
Monday, November 14, 2011

Most Influential Blog

1.Who sent you here?
2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
3.What do you get from my writings?
4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
(Best answer to these four questions will win you a bottle of magical dust from me!)

I want to know. I need to know. Because you've nominated me for Most Influential Blog in Asia Pacific (for Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011) and now I'm representing Malaysia to fight for that title! Yes, I am one of the 5 finalists for that category and I'm thrilled! Thank YOU!

However, I can only bring home the award with your help because it comes from your votes. Sobs.

Honestly, bab kaut undi, I memang fail *playing the sympathy card*. Seriously, kalau kena appoint jadi calon ketua darjah, terus bontot gelongsor ke depan dan tengkuk masuk dalam badan, sebab malu sangat. Malu kalau dah berdiri luar kelas dengan calon-calon lain, pastu takde siapa undi. Even orang yang mencalonkan tadi tu pun tak undi T_T

Masa dekat universitas, walaupun semua cadang I bertanding untuk position MPP, I tak pernah ever. Ya MPP, yang kau kena berkempen janji manis propaganda manisfesto paling gemilang untuk raih undi itu. Yang satu minggu tuh memang kau kena tiba-tiba senyum kat setiap jasad mengharapkan mereka hafal senyuman kau dan semai dalam dada untuk pangkah muka itu. Tak ghetiii. Tak ghetiii.

Jadi apakah kesimpulan cerita ini? Kesimpulannyaaa... UNDILAH HAMIS JALIKHA UNTUK MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOG. BOLEH UNDI DI SINI MULAI ESOK (15.11.11). Am I doing this right? Is this how you fish for votes T_T 

No seriously korang kena undi jugak sebelum 27 November sebab kucing I takleh harap.


  1. hanis, are u purposely put "BOLEH UNDI DI SINI MULAI ESOK (15.12.11)"

    i mean, 15 haribulan 12? :S

  2. demoknya kucing youuuuuuu :D

  3. 1. No one sent me. Its Kosmo if im not mistaken write about you few moths ago. Or few years ago. Either one.
    2. Because its simple and fun.
    3. Hmm. Fun i think.
    4. First my writing and my english. Second you motivate me to work hard so that i can have a superhype life like you.


  4. your cat looks bigger than you! ;)

  5. Thank you! Don't forget to answer those questions for a chance to win Collagen Dust! Like what Alip Apai did.

  6. 1.Terbaca satu belog & dia link kan belog Hanis. Bila pergi lepastu dengar nama mcm familiar. Then, teringat yg Hanis pernah masuk TV3 (rancangan Terjah tak silap)

    2. Your writing. Macam ada aura gitu, heee. :)

    3.Macam-macam. Knowledge, inspiration. :) Thank you.

    4. You has become one of my idol. Want to be like you, beauty with a brain. DL every sem & kita sama2 bdk business. haha. :)

  7. Jawapan bagi soalan yang dituju. LOL.

    1.Keknis. She drag me and I fall in love at the first sight. She is dragging me to the funniest blog. Secara jujurnyaa kalau keknis cakap pasal barang orang besar seperti...perfume fergie..lotion..alisya akan baca bila bosan sahaja. ;) takpe saya tetap membaca blog keknis.

    2. Sebab keknis selalu buat lawak bodoh, yang semua orang akan gelak seperti "Ajak Hafiiz liat gemuk tuh solat sekali" -dalam entri kisah cinta terhebat.

    3. Lawak, pastu kadang kadang bermotivasi sangat. Dan dapat mengajar Alisyya write english lebih banyak. And speak too. Pastu sekarang alisya rasa macam tulisan di blog alisya sama cam keknis nye. cuma keknis punye limited edition.

    4.Affect to my lifee??? It makes my life a not cerita P.ramlee "you know what i mean, rightt?"
    And the way you write is a motivation for my blog which is a good one to earn money from nuffnang. (mukia tarik seluar sampai dada)

  8. Hai cik Hanis yang manis!

    Straight to the jawapan jelah kan. Yang pasti, I akan vote you juga! Yeayy!

    1. Ternampak nama 'Hanis Zalikha' dalam paper Kosmo ke Metro mengenai carian Google terbanyak yang dilakukan rakyat Malaysia. And 1 of the carian is you :)

    2. Honestly bila first time baca blog Hanis, I rasa seronok coz apa yang you ceritakan tu is real, fun and happening! Lagi pulak bila you suka keluarkan ayat2 kelakar, hmm memang I akan sentiasa jenguk ke blog you, Hanis! I rasa first entry yang I baca ialah tentang you kena kejar ngan mamat Korea masa trip ke Jakarta tu :)

    3. What I get from your writings? Banyak sangat cik Hanis oi! You made me smile, made me inspired to live life happily, made me love my life more, made myself motivated each time I rasa macam lil bit fed up dengan hal kerja dan yang paling best apa yang you tulis tu guided me to be more confident! Betul! Hopefully pasni you teruskan menulis blog dengan entry2 yang best ye! :)

    4. Macam I terangkan kat jawapan untuk soalan no 3 tadi, Hanis Zalikha dan blognya telah banyak menyalurkan positive energy towards me and my life! You are so real and so honest to your writings, so those words are just meaningful to me! :)
    Harap you akan sentiasa berjaya dalam hidup! Doakan I juga yea! :)

    Sekian :)))

  9. bagi kucing tu dulu, baru undi hehehehe ;)

  10. 1. nobody sent me here, i ushered myself here..LOL

    2. banyak input + FUN to read!

