
Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 Things To Consider Before Publishing Your Love Life Online

In response to the Google keyword search 'Hanis Zalikha boyfriend' that has knocked on my door countless times, I bring to you... 6 Things To Consider Before Publishing Your Love Life Online.

Take this: You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. You love him/her with all your heart, you jump I jump my heart will go on. Next thing you know, you're itching to tell the (online) world how deep/high your love is because obviously sea mountain all sure cannot challenge. So... Should you? Should I?


Your Audience
For this blog, I tahu adik-adik sekolah rendah (hai semua! hai kawan Alisya!) ada yang tegar baca belog ini nak tahu game terkini kat Facebook yang diorang boleh cuba menang LOL. Yang si pembaca cilik sudahlah senang terpengaruh, nanti umur baru setahun sebaya dengan jagung, dah nak ada pakwe/makwe ikut Keknis. Tak molek-molek.

I juga tahu ada lecturer-lecturer (salam 1Malaysia, salam 1UiTM di hatiku *berhemah*) yang ikuti penulisan I, jadi sungguh gelilah jikalau I mahu berjiwang di sini. Tak berwibawa betul nak cerita hari tuh kitew giew Uptown mamam doyan (durian dalam bahasa takde gigi) dengan diew hewhewhew nafas diew bau doyan lew pastuew, kitew pon samew jew, maluewww hikhikhik.

So think, who is your audience/reader/follower/FB friend? Is that really what you want to expose to them? My future boss might be reading this too... (HELLO FUTURE BOSS!)

Privacy Issue
For me, there are things that I'd like to keep private because as a lifestyle blogger (who exposes almost everything; work, study, family), I do need my space. And my partner does need his space as well.

My bestfriends (read: bestfriends, not just one) always come to me "Weh aku rimas orang yang aku jumpa tanya-tanya pasal kau sebab tahu kita bestfriend -_-". Jadi kini saya lebih memahami akan situasi. Takpelah, price yang I have to pay for being a blogger tak patut diburdenkan kepada orang tercinta dalam hidupku (Hamis ko takyahlah nak feeling public figure kat sini).

Saya juga aware situasi di mana haters, kalau tak dapat goyangkan dia punya target, dia akan shift kepada the partner. Jadi kalau orang benci/menyampah/meluat/geram/tak puas hati dengan saya, nanti partner saya ke yang kena tanggung bashing? Oh tak boleh lagu tu, tak boleh...

So I choose to keep my love life private.

Public Rating
Most of us have the tendency to judge/rate/compare someone's partner. I am not willing to let my other half go through that. Physical/economical/mental semua nak komen (mulut orang, takleh nak tahan jadi lebih baik avoid awal-awal). I pun taknak kena "Eh Hanis tak deserve him at all, just look at her".

Worse, I've seen some cases di mana sang public figure tukar-tukar boyfriend dan orang compare current boyfriend/husband with previous boyfriend. Tak ke stress?

Kalau you tegar, or ada your own agendas (as relationship guru ke apa), it is up to you though.

Trash Can
No one wants to go separate ways in bitterness, but can you foresee the future? Kalau tertempek muka sang kekasih dalam entri terdahulu, bila tak berhasil antara anda berdua, ha kan dah kena buang one good entry. Kalau banyak penulisan anda ada include dia? Ha kan dah kena buang few good entries.

Rugi... rugi...

Lagi drastik bila terpaksa tukar blog address/banner/host terus.

Over feeling
Toleransi orang terhadap material jiwang berlainan. Ada yang suka nak baca, ada yang rasa nak pelangkung. Anda ada kan kawan di Facebook yang suka canang-canang pasangan dia, aktiviti mereka bersama, ekpresi cinta di hati, setiap 5minit? Ha anda suka? Kalau anda suka baguslah, anda memang penyayang.

Jadi saya nak elak benda tuh lebih baik jangan mulakan. Mana kita tahu kan, kot-kot dah angau takleh kawal. Nanti tulis pun macam bagus, pakwe I paling best/sweet/romantik/hot/berasap. Jenuh korang nak mengadap.

