Monday, July 18, 2011

Why Women Travelers Should Be Extra Cautious

Jakarta Sweet Escape, the morning of our 2nd day.

I showered, stepped out of the bathroom, Liana Khairul was still sleeping (!!!) I was so nervous BECAUSE BREAKFAST ENDS AT 10AM IT IS ALREADY 820AM OMG WHAT CAN WE EAT IN 1HOUR 40 MINUTES ONLYYYY?! She wakes up and was mumbling something about not being an early riser and why am I opening the curtain, while getting ready to shower.

After that, we put on our comfiest attire and walked happily to the food that awaits us. Lalalalalalalalalalalalalala *holding hands* lalalalalalala *skipping girlishly* lalalalalalala *greet the birds* lalalalalalalala "Maaf ya miss, gak bisa pake capal di lobby hotel". "Apa?!" *sound of glass breaking* *thunder* *heavy rain* *I went back up* *I changed to my flats* *I go take all the food I can eat because this better be worth changing my shoes*

The food was marvelous, this is the only picture I got because we were so busy eating. Sitting behind us was the famous amos VJ Utt who was in Jakarta to host MTV VJ Hunt. Oh nasib baik tukar dah tak pakai selipar hotel *shy, looks down and flutters eyelashes*

Done eating, we headed back to our room. Reached the lift area when Liana Khairul realised the hotel card is not with her. She instructed me (LOL) to wait at the exact same spot while she go and get the hotel card she left at our table. I moved a little bit from the exact same spot (heh), and sat on a couch next to the lift.

There he was, a late 20s Korean guy in a suit, walking towards me, smiling. Without invitation, he sat next to me and introduced himself -_-. "Hey I'm Andy from Korea. I'm here for a company trip but tomorrow morning I'm going to Bangkok. I'm from Samsung, you know Samsung?" "Uhhh hey, yeah Samsung. My old TV is Samsung". In my head was "GET AWAY FROM MEEE".

Then he handed me a paper... (HE PREPARED THIS BEFOREHAND, WHYYY).

Frontal view.

Back view.

Liana Khairul came back and was like "What the hell I left you for 3minutes and you already got a guy chatting you up" and went all motherly on me "I'll never let you out of sight ever again" as if I'm unable to take care of myself, which could be true.

Tsk. We were scared. He followed us till our floor! It wasn't his floor! (You know the hotel system where you can only get to your floor with your hotel card, yeah he didn't use his card. He just went into the same lift and waited us to use our card it was creeeepy). We reached our floor, got out, and when he's gone, we immediately got back into the lift and waited for awhile before going back to our floor. When we reached, he was still there, searching for 'his room'. Nangis.

Kalau VJ Utt yang nak tahu bilik kiter katne takpe. Eh? Haip!

Luckily nothing happened and we got into our room safely without him knowing where it is. It might be us just overreacting. There is a possibility that he genuinely wanted to make friends and (who knows) would make a great Facebook buddy and he would 'like' some of my pictures which I looked good in, respond to my statuses that no one commented on, and even share interesting links... BUT NO. NOT TAKING A CHANCE.

I ain't got no tips for women travelers. Just want to let you know that these things happen and you gotta strategise.


  1. hati2 hanis:)bace 3 kul n ayat kursislmt bershoping kat Indon tu:)

  2. hAnis that is just so damn creepy, was that korean guy happens to be so ugly? Lol :D

  3. uikk... nerves gileee...

    nasib takde apa2x.. :fuh

  4. 1jam 40minit? sempat sendawa dah tuu :)

  5. Hoi asal tak call dia? K-pop kot?


  6. Huyoo,

    nih baru betul sekali petik, berduyun datang..

    eh silap, takpetik jari pun, dah dtg. huhuhuhu~

  7. OMG u might so damn nerbes. haha luckily nothing bad happened.

  8. uit, siap bagi detail lak tu.seram 0_0

  9. seram. macam cerita the taken bila anak dia kene culik wawaaa okay babai

  10. baca entry ni trus teringat sindiket palcuran di Paris dalam filem Taken. huhu

  11. haha~ biasalah tu, orang cantik macam Hanis mesti la lumrah kene approach dengan lelaki yang brave semacam like that. Mane tau die percaya dekat cinta pandang pertama ke? ^_^

  12. hanis, bila dia kejar u tu en, patut cakap dia "mitchoso" dengan muka tak bersalah, hehe..gerenti dia tak dekat lagi, weeee ! :D

    Mitchoso = crazy *in most of korean variety shows :P

  13. ooh sister..poor you.but it safety tak payah layan la. haha/ it's scary you know/

  14. Kalau handsome mcm won bin kan dah melepas tu.

  15. luckily nothing worst happened to you girls! thank God.