    3. a lot! especially when you are sharing (as well as promoting) stuffs u use, ur INFLUENCE made everyone want to own the stuffs..tgk saja collagen dust and dove chocolate. :)

    4. improvising my english usage + makes me realize i need to have time management, since hanis sendiri is super busy but have time for almost everything.

    and of course, will be voting for u whether u ask for it or not. ^_^

  11. takde alasan tak dapat top 5! huhu!

    congrates! Will vote for you!

  12. 1.Who sent you here?
    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    3.What do you get from my writings?
    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    1. My university roomate.
    2. I like the way you interpret things and situation. It makes me feel like you're such an interesting person and though i dont know u personally, through your writings i feel like i want to know this hamis jalikha.
    3. Im inspired by your past experiences. How u juggle time between studies and social activities(modeling, blogging, appearances). i also get educated with what is going on in malaysia(competitions and such). and most importantly how its important to stay to our roots. nowadays most famous bloggers prefer to write in english. The fact that u still type in bm shows that your writings can be interesting too when u type in bm.
    4. Like i mentioned, uve proven that its possible to juggle time between family, social activities and studies. uve inspired me to write more in my blog. uve also taught me the values of being close to my family.
    thank you =)

  13. 1. Bloglist in Izdiyani Musawir brought me here! And masa tu I dun even know who the hell is this pretty girl! ;p

    2.I cont to read ur blog because I found that ur blog is so interesting tau. First masa I baca tu, masa tu u masak kot with alisya. Masak terung kot. HAHA. if i'm not mistaken :P

    3.I got evrythingg! Masa i broke up, i came to ur blog and find your entry back pasal how to survive break ups. Like seriously, I follow the tips. And now I am 90% moved on. :))

    4. Obviously my english. I started to learn new words. Kalau tak paham, google translate is my bestfriend (wlupun tak betul kdg2 hahaha)

    Okay thats all hanis! Will vote for you! :P

    Best of luck! :))

  14. hamis. eh hanis. eh kenapa hamis pulak?

    suka baca belog lama-lama macam belog hanis entri peh ada kelas wa cakap lu. yeay!!

  15. 1. mase tu takde keje and blog hopping. terlompat ke blog nih. so tak tau dr blog sape yg melompatkn i ke sini.

    2. you tulis secara santai2. dan kelakar. senang otak ni nak proses. *entri 1st bace pasal ade org dengki ur mama meniaga aiskrim msia depan skolah*

    3. tips2 dan info2 yg bergune. Hilang stress sebab penulisan anda ni kelakar. And sebab ni bout your life, so secare x langsung boleh tahu juga style kehidupan org yang berbeza,

    4. hmmm.... jadikn i lebih positif sebab you selalu positif. pastu, hidupku lebih ceria~~ From ur blog, dapat plak link ke your mama's blog, maka dengan ini sudah reti masak lauk n buat kek yang sedap sebab puan nani rajiin kong resepi. teeheee


  16. 1. obefiend
    2. sebab hanis selalu malas update blog, saje nak check kalau2 hanis update blog dia, ke tak lagi...
    3. inspiration, you're a positive person. it's easy to adore you.
    4. your blog is part of my breakfast, my search shortcut has
    not reading it for a day is like not having sugar in my coffee.

    'come dusty, come to mommy'

  17. 1. On the day I started to blog, I've google for how to make a good blog then I found this one statement from this blog which I forgot the name already. Written there, "kalau kau tak usaha promote blog kau, malas blogwalking, sombong dgn blogger lain jgn harap org akan kenal blog kau. Apa kau ingat kau Hanis Zalikha yg sekali seminggu update boleh dapat beratus komen & visit?! "

    Then I was like, who's this hot blogger chic. I google for u on the spot

    2. I find your writing is mature, no more kiddo-style unbeneficial writing, u inspire people somehow and ME too anyway! I love how u state your opinions

    3. I got useful info, tips, new trends, getting informed latest contest offered and I can get to know u as the most famous blogger with most followers in Malaysia although I never meet u in person. U inspired me to be better, to work my ass hard to get what I want in my life.

    4. Seeing your result was super duper awesome although u are busy with modelling, going home every weekend really inspires me to try my best in study. Impossible is nothing for u because u will really work for what u want, for example u just bought a car hehe. your independence and u have achieved many things in a very young age- by 21 motivated me to work hard too and never give up with the falls I faced.