Takpelah, biar kami angau berdua sahaja. Last time I checked, love is between two people.

Special Place
Begini. I buat belog dari I umur 18tahun. Imagine kalau dari waktu I start belog, setiap kali tukar pasangan, I tulis kat belog ini. Wah! Meriah uols!

Takleh jadi... takleh jadi... Macam dah takde apa yang istimewa. Jadi apakata siapa yang menang (best man wins gitueww) je, boleh difeaturekan. Nama dia : Hasben.


  1. thats so true. Dulu my 1st bf pun, pernah sampai tukar status relationship kat Fb. then bila clash, of cz tukar status tu right. Rupenya malu ya rabbi bila orang tau kita dah clash. since that, memang xpernah tukar status and keep it private. If future bf wants to, so sorry to say laa sbb memang takkan expose. Hubby je. ngeh3

  2. hehehe..suke entry ni. u mmg beauty with brain;)

  3. good one hanis! i mg agree ssgt sbb mluat baca blog org cerita pasal bf. baru bf/tunang je pon. pastu break maki2 pungpang2.tah pape

  4. iloikeeee,,btul3..xsume bnda kite leh share kan..

  5. i agree with u hanis... :)
    lps dh kawen bru lah i brani nk
    jiwang skit2 dlm blog i..
    skit jelah kan..hehehe..

  6. haha...seriously aku memang suke style ko tulis..slamber jer walopon certain ayat ken abaca 2 3 kali nk paham sebb hiperbola terlalu byk..heheee

    keep it work :)

  7. bukan semua benda nak kongsi di blog kan..kena hati2 jgk :)

  8. LOL..
    kite reramai tggu siapa yg namenya akan disbut di sini..

  9. Hanis, u tertinggal 1 perkataan: "...the price yang I have to pay for being a FAMOUS blogger". Blogger tak femes cam kitaorang ni, kalau citer pasal kucing ke, bf ke, karipap ke, tak dak sapa kisah. Hihi :p

  10. hanis i giler respect you ;DD sgt2 adorable laa u ni. btw kalau wedding jgn lupe plak jemput readers u ok. :)

  11. agreed..wonder why some people tayang gf/bf as if org lain takde partner.. hurmmm

  12. the best woman is for the best man :) yuhuuuuuu.good luck good luckk. apa kata kita sama2 dapat cinta DIA dulu nak? hehe

  13. terbaik la keknis!

    mmg ramai girls suka tayang pakwe dlm blog. sgt ramai!

    dan saya kalau nampak blogger mcm ni mmg sure rasa nak cepuk sebijik tp apa boleh buat, hanya nampak kegedikkan beliau menayang pakwe dlm dunia maya, so xleh cepuk sebab nnt cepuk patah skrin laptop saya.

    tp pape pun. totally agree with all those points!

  14. OH GOD! finally! i've been waiting for someone to write something like this.

    200% agreed!

    sometimes people just have to know their limits. thanks keknis :3

  15. suka dengan cara Hanis yang bukan sibuk nak tayang boyfriend.

  16. i love this one.u have the right to publish what u want. and keeping ur private life private is what u need to do :)

    if you spoke your mind all the time u'd be speechless forever
    (ini voldermort yg cakap)

  17. hi Hanis! i've been a silent reader of your blog for quite some time.. really like your writing style. funny and on the dot! :P and totally agree with you that some things are best kept secret. all the best for your future undertakings!

  18. i second ure postttt 110% tau!

  19. it's hanis zalikha's boyfriend instead. I'd prefer announcing my boyfriend called 'husband' rather than announcing a so-called husband to the public :) (sorry kalau komen I bajet public figure mcm u jugak) lol

  20. tersangatlah setujunya... memang banyak perkara yang perlu difikirkan sebelum dibuat cerita dalam blog... tak semua sesuai dibaca semua orang dan tak ramai orang suka baca kisah peribadi ala-ala diary story kan?.. lainlah kalau princess diary ker... boleh buat filem dapat duit untung juta-juta... hehe

  21. well said. opinion/ your view, well accepted. i like. especially the end of it. HASBEN.