  16. i want to make friends with you kalau dia tulis i want to make love with you, kau tampor jer mamat tu ngan kasut kau Hanis.

    Girls, dengar cakap Hanis, be more careful with mamat like that. Jgn gedik2 happy sangat, sebab tidak semua org ikhlas nak berkenalan sebab ada sesetghnya ada udang disebalik batu. Grrrr..

  17. careful.. seriously ramai dah yg mcm tu..xtahu la pulak the same tactic kat sana...last time I kene kat KLCC...It is just the same sentence uolss..seriously cuak!

  18. take cARE of yourself carefully k..

  19. wahh..super dangerous..

  20. sah sah llaki tu ade niat tak btol...mne ade org yg waras tros2 bg stranger (dr negare laen plak tuh) personal details =.= pelik btol...

  21. ala...tak comel ke? ade rupe won bin? rain?

  22. i hope travelling alone in KK won't put me into that situation.

  23. hanis zalikah kan gojess..mamat korea pun dtg approach..hehe :)

  24. hhaha...thats funny!! Pervert!!

  25. cool gile laki too. xberani seh. Leh sangkut ker cara tu

  26. benda yg sama jdi kat kwn sy..scary!!

  27. sangat seram. wewewwe~

  28. Scaweeeeeee. Runnn for urr lifeeee

  29. yeahhh agreeed with u byk2 kali....
    jangan simply kan nak bagitau dok bilik mana ke apa kan...
    tringat citer TAKEN tu

  30. oh tersgt menakutkan.i can't imagine if i was in ur shoes.gulp

  31. Halamak, so creepy. Tapi Hanis tak cakap pun Korean guy tu handsome ke tak? Haha

  32. why so many korean , samsung to be specific ada kt mana2! huh

  33. uhh kene hati2.. nasib baik kak hanis pergi berteman.. kalo sorang2 lagi bahaya..nasib baik selamat alhamdulillah :)

  34. Sedikit Nasihat Ikhlas untuk cik empunya blog :D

    1.Semoga cepat bertemu jodoh. Insyallah akan lebih terpelihara keselamatan diri.

    dan one more nasihat ikhlas...

    2.Tutupilah aurat kerana itu tanda cinta Allah dan adalah untuk kebaikan seluruh alam. Kita mungkin decide ikut skala pemikiran kita, tetapi aturan ilahi itu the best utk seluruh kestabilan alam.

    harap jgn rasa offended ek, just nasihat ikhlas.


  35. scary.thank goodness he did nothing while u guys were i the lift.

  36. hanis kena lebih hati-hati pas ni..Ramai pemiinat awk kat luar sana.. :)

    Jom baca ni :Hari Sukan bersama Zaquan Adha..Ayu Raudhah mana?

    Jom baca ni :Butik Irma Hasmie? Tudung D'Haja terbaru untuk keluaran Hari Raya..

  37. wah..bahaye seyh..bahaya u know bahaya means?

  38. is he good looking? well, from the way u tried hard to avoid him, i guess not. LOL like the last facebook friend part! ;)

    Have a nice day!

  39. i think the tip would be: if travelling alone or in small groups, try to look ugly :P

  40. HAHA. This would be a highlight to your Jakarta trip! Something that you boleh gelak bila fikir balik. Nice one!


  42. knp ramai tnye about his looks,
    kalau hensem xpe la layan?

    you've watch 'taken', right?
    be careful ya..and have fun :)

  43. nasib baik tak duk kat hotel cikai. ahahah

  44. hai hanis...bestnya g jkarta..anyway..handsome tak itu mamat korea..?? be careful darl

  45. Dear Hanis,

    The same thing happened to me during one of my hotel stay. The only difference it was an Old Guy in his 40's (sugar daddy like) who passed his business card and followed me to my floor. It was a good move that u try to loose him. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  46. muke hitam pn ade admire?hot la konon?bhaha :DD

  47. kak hanis,mana cerita seram yang sampai seram nak tulis tu? tercari2 jugak entrynya.haha

  48. eh it cerita seram tu lelaki follow ke bilik? haha. i thought cerita hantu. XD shame on me.

  49. owh! gila creepy... dier berkenan sgtlaa tuh psl lawa....ehehehhe


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