    A better year for a better achievement, good luck in your life Hanis! =)

  18. saya nak jwp dlm bm ley... saya xteror english... hehehe...

    1.Who sent you here?
    A : secara jujur... xda sapa.. cuma tersesat... hehehe...

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    A : ia sangat la simple... n ada fun2 yg simple...

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    A : senyuman utk diri sendiri.... release tension jap bila baca ayat2 klaka yg ada...

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    A : kwn2 klu nak bahan saya... mesti guna nama hanis...

    contoh 1 :

    kwn : jom kuar tgk wyg...
    org yg diajak : aku nak rehat mlm nie... bsok pg ada meeting....
    kwn : eleh.. klu hanis zalikha ajak nak x...?
    org yg diajak : ...???...

    contoh 2 :

    kwn : wei... ko xreti2 nak reply sms aku ker...?
    org yg terima sms : sabarla... aku tgh drive td....
    kwn : eleh... klu hanis zalikha sms...?
    org yg terima sms : aku benti jap tepi jln... pastu aku reply la.. kang sia2 je kena saman polis....

    hahahaha.. tu saje... sekian, terima kasih.

  19. saya nak jwp dlm bm ley... saya xteror english... hehehe...

    1.Who sent you here?
    A : secara jujur... xda sapa.. cuma tersesat... hehehe...

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    A : ia sangat la simple... n ada fun2 yg simple...

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    A : senyuman utk diri sendiri.... release tension jap bila baca ayat2 klaka yg ada...

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    A : kwn2 klu nak bahan saya... mesti guna nama hanis...

    contoh 1 :

    kwn : jom kuar tgk wyg...
    org yg diajak : aku nak rehat mlm nie... bsok pg ada meeting....
    kwn : eleh.. klu hanis zalikha ajak nak x...?
    org yg diajak : ...???...

    contoh 2 :

    kwn : wei... ko xreti2 nak reply sms aku ker...?
    org yg terima sms : sabarla... aku tgh drive td....
    kwn : eleh... klu hanis zalikha sms...?
    org yg terima sms : aku benti jap tepi jln... pastu aku reply la.. kang sia2 je kena saman polis....

    hahahaha.. tu saje... sekian, terima kasih.

  20. Answerz for your questionz :

    1. Dari blog kawan keknis, kak izdiyani musawir yang hikhok kelakar gila tuh.

    2. Sebab macam amazed. Buat penkek hello kitty tak jadi pun boleh published untuk satu entri. Dan... saya suka tengok kucing keknis especially nougat :)

    3. I know I should work hard to achieve victory \m/

    4. Keknis buat saya beli bliss yoghurt drink! Haha.

    Sekian.TQ. # maaf jika terkasar bahasa. Continue spread happy vibes Hanis Zalikha!

  21. 1- Myself. or should I say.. Google sent me? lol. I saw your name kat Momok The Movie tu so I got interested to know who owns such that beautiful name. I Google-d you and walla, Google sent me here :)

    2- Cause there's something with the way you write that makes me want to stay reading it. You write in a very simple way but it instantly menusuk kalbu! Haha I mean, cara Kak Hanis tulis even though simple and selamba je, but ayatnya sangat tersusun.

    3- I get to laugh like a lunatic (seriously!) sebab kadang-kadang tu the way Kak Hanis tulis sangat lawak! I mean, kalau Kak Hanis nak tulis pasal something yang lawak, memang I akan faham terus lawak tu. Other than that, I juga dapat beauty tips such as how to jaga rambut, and banyak lagi. And the latest one, yang lagu untuk heartbreak tu. Ada lagu yang I tak pernah dengar so thanks to you, I started to listen to those songs!

    4- Kak Hanis buat I rasa lebih bersemangat nak belajar sebab walaupun Kak Hanis sibuk dengan kerja Kak Hanis as a model and such, but Kak Hanis pandai bahagikan masa between studies and other things. And Kak Hanis juga buktikan yang walau sesibuk mana pun kita, pelajaran tu penting. Kak Hanis sangat geliga otaknya, dean list kan? So Kak Hanis makes me think that nothing is imposibble if we try the best.

    Kalau dari segi your writings, Kak Hanis dah tunjukkan yang kita tak perlu nak berpuitis sangat, asalkan ayat sedap dan boleh memikat hati pembaca. And I love the way yang Kak Hanis tak begitu jaja your personal life. Masih ada privacy for yourself. Kak Hanis sangat humble, that makes me realize yang we are just the same. Even Kak Hanis famous, Kak Hanis tak lupa asal usul Kak Hanis.

    I really love you. And your blog as well! Will always be your blog reader! :)

    p/s: Kak Hanis jangan risau, I will vote you cause you really deserve it!

  22. 1.Who sent you here?