  22. omg, this entry made me comment ur entry as i someone that really rare to comment. 300% correct

  23. Your comment, tweet & Facebook share keeps me going! I thank you. Each one.

  24. agree. btw, sangatlah icky bila dgr bf gf ckp xde gigi in social media. erghh.. lol

  25. kittew suke entri ini la kak nis ! :D hehehehe ;P

  26. benar benar benar. i'm 16 and i'm the 1 of *your audience* kakak hanis HAHA (mahu mengaku budak skola rendah)

  27. sy pon xcite bf2 ni kt public *bajet retis gitew

    nice entry!!~

  28. also, say no to multi author blog, by which they are only two authors: makwe and pakwe. can't imagine what happen if they broke up.

    oh, Imma get nuked by saying this....

  29. tulah pasal..

    tak semua orang suka kita asyik terlalu menulis tentan bf kita..

    kita mana tahu orang tak suka kita tulis,tak suka apa kita letak..tak semua paham apa kita nak cerita pasal bf kita..

    cukuplah kita dan dia tahu...cita biasa2 je lah..hehehe
    like like..

    suka hanis tulis ini...hehehe...

  30. agree! i pun tak suka bising2 sangat hal relationship ni. geli lah.

  31. Yeah.. tepat sekali hanis.. Bfore this my blog pun pernah citer pasal my ex bf.. then biler we've nothing, i ase cam nak delete jer balik ape yang penah i citer pasal dia. thank god, i tak featured banyak pasal dia pun.. fuh3.. tapi bila ternampak link tu, rase nak campak jer laptop dalam lombong.. hehehehe

  32. Ya Allah, kenapa lah Keknis ni. Tak boleh blaaaa this part :

    rituew giew uptown mama doyan nafas diew bau doyan kitew pun samew jew malueww hikhikhikkkk

    Kelakar lah!! XD

  33. I like this entry. setuju sangat2.

  34. btul tu,,yg kelakarnya ada gk yg tk kisah letk tiap2 gmbr BF die,,sape yg malu,,tak psl cop playgirl,,

  35. yeah..btol2..

    same goes to me..
    bila dlu smgt i cerita sana sini kt blog sal bf i.. em ye la.time tu sonok sgt..

    so bila dah jadi ex..xleh wat apa lah

    dpt pngajaran.
    jgn lagi bercerita beria ia pasal sesuatu yg blum pasti..
    so pas ni. dh kawen bru nk gitau..heee

  36. YES... so damn true! selagi blom jadi husband tersayang, elok lah low profile kan je dia.. depends, kalau blogger ialah public figure mcm Hanis, eloklah simpan dulu elok2.. ahkak memang meluat orang dok becintan-cintun dalam fb mcm kan ko sorang je ada bf/gf.. tapi sebab orang tu bukan public figure so nobody cares pon.. lagipon betul lah, kena pikir siapa reader kita, kena jaga hati sana sini..dan tanggapan orang kat kita.. kang kata gatal mengenyam plak.. kita gak yang conclusion nye, hanis memang bijak.. eh haku dah macam makcik-makcik T______T hehe

  37. seriously this is good advice. I would delete every single thing on my blog..if it has anything to do with the former boyfriend. It's like I want to be clean, from any traces of him. Actually, start a clean slate :p

    So how many times can I delete things if it happens again? And again?

    I'm tempted to write something occasionally, but will try to hold on for dear life. Please don't let me do that. It's going to be messy later, if anything. Have to remind myself every time.

  38. betul :) saya setuju with Hanis. I think this is my first comment on ur post . hehe. but em i agreed with those points. plus its only bercinta, kalau tibe2 putus ? takkan nak delete all the post. kan lagi satu kerja nak buat. u got what I mean ? :)

  39. well, i'm impressed! Good job HZ.. yawww :)

  40. Yep, totally agreed! I pun naik meluat gak setiap masa nak update status or entry dgn bf/gf kan. get a life lah! hahaha

    better kita cerita pasal family ker, academic ker so benda yang positif remaja yg lain boleh ikut.

  41. part last best..
    "best men win=husband!"

