday, out of boredom I tried playing this game alone. Bah! Its pathetic. I miss home :'(

Playing 3D Pinball alone is so pathetic.
Its like Summit Subang USJ without The AGz.
Its like watching theater without Marlisa.
Its like Math lessons without Shafiq.
Okay maybe too specific.

Its like this blog without me as the author ceh ceh okay pergi bersenam. OMG SPEAKING ABOUT MATH, MATH PAPER IS LIKE WHAT THE HELL 2DAYS AWAY?! And Calculus and I are still not in good term T_T


  1. oh TIDAK! adakah cik hamis dah tak nak taip belog dia? ( i tak kesah sebab tu hak masing2) :D

  2. haha..
    better main solitaire..
    lagi addictive..

  3. sangeeetttttt menci itu subjek math...

  4. hah,.

    suka la sangt hanis maen pinball.

    =),.guna hiperbola kuat nih..

    k,stop berblogging, go study!

  5. hahahha
    im firstttttttttttttttttttt,,,
    x tau plak hanis suka pinball

  6. tulah..
    mama suruh study u g main game..
    gudluck for next paper..

  7. btol btol.
    i salu kalah ngan adik i plak tu.
    kene pegi kursus pinball la.

  8. hye zalikha..u know wht..muke u mcm myfren..sme sgt..
    die pn model jgk..but yg len nye die wearing tudung..
    bile i tgk blog u..ehh buat i rse..eehh..slh org ker..ehh..
    yeahh u'r ryte babe..
    btw link myblog kay..

  9. hey..ur blog is fun!..feel free to view my blog

  10. i'm very good in Calculus, so do u want me to teach u. hehehe.

    practice and practice the questions. then u'll get it. ;-)

  11. hate MATHS ! uhhhh !!!

    Lets lawan pinball hanis ?

  12. mat 140? comin saturday heh? my fave topic.. :p
    if betul mat 140 or mat 126 or mat 112 or mat 108 [xtau hanis student bm@acc@om], buat past year paper je. calculus topic paling senang score. if hanis belajar mat140, Application of Calculus in Business and Economic
    tu antara 3 je. cost, revenue atau profit function, x susah sgt sebab di soalan akan ada info yang diberi. mungkin dia akan bagi cost dan profit function, ataupun average revenue function dll. soalan (i) selalunye memang direct pada main info.
    contoh dia bg Cost&Profit, dah boleh cari revenue.if bagi samaada average cost@ average revenue mesti nak cari cost @ revenue.

    sorry, mcm mengajar pulak..sbb calculus is my fave topic. senang score sebab soalan lg direct dr annuity ataupun installment purchase..x tau hanis student bm @ acc @ om, tapi semua biz maths ada topic calculus.

    so, good luck ok!

    *actually, i'm teaching mat140 ;)*

  13. kite pun addicted gak game tu. klaka betul. padehal pinball je. act tgh nak exam mmg byk sgt dugaan & cabaran. bende y xbape best pun jadi 1ooox best. hanis, go studi. cayok2! kite xpe dah habis exam. cici!

  14. OMG, you like pinball too? My bro, mum and I used to compete each other last time.. and imagine i was leaping like a mad woman when someone accidentally erased my highest score.. entah berapa puluh juta or what oredi... it's addictive you know.. sometimes main sampai badan ikut tergerak-gerak!

  15. hanis im one of your fan and still reader. ;) ur blog's the best
    love youuu

  16. good luck hanis. n thanks for still updating even busy study. heheh

  17. haha...saya pun suka main gamne ni... selalu fight ngan aidik beradik sape nye score paling tinggi.. markah juta-juta tu.. hehe

  18. "yang kudus yang tulus..
    yang kurus kalkulus.."

    *nyanyi macam dalam lagu Ghazal untuk Rabiah*


  19. math? at least call it QMT. agak kelakar bila panggil maths. all the best!

  20. i use to have this game installed on my pc. i uninstalled it once a few friends started topping my high score!! mana bole

    in college we call the act of leaving ur highscore on someone elses computer as "tinggalkan taik". coz you can only wipe that taik clean if you can beat his high score

    sungguh keji

    im good but that guy is HARDER, BETTER ,FASTER and STRONGER than me in 3d pinball. Macam KANYE! lol lol lol

  21. lama giler x main pinball yg nih....8 thn dulu mmg seronok main mende nih

  22. woah! calculus is tough.
    good luck ye :)

    btw, I linked u in my blog. hope u dont mind :D

  23. type summit pun nak panjang sekarang eh. summit subang usj. hahaha. ;]

  24. huhu, dah lama tak main game ni. ada a friend of mine main this game sampai dapat 30+ extra balls (a.k.a. tak boleh habis main). last2 lenguh tangan bior semua bola jatuh kasi game over. high score tak dapat kukejar hingga kini.

  25. lupe nk komen. baru ingt sbb hafiiz tgh nk beat high score abg. 5 juta !!!!!!!!!!!!!! teringat mase dulu satu femeli maen pinball pastu abg berlagak pawer.

  26. oh lagi satu , siapa blh main gune satu tgn dan beat skor saya? my score is 1,456,399.

    2dua dari hafiiz

  27. eh..dia student. pastu ada wat business sambilan...model la apa segala solek menyolek at hostel segamat dia tu, pastu mcm kerap balik rumah, pastu semedang ada aktiviti (rasanya)...apdet blog lago...MAIN GAME PUN DIA JUGAK??? hish ko ni bela hantu raya ke jin apa? hahaha...tido kul brapa?

  28. saya sangat hebat bermain pinball. siap boleh main tipu lagi. hahaha.

    berani nak battle?

  29. hah shafiq!ohh shafik lain.serupa tapi tak sama,but I love maths though....hahahaa...just dropping by!cheerss

    calculus is logic.all those curves.area under those fine day it all will make sense! me on that.

  30. aah, btl ckp iz..sape shafiq dohh? hehe


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