    Instinct, hahaha. I don't know, suddenly arrived by a magnetic force ceh haha.

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    Because that magnetic force comes again I guess?

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    Magnetic! Haha. A lot of, knowledges, awareness, experiences and awesomeness.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    I know how to blog! Haha. A lot of Hamis. You touch every part :)

  23. good luck hanis..

    banyak entry mempengaruhi hidup k.kechik..

    alhamdulillah kita pernah kenal..salah satu kesyukuran hidup..

    go hanis go hanis !

  24. 1. fatin suhana letak kat sidebar dia title ppl tht inspire me
    2. best..ayat x skema..ayat sempoi..contain lots of good info..suka tgk pic2 Hanis..cantik2 :)
    3. lots of info..tanx Hanis Zalikha :)
    4. my english language coz ur english is superb darl :)

    btw,best of luck Hanis..hope u'll win ^^

  25. 1) my friend yang introduce. dia cakap u are the best blogger. and i thank her for doing that. memang betul :)

    2)gaya penulisan you sangat best. funny. kadangkadang masa baca post hanis,tergelak tanpa's like you are talking to me.*virtually. also, suka baca blog hanis sebab hanis is a smart woman. i was captivated when you post why you didn't publish about your love life. thumbs up :)) and ur pretty too. i mean, i wonder how do you manage your time wisely? model, blog, study lagi. im sure masih banyak lagi role hanis. just amazing.

    3)information tentang life, banyak membantu. sometimes bila stressed, i open your blog and i forgot about the problems for a while.

    4) when i knew that u dapat award best student*i knew it from ur mom's blog* i was like :O respect! beauty with brain. Dean list. bakar semangat nak jadi macam hanis. ur english writing sometimes menambahkan my vocab :) and oh yeah, hanis humble.

    sorry panjang -.-' just an honest opinion. u got my vote hanis! insyaAllah hanis boleh menang. hope this help :)

  26. go keknis go!!
    boleh bagi cat tu?? miaww!!!

  27. who sent me here: facebook.
    why i continue reading: i like to read ur writings bcoz u actually writes a lot about ur family and it feels really close to my heart :) i read ur mom's too and she seems to be like my mom, a very hardworking yet loving mom. ur family is really resemblance mine, ur siblings, in fact some of them looks like mine -.- no kidding! n plus i also do bbysitting for my neighbour! one of them pun jenis lambat bercakap like si demok! so basically yeah, bcause i feels dat ur writing is closed to my heart especially about ur family. :)
    what do i get from reading: styles of writing yg kreatif, byk beauty tips n byk recipe makanan (actually ni dri ur mom's tp kan link dri ur blog jgk teehee :D) but i like the most is the beauty tips and ur life motivations :)
    how did it effects my life: a lot! my parents are having some tough time ryte now,actually its been a long time now kinda same as ur mom lalui dulu2, but reading about ur life,i feel dat i also got a chance to have a nice family like what u have now :') u rili have a nice family :)

  28. 1.Who sent you here?
    I saw it on paper. Kosmo if I'm not mistaken :)

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    I like the way u write. Like, seriously. Plus, u write useful information too.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    Information. Lots of <3

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    You write good things. I once heard that "You're what u eat, u're what u read." So this is it. !


  29. u r so cute la hamis.. menyampah nye!! eiii!! hahahaha.. seb bek i pompuan -.- jaja

  30. congratulation for the nomination hanis!!
    good luck to you!
    for sure i'll vote you ;)

  31. whoa, I hope you win tis time HZ :) so nak jugak lah bagi feedback kat soklan2 you.

    1. I dont even know where the heck I first found out belog u, yang I ingat somewhere in 2010, I boring sangat study Education Studies, I online, terjumpa your belog n ketawa terkekek2 since the day I baca what you write. Kawan2 I heran sangat why I stick on my screen dari pagi sampai malam on that particular day, cz asyik baca your entry dari awal till the latest. N I been reading yours since.

    2. Your belog is ohsem. Need I say more? because you are lovely young lady that inspires all of us. n I wrote once about you in my belog, revisit here:

    See? before you ask these 4 questions, some of us had already got the answer for you.

    3. I got lots from your writings, except the lovey dovey part, hihi. I love how you review things and merchandise, how you give tips about beauty and life, how you appreciate the close knit family you have. I got the positive vibes I need to ease me through a hard day at work or lame weekend without my beloved. You know that right?

    4. You affect me to be more positive in life, to jadi superb and buat most of things independently but at the end of the day, still akan get back to your family. Then, u give a new meaning to beauty with brain that in order to be one, you need not to be lame nor flirtatious. A twist of cheeky is somehow needed. I love to get motivation from someone yang real macam you, not fake okay.

    So, I wish you the best, and will vote for you okay :) muahs.