  42. stuju dgn pun nak mula start bloging...

  43. hee. love this. i have a bf too. so,1st time berblog i have no point. just utk write a lil bit for bf since i went work away in jb. then after that,mule berblog seriously. no lovey dovey at all. just a lit selitkan He in it. hewhewhew. hehe. love this entryyyy :D

  44. betol..x semestinya orang suka baca belog kita whne we talk about ur bf kan?

  45. hoho. u r really good la. tak nak buat buku motivator ke..haha. but jangan guna bahasa skema. use ur own word. sure gempak! ayat sendiri! santai cm gini. sure laris!

  46. another entry of HZ that shows her maturity...I'm impressed. Anyway, even bila dah ada hubby pun takyah la diexposed sgt...simpan je rapat2 dlm almari :D

  47. nice entry, sy kagum dengan anda.

  48. totally agreee dear.. nanti nk share laa tips ni.. :)

  49. tersenyum baca entri ni.
    gud points, hanis. moga entri ni dpt bg pengajaran pd bloggers/readers :)
    bosan tgk org yg dok tayang BF yg blm tentu jd hak milik kekal.

  50. agreed!

    menyampah sebenarnye tengok orang duk cerita pasal boyfriend je kat blog. konon iloveyouforever n i will marry you stuff tp few months after that buat post sedih sebab dah break up.

    see, kan i dah judge orang lain. so better avoid buat post macam tu untuk tutup mulut orang.

    i pernah buat post ni, .

    it's something similar to what you just post. oh n btw, semalam baru je cakap kat kawan. 'i like hanis zalikha. she's famous yet she never reveal much about her life'. then ttibe u buat post ni. haha

  51. i really liked ur word,"Takpelah, biar kami angau berdua sahaja.Last time I checked, love is between two people".lagipun,maybe sy akan brhenti baca belog ni kot klu tiap kali update asyik menepek ayat terjun lautan api sanggup ku kuak lentang..ehehe peace yaw ;) tekok beriuh

  52. good job hamis aka Hanis!!

    (from your 'future boss'! hoho!)

  53. very very perfect!!! ;)

  54. EXACTLY!! SETUJU 100000000000000000000000000 KALI.

  55. so true. thank you so much for this post. so much ! i went through this and i know how bad it'll turned into. regret much but somehow i appreciate more on having such experiences so that i wont repeat the same mistakes again in future.

  56. awak sangat comel!!!

    but true though... only 'hasben' yang boleh dibuat entry!!!! hew! hew! hew!

  57. so TRUE hanis. kalo dh jd hasben pun kena simpan cerita juga, sekali sekala bolehla nk publish dlm blog. bkn apa, kta x tahu jodoh kita panjang mana, semuanya ketentuan Allah.

  58. good job keknis. :) love ur entry. adorable blogger.... bagusla.ada part dlm life xperlu kita nak expose.

  59. i like 10000000000000x dis entri hanis!! gud job!
    btoii bukan sume boleh di publish sesuka suki hati kita,
    even kat belog sndrk.
    laen ler kita sendrik jer yg membaca belog kiter sendrik! yea dop!

  60. yup setuju...
    bila nak introduce encik husben itu...hehehe...

  61. sgt setuju.mmg myampah baca blog yg asyik cerita pasal bf msng2..macam dia sorg ja ada partner dlm dunia..pastu bila clashh ddk buat ayat sedih durjana plak dekat blog..ishhhhhhhhhh

  62. yup!.. setuju.. itu privacy no need utk bgtau org len..

  63. agree! kalo blog dh cerita psl fmly, kucing, jalan2, shopping..kene jugak la simpan sikit...
    lg2 kesian dekat kawan2 alisya.hehe..sangat comel kene pikir kan semua reader punya hati...


  65. boto tu Hanis oiii...induk yg dah nak masuk warga omeh ni..selalu gak nak termuntah dok baca status anak2 nih!!!

