
Friday, August 7, 2009

Flying solo *true story*

Thanks to my production house/producer who sent in my name for Malaysia's Film Festival nomination, I got the chance to fly high, Sabah baby! Okay tapi tak terer berlakon sehingga tercalonlah. Haha. All expense paid trip okay, mestilah teruja. Dalam hidup kalau susah teruja memang rugi. Sedikit jakun itu baik untuk jiwa.

After checking in my luggage. Trip to KLIA, I was accompanied by my Papi en Mami. First time flying solo, teriak I nak tinggal mereka :'( Haha annoying gila dah tua bangka godang nak teriak. Okay mutiara jernih mengalir di pipi jelah. Manja-manja mulus.

I sumpah blur gila sorang-sorang je all the way. Dah lah duduk sebelah lelaki tembam 30an yang baik hati. Tapi still, tak selesa lah kan nak tidur2.

Malas nak tunjuk gambar yang bekas ini dah buka. Ada satay ayam dan nasi goreng dan biskut dan Spritzer. I malas sebab I kecil hati stewardess lalai, lelaki tembam 30an dapat Fererro Rocher, I tak dapat. Hmph merajuk nak pergi batu belah batu bertangkup sekarang.

Then turun-turun plane terus call Daddy, Daddy where do I go from here *sebak. Hahaha lawak bila teringat balik. Sekali nampak Farid Kamil beratur kat kaunter passport Malaysia, ikut jelah. Phew.

Sebab roommate cancel flight, I spent one night alone in Sabah. Terer kan? CAKAP TERER CEPAT. Dah lah dalam kereta on the way KLIA, Daddy and I cerita-cerita pasal hantu and the highway ghost. Sabar jelah aku. Tapi sumpah, hebat siot tidur sorang kat sebuah hotel di Sabah *tabik spring kepada diri. Tapi takde apa-apa pun. Turn on jelah Disney Channel sambil tidur, sebab yang pertandingan tilawah Al-Quran dekat RTM dah habis haha. I ada banyaaaaak lagi nak cerita tapi sambung nanti ya! To be continued: All my days in Sabah :)
Sabahan, holler me!


  1. nominated?congrate....all the best hanis

  2. wah2...
    tabik spring jugak utk u...
    selamat pulang ke segamat ni...

  3. ngeee..boleh plak teringat citer antu kan?? hahaha

    beb, gmbo last paling besh!!

  4. waaaaa...tahniah hanis. ala takat tido sorang kat sabah takde ape nye lah. still dalam malaysia lagik ape. hehehe. cececece cakap orang..cuba kalau ai? tgk ada berani ka tarak? hahahha

  5. serious jealous tahap cimpanzi..haha..melampau x..rindu kamoe

  6. Hi Hanis. I was browsing around for you in OneBorneo on the night of 5th August during the perasmian for FFM but the crowd was too big..btw, Welcome to Sabah.

  7. wah.. sgt grown up gitu *clap clap!*

  8. tu macam kt courtyard hotel je... betul tak hanis?

    aniwe.. welcome to Sabah. kampung i tu... =D

  9. aaaah cant wait for you to get back to bring my hadiah eh eh i mean to see the laptop eh eh diam ah iz.

  10. harap2 esok tejumpa hanis. walaupun dari jauh. hahaha!

  11. we have an entry of the exact same title on the exact same day!
    (i always secretly wish i'd bump into you everytime i'm in KL and turn into fangirl mode. haha! now its not a secret anymore)

  12. envy u..
    smpkn slm pd sabah..
    sabah which part aa?
    btw congra..

  13. dear hanis, sy pon penah fly alone dari trg ke subang (je), nek firefly. sbb mase tu tiket bas nak balik chinese nuyer da habes. poor me. hee.

    believe me, once we're already in the moment of being a loner, it's quite scary but refreshing. something to be glad about. :)

  14. hye Hanis!
    u dah kat Sabah ek? jum lepak... wah mcm kenal2 je...

    neway, have fun!

  15. hehehe. sure gelabah fly sengsorang 1st time. kalo i pun gelabah.haha. tp,kalo dah tau skali..senang nnti! neway, gud luck Hanis :)

  16. hollla me hanis! i tinggal dekat KK town 5 minute dh sampai! series!! come come...!

  17. kisah dulu ke
    kisha sekarang ni/.

  18. giler x sabar aku nak nengok momok the movie...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. wElcome to my hOmetOwn hanis...
    all da best k

  22. flight kak hanis bisnes class eh???

  23. Hanisss... ZARA here...
    Brapa lama u gna b in KK??
    msg me..

  24. Best....Try Gi KundaSang...PAsti TEruja...Jgn LUpa MuTiara Sabah BAH...Utk FamLy Di K.L...Itu PUn TEruja....HEHhehe...BIla BAlik K.L?

  25. pas ni cerita evrythng in detail okey.

  26. been there last june. =)
    u shld go to pasar pilipines.kompom u shopping byk gila for kristal n pearls..

  27. hanis nnt jumpa adik hadziq tom tom bak k..xD

  28. best! nak t-shirt welcome to sabah. ceh berapa banyak baju da aku nak mintak. khekhekhekhe...
    okay lah. nak key chain. hahahahahah...

  29. best! nak t-shirt welcome to sabah. ceh berapa banyak baju da aku nak mintak. khekhekhekhe...
    okay lah. nak key chain. hahahahahah...

  30. ala kak.
    napa stay je kat hotel satu malam.
    kat sabah ni kan banyak tempat leh jalan2.
    saya duk kat sabah gak :).

  31. memang terer..
    do take care sweetheart,

  32. sy sbhan juga dan always balik alone sebab jadual flight slalu tak sama dgn kwn2 n slalu ada own planning so.. flying alone tu dah biasa. tp its a gud experience, rite? ;)

  33. terrer gile!!
    tabik spring laaa!!

  34. 'Sedikit jakun itu baik untuk jiwa'...ha3.hanis!yg ni plg lawak!hahahaahhaha :D

  35. hhahahhahaa.pasang kartun?i pasang espn kalau tido sorang2 kat hotel smbil ditemani dgn quran kecil.hiihihihi.penakut.

  36. naseb baek nmpk Farid Kamil..
    cian sorg2 je...

  37. i thought u wana story about h1n1 sebab pic u pakai mask rupenye laen hahahahhahaha nway congrats dude....

  38. i am not sabahan but i am student of UMS! but am away in australia for one semester on a virgin exchange program =D

    was so excited when i saw the word 'sabah' in your entry =D

  39. hanis, suka awk punya lappy case (:

  40. wah best giler. dok kat hotel di 1borneo ke cik hanis? ala kalau tahu cik hanis ada kat sini mesti dah berterik2 i pakai mask gi ke ums nak minta auto. hehehehe (sayangnye keta tak da. so berangan je la. tak ke mana hujung minggu ni)

  41. hehe..this entry reminds me of the one yg hanis pegi adventure naik LRT sorang2 kat tgh KL tu.. skrg naik aeroplane sorg2 ke sabah sudah.naik level. ;)

  42. lawak-lah kamuu..hahha...bravoooo!!

  43. really enjoy la bace ur blog, keep it up. bangge masyarakat segamat cenggini.


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