  32. 1.Google i think, can't remember..^^
    2.Your style of writing which i felt like ur really talking to a friend :)
    3.I get a lot of motivation from ur writings.. in a fun way of course. Like a friend who've lots of experience tengah bagi motivation although Hanis lagi muda dari I..*tundukkan muka sambil kuis2 lantai.kehkeh
    4.A lot I think, even the way i'm talking to people sometimes using your style of writings. Yada that. haha. My outfit when going out to see friends, simple but yet ada karisma which is what I always tell people bout your style. "Eh suzi why ur wearing simple outfit, takda baju lain ke?" my answer "ini namanya gaya Hamis Zalikha, simple ada karisma yoo" haha. And one more reason is that I talk more confidently my dear, thanks to your writings, it motivate me a lot.
    Wish hanis Good luck..! I'll vote, for sure :)

  33. sangat comel kucing itu. huhu,, Good Luck!

  34. 1. Seorang blogger bergelar Heidi. Which is saya terbaca blog dia bercerita pasal Hanis Zalikha. Really curious nk tau siapakah Hanis Zalikha yang dikatakan makwe dia, tapi si Hanis tak kenal dia. Well, he is one of your fan i guess. LOL. Sampai sekarang tak boleh lupe that entry sebab siap ade katun watak Hanis Zalikha lagi. Serius lawak.

    2. Sebab pertama. Yes, hanis was never a typo. penulisan yg santai. Banyak new information yang saya dapat dari sini. and i found ur life is really interesting. Belajar, modelling, outing.. semua ada dalam satu masa. Eh, seriuosly camne u bahagikan masa?

    3. Jwapan diatas dah jawab kot soklan nombo 3.

    4. tgk cara penulisan hanis memang buat saya lebih banyak belajar cara menulis dgn betul tanpa menyentuh sensitiviti sesetengah pihak. eh, tapi kadang-kadang datang emo, terlepas jugak. Haha. By the way, the way of ur writing is really something. I like it. So, i'll vote for keknis. yeay!!

    Good luck keknis ya~

  35. 1. Mula kenal blog ni sekitar pertengahan tahun lepas melalui blog jejari runcing. ketagih baca blog ni sampai la hari ni.

    2.gaya penulisan yang santai dan ada unsur humor. boleh buat saya gelak golek2 :') contohnya dlm entry "public parenting,can you do it?","sahur list" and many more.

    3.banyak... motivasi,tips jaga rambut,kecantikan, kesihatan dll.

    4.ketagih la...tertunggu2 entry t'baru, bersemangat nak jga kesihatan, ceria dan byk lg yg positif :) kadang2 dpt jln2 ke luar negara b'sama blog nih..

  36. 1) my sister sent me here..she the one who first open and read ur blog..thne u and ur blog featured in hiptv at tv9

    2)i continue read ur blog because i love to read ur can improves my english even just a little bit..haha..and i can know any online contest just from ur blog

    3)i get everything that all readers get..and of course i influence to speak in english rather than malay and i improves my english..hehe

    4)ur writings improves my english in my essay writing and i can speak english very well and make me love to speak in english..fenfeeling like in LONDON..haha


  37. jwpn super ringkas :)

    1. tertengok rancangan hip tv hanis dpt no 3 kategori ape tah. pastu teru google "hanis zalikha" :)

    2. writing hanis yang best dan funny.

    3. seperti no 2.

    4. inspiring! cantik, bijak, selim :)

  38. Keknis, Goodluck!

    Saya dah jawab smua soalan Keknis kat siniiiii:

    Hope sudi baca yer :)

  39. congratulations HAMIS JALIKHA FROM SAUDI ARABIA :p

  40. all the best.i'll be voting insyaAllah! :)

    here my answer(s): one.i found ur image at someone's blog.u look i try to find more about you until here i am now. :)

    2.i like ur writing.simple but meaningful.some tips i really do enjoy them.and i love how u appreciate ur family.('She is Hilarious','My Mother My BFF').i love both entry.

    3.i tend to join the contest's cool when u explain everything and i just need to click some links and join the contest. haha.

    4.i dont think it's just me,others also aodre u.ur blog,kinda a motivation to me.'Why Women Think They're Ugly' really make me widen my perspective of thinking.u're nice to share about ur travels and give this blog is i do enjoy.

    may u gets more in ur life.:)

  41. friends on facebook send me a link to like your pages,at that time i was like who on earth this people looks like this gorgeous.then i just "LIKE" it and my finger not just stop there,i was looking throughout your photos and your info in case i might get behind to get to know "new artist"perhaps.Then, i saw your link to your blog.That was my first time ever reading a blog because before this i don't know how it was to have a blog and people who own it.
    2.Because of your skill writing,your limited edition humour sense and your writing is like you talk to us face to face.
    3.more thinkable,reduce stress and motivated.
    4.Seriously when i went to certain places that you have mention it in your blog i will simply connected that situation with it,i was actually shocked at the first place and wondering why and now i know because you
    have influence my life.(in a good way)

    Thank you,and please keep on maintaining this amazing blog.