  66. Kira nak kata ada partner la ni sbnrnya? Hihihihi

  67. yup yup yup betul2 paling suka tengok fesyen hanis hihihi

  68. saya sangatlah bersetuju yang arif. :)))

  69. Brilliant article Hanis... especially tang reader/viewer tuh. I am a lecturer myself, and sometime I garuk kepala tgk perangai student I yg add I dalam FB.. dorang tak ingat ker yg dorang dah add lecturer dorang dlm FB... Even I sendiri pon berpada-pada in sharing, tak kelas ler kalau student baca i tulis "terasa stupid hari ni sbb tak paham ekonomi".. what da?!

  70. Brilliant Minded HZ..keep it up!!gurl(maybe ur i'm ur FUTURE LEC..hehe:)

  71. Likeeeeeee ! Glad that now I have a husband and can feature him in the blog :P

  72. Saya suka cara kak hanis tulis. Cool sangat! Haha. Betul juga apa kak hanis cakap tu :D

  73. Agreed with you Hanis. Dah kahwin nak reveal sapa husband ke, nak lovey dovey ke dah tak kisah dah. Hehe

  74. lOVE IT! i always keep my love life private.

  75. :)

    Saya, kalau en. Asben pun kurang jugakk nak cite kat blog ni. Bersifat jeles gitu. My asben, mine alone... hehhe, buleh gitu?

  76. ya betul..sebab u dah famous..tak boleh simply tulis sesuka hati..
    i tak per, tak ada orang kenal i..hikssss

    good hanis..sejuk kak nanie dapat dotter mcm u nih..

    beauty with brain...that is what u are...

  77. haha..good one. betina baru ex-bf aku bole baca ni. blog dia..yarabi, penuh kisah cinta cintun depa. siap cite mcm mana kenal, mcm mana kapel, bg hadiah apa, dating buat apa, dating kat mana. gamba depa pn penuh kat blog. *promote diri ke apa? huh, dahla dasar perempuan yg mengambil hak org. takpa2. ada balasnya nnti. :P

  78. hubby is very private person khasnya bab2 personal and private life. So, he refuse to reveal me and the children on anything tak kisah la FB ke, Twitter ker dan apa2 la sewaktu dgnnya. So, I pun try my very best not to reveal him to the public through fb ker, twitter ker and apa2 la yang sewaktu dengannya.

  79. betul tu hanis. setuju sangat! nak tunggu hasben tu siapa orangnya. ahaks!

  80. haah la its true 100%. nanti bila ada stalker yang minat kat boyfriend/girlfriend kita mesti kita yang nyesal di kemudian hari tskk T__T

  81. BETUL!!!! Bukan semua benda kita boleh share kpd dunia kan...

  82. hahaha..i love your future life partner's name - Hasben

  83. Hanisss... akakk sukaaa bacaaa... cool

  84. bercerita pasal gf/bf bagai nak rak bila dh terputus tgh jln malu pun bagai nk rak jugak..

  85. a'a, tak semua kita kena cerita dalam blog sebenarnya kan.

  86. betullah kata Mama...
    Hanis seorang yg matang...
    sy juga berpendapat yg sama...
    sy tak taruk gambar Wife sy dlm Blog or FB, tapi kalu gathering sy bawa...
    ctg buruk dah byk... macm bloger kita yg glamor amor tu duk cerita pasal bf, sampai bertunang bagai... filing2.. alih2 putus tunang tak muat surat khabar nak cover story,... Blog pulak takkan nak tutup!!! jenuh nak delet entry2 lama...

  87. wah....
    comelnye statement u hanis
    'Jadi apakata siapa yang menang (best man wins gitueww) je, boleh difeaturekan. Nama dia : Hasben.'

    the best man will featured in the special entry .yeah.

  88. suka giler entry ni. Dh tau dr dulu lg hanis tak buat entry pasal love love ni. so, i ikut style hanis kat blog try tak cter ttg tu. malu dan mcm x patut utk di cter.