  42. lucu gilak ayat Hanis ni..
    i am surely VOTE for you Hanis!!

    you'll win this nomination!

  43. beso nye kucen!!nak undi kucen je..taknak undi hamis! ahahaha..

    u deserve it dear..there's is no reason i can describe for that questions..^_^

    anyhow, good luck oke! vote for u..

  44. all the best..
    koteorg mesti undi
    blogger hot n chambers kan

  45. 1.Who sent you here?
    It was actually your mother's blog (Model 80-an). I was browsing through and I saw a link to your blog and clicked it.

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    I remember watching a video of how you bun your hair somewhere in Indonesia, if I'm not mistaken. And I thought she is too grounded and she does not act like a diva which is interesting.
    (is it fair to say that was the reason i continue reading your blog?)

    I love the style of your writing as well. Is it somehow like reading a note from a friend to a friend.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    Mostly, beauty tips.. and some sense in life. I also learned indirectly, that sometimes when life just being plain cruel to you, you just to hadapi with senyuman.. :) like u always do.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    I look forward to be like you and to have a family like urs. I really do.. I tuning everything into positivism and i focus on making myself happy, like u always do to urself such as travelling, baking, cooking, spending more time with loved ones.. :)

  46. 1. saya peminat no 1 siti nurhaliza. bila keluar paper pasal hanis kalahkan siti, terus dtg baca belog ni.

    2. sebab nak tahu, nak tahu dan nak tahu. hidup hanis macam colourful. semua belog family hanis saya baca. hubungan family hanis sangat rapat sangat. entry hanis ada etika. i love your writing style.

    3. percaya tak hari-hari bukak belog hanis walaupun dah tau takda entry baru? semua entry dah baca :)
    BANYAK benda yang saya dapat. tak tersebut :)

    4. banyak entry hanis yang ajar saya untuk menikmati hidup :)

  47. will vote for you!

    1.Who sent you here?
    -a friend told me about your blog

    2.Why did you continue reading my
    blog after that one visit?
    -it's fun reading it. especially when i'm stress about work, this is one way to release pressure =p

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    lots of information, plus enjoy the pictures u've put there =p
    * especially the cat and the kid with 3 layer chin*

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    good information can be apply, fun reading with cute photos relaxing my mind.

    by the way I hope you will success. I.Allah I will vote for you ^^

  48. As Salam Hanis.

    Ini komen pertama saya dalam blog kamu. First, all the best on the voting. Am sure lots of peeps will vote for you. Hope you win this! :)

    Second, answering the questions asked:

    1) A friend of mine was directly asking me to read your blog, when we were having discussion bout how and why we do have haters. She told me, more or less like this, " Ko cuba baca satu blog ni. Hanis Zalikha. dia ada ckp yang kita tak mampu nak suka semua orang. so in return, tak semua orang akan suka kat kita"

    2) After reading that entry (as mentioned above), i keep on visiting your blogs, digging old entries and craving new ones. The reasons are simple. It were because you write with your heart, no hidden agenda, no mushy love stories and sincere. ohh not forgetting the food entries, and the cats tooo.

    3) Positive vibes. A great kick start of the day

    4) Well, affected my life in good way, better i think. I guess knowing someone having a good life, giving me hope that i can have that happiness too, or at least try get it.

    Last but not least, keep on writing yeah :D

  49. 1. Kenny Sia
    2. Your life updates dalam penceritaan yang bersajaha & the simplicity of your blog layout.
    3. Lil laughs & giggles after a long day at school. Beauty tips.

    4. You've inspired me to treat my siblings better, especially now when we are far apart from each other. (accidentally rhymed it)

  50. 1.Who sent you here?

    Dari blog link kat blog member

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?

    Because of your, funny dan bukan bebelan sampah..

    3.What do you get from my writings?

    Selain isi masa lapang, sometimes make me think in different prospective..based on the issue u posted..and u write in positive way..i mean the words and sentenses u choose.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    My day rasa tak lengkap kalau tak baca blog Hanis setiap hari..
    even sometime waiting for your next entry always make me thinking of what u are going to write about..u are full of surprise..kadang2 tak sangka u akan tulis tentang sesuatu topic tu..and your positive attitude...especially in writing, inspire me to write in positive way..bukan asyik tulis nak menghentam jer..

    keep on writing Hanis..

  51. Kalau keknis masuk MPP, sure propa tak power. hakhak >< Kalau menang jugak, orang dengki kata 'sebab dia popular'. Tapi tu semua takde hal untuk award ni. LOL

    1-Thanks to Metro 'tajuk nak gempak je'

    2-There's 'something' in this blog that I can't explain for not to read during my second visit(it was the next day after my first visit! obviously budak sekolah rendah pun boleh ingat url blog ni kan kawan2 alisya? lol) as well as the third, fourth, and it keeps going on .

    3-How about what I don't get from your writing? :o there are as much as what i get. (look who's craving for your writing)
    ok lemme list it down.
    -petua nak cantik
    -petua nak sihat
    -motivation (in terms of study and blogging)
    -petua nak tambah duit (contests etc)
    -petua nak jadi blogger yang baik/bagus (some can teach you how to be a blogger but not many can teach how to be a good one. you're one of the 'not many')
    -this is also where I try to do error analysis (as a practice for my grammar. TEHEE)

    phew~ i can only afford to write some.

    4-hurmm...this is a tricky question because I'm shy to admit that you influence my life (i believe almost every girl/lady/woman who reads this blog). Kadang2 tu nampak ikan teringat keknis. Nampak syampu teringat keknis. Nampak Touch&Go teringat keknis. Nampak Nestle bliss, Dove chocolate, ingat keknis. Nampak shortpant...ingat keknis XD.
    Ramai akan kata diorang nak jadi macam keknis but they ended up with someone saying 'jadi diri sendiri boleh tak?' or 'sikit2 hanis zalikha)
    That's the thing that gives such a n impact in my life. I started to find my own strength and my own style to write/blog because I want to have this kind of feeling-to be influenced by someone doesn't mean to BE like one. Cukup lah keknis influenced saya dengan diet protein, tidur alas bantal kain satin nanti rambut berkilat silau milau, tulis yang positive sahaja (saya tak pernah jumpa entry emo maki hamun ke hapa kecuali yang 'orang melayu dengki macam mana nak maju'), jangan harap cantik je belajar tak gah mana, senyum bila baca blog ni. :')

    even though kadang-kadang rasa macam 'eh siot betul tipu kita dengan entri pendek padahal orang semangat nak tau dia update apa', 'eiii...apasal benda yang dia cakap betul je', 'kalau keknis tak gebang pasal Nestle bliss ni mesti aku tak heran tiap kali nampak kat Giant', 'keknis lah ni ajar makan apam balik' -.- still, saya datang jugak baca blog ni. undi? MESTILAH! *wink*

    p/s-komen Owners of Monster Jambu tak dikira sebagai penyertaan kan keknis?

  52. salam..

    to be honest, there are no exact answer for those Qs, u know. coz, i read this blog just coz i love to. just coz i think this is the most real blog i've ever read (beside my own blog). just coz i love to read each and every entry of this matures hanis zalikha. juz coz i want to know how is the feeling of this and that which i sometimes don't know/ never feel before....

  53. however this is the formal one:

    1.Who sent you here?
    me, myself and my google :p

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    because i love to

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    values of life, motivation and inspirations

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    you make me wake up, sometimes..and you make me feel good...

    peace, yo!!!

  54. 1. ternampak link dari blog kak Anna Joe.. Hanis Zalikha.. what a nice name

    2. sebab tak pernah satu entri pun yang mengarut. semuanya menghiburkan dan banyak informasi juge :)

    3. ermm.. banyak. terutamanya hal2 kewanitaan la.. hihii.. hanis jugak selalu join contest. .. menyebabkan saya tertanya2 mengapa Hanis begitu rajin dan tidak berputus asa! hehehe

    4.tulisan Hanis begitu meyakinkan! Menyebabkan saya pun terngin nak mencuba! Contohnye macam syampoo Dove tu .Sampai sekarang saya pakai. hihi

  55. Reason saya KENAPA dan KENAPA:

    1. Newspaper yang bawa saya pada blog ni selepas heboq psl Google search tertinggi la.. Nk3x tau sgt sapa la orgnya..

    2. MENARIK & TERTARIK sgt writing nya. Tak boleh tak baca. And dah tentu AWESOME..!!!!

    3. Saya dapat motivasi diri, supaya teruskan belajar walaupun dah bekerja(tpi x berkesempatan lg)dan setiap post membuatkan hari saya jd bestlah.

    4. Cukup meninggalkan kesan sbb msuk je pejabat prkra prtama saya buat buka blog Hanis and nk tgk apa post baru ke.. dlm fkrn fkr mesti ada citer best nih.

    Gudluck la ye..hip3x..hooreyy!!!

  56. Assalammualaikum.

    1.Who sent you here?
    google, jumpa terus baca dan follow.

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    terbaca 1 petua, cuba aplikasikan dlm kehidupan, alhamdulilah asthma takde smpai sekarang.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    variasi maklumat dlm 1 package. Macam2 ada.hehe :P

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    menjadi penagih tegar blog anda.

    Sekian. Terima kasih. Saye vote anda :D.