  89. that's true...kebanyakkn org suka story'morry bout psgn kt blog..bila da putus caci'maki...tahpape..ngee xD

  90. wahhh..tetiba khairul fahmi che mat aka apexx puji cara penulisan u kat twitter dia td....
    “@fahmiapexs: Aku kagum dgn care penulisan blogger famous hanis zalikha beauty with brain”

  91. simple
    senang faham

    banyak benarnya. renung sama2.

    suka you, kak hanis :)

  92. great opinions come with great mind~~betul tu hanes~~

  93. very true. Bagus nya Hanis tegas dlm berblog, ada yg terlalu khusyuk nak berblog smpi cerita mcm2.

  94. terbaeek la hanis!!!!! ber juta kali!!!=)....las word..."hasbend!!!=)

  95. Totally agree with you Hanis. Suka dgn cara u berfikir. Keep it that way!

  96. Ohmegoshhh. Terase terasee wooo. Haha bagos ahh kek niss nihh.

    Mmg pk sume pmbace yg mmbacenye~
    Yee btol tuu kt fb kt blog kt mane2 online ni cm nak dpt public figure jee.

    Katenyeh nak tell the world how much he/she love kdg2 naek gelii jugak bace klu setiap mase nak manje2.its privatee oke~ :)

    But skali skale pleasee nak tgok jugakk kek niss berjiwangg bersweet.alololo~ hikhik. (*^_^*)

  97. haaaa betul tu...jangan show off sangat pasangan kita...banyak bahayanya sebab nanti kata2 orang tu, jadi satu doa pulak....

  98. nak kawen sok, jangan nak berahsia pulak ek.. hehe

  99. I do agree with u :) Just be like a normal. Don't too over to show off our partner to public.

  100. Salam pekenalan ..cantik sungguh orangnya :)

    Umi pun setuju ..kalau selalu citer pasal bf selalu sangat nanti org pun tak berapa nak terima ..

    Nice blog ..chayo2!

  101. a definite true..unless show off is our biggest let us blog for something more useful and informative for the readers, right?

  102. sy pun setuju jgk la Hanis..mmg pun..lbh baik kita simpan dr share to public..risiko tggi wo..lg la mcm Hanis yg da mcm public figure..wlpn la ramai yg nk tau who's your bf..better keep it then share it..bahaya if in future anything bad happens to both of u... :)

  103. yeah agreed dengan semua pernyataan diatas.Tak semua benda kita boleh ceritakan dengan orang lainkan.haha

  104. Spot on! I personally feel we should keep our love life or lovey dovey story low or "you & me" that kind of thing. The less you tell the more people wanna know so be it...your privacy, your choice.

  105. hakhakhakhakhak..setuju dek non..hasben jugak yg the best of the best..

    singgah lalu~~

  106. macam...."1 sepakan penalti yg memang ditujukan kat penjaga gawang,dannnnn...arghhhh...gagal dikekang dgn kemas disitu.."
    akhirnya bdn tbakar sbb gigih brenang dilahutan hapi. NICE 1 !!

  107. sangat sangat sangAT setuju. terutama perempuan ;)

    tak perlu expose sangat life story mory pasangan centa hati :) tak manis..hewheww

    tp kalu da rajin menaip, apa kata, pi buat satu blog private, hah. senang deh

    I have added cool emoticons to this message.
    To see them go to

  108. u are the right... baru becinta dah over letak pic and post2 psal bf/gf kat wall post... then break up.. then dapat new bf/gf, buat bnda yg sama lg.. eeeuuuwww...

  109. i love this entry. baru je habis menyampah dgn budak2 yang update status d fb yang sangat2 menyengalkan.

  110. i like your stand hanis. well written!!

  111. totally agree wit u!!!!da selalu sgt blog pasl bf yg tecinta.padhal bkn ape pun.lg2 yg ckp xde gg.huhuh..kalo nk xde gg ngn hasben ok gak.kehkeh..people2 dont 2 excited cite psl ur luv k.xjd kang malu2.tetibe kutuk2 mcm nk pengsan..

  112. 110% on "Love is between two people"..feeling over the top pun boleh buat orang lain menyampah..mcm kat FB..ade pasangan tu..panjang meleret nak bercintan cintun kat comment box fb tu..why don't they express the feeling or chit chat over real medium? Handphone kan ade..nak sngt orang lain baca kisah perbualan drg tu kat fb.. hampeh..

    btw, love this post ^_^

  113. saya setuju keknis...buat apa jaja cerita personal tentang bf dalam entry.baca sendiri pun rasa geli apatah lg readers.malu la..malu..

  114. yup.. it's better only your husband can be featured.. you got points.. i love it all.. :)

  115. yup.mcam takde story lain nak dicerita dengan bahsa takde gigi tu lagi.Haiya.:)

  116. Yo HZ.

    Apa agaknya perasaan adik Jejariruncing kalau dia baca entry ni?


  117. yes, totally agree! that was really usefull for new blogger =)hy kak anis! hehe

  118. Saya setuju. Ada sesetengah benda yang perlu kita simpan untuk diri sendiri.

  119. memiliki cinta yg tiada keraguan adalah puncak kenikmatan kepada seorang hamba. sebagaimana yg dicintai itu tidak sempurnya, sejauh itulah cinta itu akan ditumpangi keraguan.

    insyallah,kawan-kawan disini mendoakan you bahagia.

  120. walaupun ak ni penyayang, tapi stil muntah gak bace public love berderet setiap 5 min kat fb.

  121. ok sentap 456786789 kali..hahaha-.-

  122. tapi kan, mcm dah tau2 je nak tukar-tukar bf lak nih... hehehe

  123. setuju sangat ayat yang last skali...

    Jadi apakata siapa yang menang (best man wins gitueww) je, boleh difeaturekan. Nama dia : Hasben.

    hehe... nasib baik dah kawin baru setat berbelog. kalau tak maybe tercerita juga pasal si partner tu. hehe

  124. tak sempat pulak nak merasa, dulu masa belum kawen takde blog..uhuk uhuk

  125. xpe..biar sy mengaku..saya la bf hanis sebenarnye..hahahaha.. :p

  126. hahahah....tu lahh..ada blogger duk cite pasal bf..n then die...n then die clash die smbung balik...dulu dok kutuk...kan ke dh malu...

  127. check mine :D huhu.go hanis go!

  128. Salam Hanis. :-)

    Saya baru je post entry pasal my hubby. Then terbaca your entry. Terus rasa seronok.

    Bagi yang terkena, mesti terasa pedas semacam. Apapun ini kira nasihat berguna. Ok apa.

  129. ahahaha..comel je entry ni it!

  130. can't disagree more...just look at famous bloggers irene n cikepal..rasa nak muntah baca bila asek sebuk ckp bf/tunang masing2..hmm..last time i follow diorang..but now dah nyampah nak bace..bile tgh syok bercinta komain puji melambung..bile dh clash komain kesat bahasa dlm entries..mongok...

  131. betol2 ! skongg even i sndri letak tp time by time i do realise about it and takde la nk jiwang2 consider readers la kan :)

  132. very nice write up..btw, i have Calvin Klein perfume to give away.. check out my blog and join the maaa..tak mau ka?

  133. Yup, it's really true. But ada jugak yang okay.

    Best this entry. :)

  134. agreed my darlings ! and Im sure someone yang terkenal akan tersentap dengan your entry kali ne . oh yeah !

  135. yes !tk payah nk show sgt kalau tgh hangat bercinte .kang bila da break mula la jadi bodoh .cam slalu org ckp time kapel 'baby' bila break 'babi' .time kapel 'sayang' bila break 'bangang' .time kapel 'hi darling' bile break bye 'anjing' .time kapel 'handsomenye' bile break 'sakai nye' .time kapel 'i love you ,ok bye' bile break 'i hate you cibai ' .dah break baru mencarut sane sini .:)

  136. okay.. we get what u're trying to say.. now tell us.. who is your boyfriend? XÞ~

  137. huhu~~ i like laa..
    mmg pon..ape la benefitnyee g tayang cte psl bf/gf nih..
    publicity je style budak2 je k..

  138. serious agree!!!! love u lah hamis!!!!!

  139. betul tu keknis..
    bagus entri ni..mengingatkan pd semua yg suka tnjuk bf kt blog/fb..yg jiwang...


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