  57. i already made an entry for you dear :)

    feel free to visit :)

  58. hey hamis :)

    1)i never know who u are until one day i beli majalah REMAJA..'Siapa Hanis Zalikha ni? Asal dia masuk REMAJA? dengan Izara Aisyah pulak tu kan..' then, I teruslah google nama you then your blog. huhuhu

    2)Start from that moment, I baca semua *semua ok* your writing in this blog and apa I dapat? Teruja! Nak lagi dan lagi dan lagi..mcm,'Kenapa dia ni menulis best macam ini?" (seroiusly bukan kipas ok) haha

    3)Benda yang tak pernah tahu, jadi tahu.and happy enjoy sentiasa bila membaca your writing :)

    4)Rasa dekat dengan you and your writing even you tak pernah tahu pn kewujudan I kan? huhuhu..lagi,terpengaruh sangat dengan ketawa HEWHEWHEW you and one more thing I baru berani nak terjun dalam dunia Blog ini, bila I follow your blog even as a silent reader a few months ago..huhuhu

    That's all. I undi you ! good luck :)


  60. ahaha..u dont have to fish for votes that hard, anyway.

    1.nobody. it started when i clicked from nanirostam's blog. i was wondering how wonderful hanis zalikha is, as described by her mom.

    2.the spontaneous yet humble writing. not everybody can do it u know, esp when u blog in english. i like it when fun and thrilling experience with family and friends are shared.

    3.positive vibes. and oh...useful tips too.well,most influential people like u tend to boast off, but u r an exception. makes me tell myself "yes, who said mak-mak should look dull and so mak-mak?"-that's too specific i reckon.
    it makes me feel (almost) everything is possible.

  61. 1.Who sent you here?
    ~ masa tgh bukak youtube, nak tgk
    tutorial pakai tudung.then ade hanis py tutorial..then hjr berminat stg tgk rambut hanis yg cantik..u ajar cr buat rambut wavy tanpa perlu ke salon kan..hehehe..mmg menarik, terus cari blog u sbb see you in paper..

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    ~ suka dengan cr writing hanis yang sempoi & mudah difahami..

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    ~ macam2, inspiration, beauty tips, love amongs family...bila baca ase macam dekat n kenal rapat jer dgn hanis

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    your writing buat sy rs life is meaningful and must fill it with our own ways..tak perlu ikut org sgt..just jd diri kiter jer..i love read ur mom's blog too...

  62. hanis zalikha,

    1. ada blogger mana recommend blog hanis.. dia cakap semorang tau.. hahaha..akak taktau pon masa tu.. lama dahh pon.. masa tu korek entry lama hanis.. suka tgk hanis buat pancake hello kitty hangus.. haha.. pastu ngumpat maid umah sebelah sbb maid tu belagak ngan pokok dia.. hanis angkat baldi pegi uitm.. kan?

    2. sebab entry comel comel semua..hanis pon comel..sapa tanak tengok orang comel ;)

    3. infos yang boleh diguna pakai, tengkiu ;)

    4. blog hanis motivates ramai orang untuk jadi macam hanis.. especially youngsters... so benda macam tu bagus.. sebab budak muda selalunye stubborn kalau parents suruh semua tanak buat.. tapi diorang akan buat apa yang idol buat.. u influenced others secara tak langsung jugak.. congrats adik hanis ;)

  63. 1.Mr.Google.Dulu I Cuma baca blog Kenny Sia saja.Tapi sejak tahun lepas,Kenny dah jarang update his blog so one day I just tekan kat google search (I lupa I tekan apa) dan I jumpa blog ni.

    2.Masa 1st baca entri u,I terus tertarik sebab cara tulisan u yang simple,kelakar,u pakai simple English yang senang difahami,u tak pernah berlagak dalam semua entri u even u layak untuk berlagak.(maksud I,u kan lawa,famous,bijak).I spend all day baca hampir kesemua entri u.Paling I suka,tentulah pasal Demok.I even put her picture yang pakai gaun pink tu as my wallpaper.

    3.Entri u yang paling meninggalkan kesan dalam diri I ialah masa u tulis u taknak letak pasal bf u kat blog sebab nanti future boss u mungkin baca/nanti kalau break up camna..Sejak tu,I cuba untuk ikut u (walaupun I selalu gagal) tapi setakat ni I berjaya untuk tidak post gambar husband I kat blog i.
    Lepas tu,I suka bila u are so close with ur family (I ingat u ada tulis yang adik2 u rakam cite Boboi Boi untuk u sebab diaorang yang menyumbangkan suara kan?/Then u jadi juri bila adik2 u bertanding masak/pasal hafiz dapat 8A last year/u bawa Demok (entri tu pasal sunshine kan?) jalan2..etc..etc..

    Walaupun I kurang gemar u selalu blog pasal iklan tapi I beli Dutch Lady jagung lepas u promote.Siap letak gambar si Demok tengah minum air jagung,mana lah I tak tergoda tengok muka bahagia dia..

    4.Dari penulisan u,I learn yang family is the most important part in our life.Kita kena close dengan our family even kita dah besar panjang.Macam u,selalu jer keluar dengan family.Selain tu,kena juga tolong family dari segi kewangan,jangan nak mengharap family bagi duit jer..

    I ada tanya rakan sekerja I (adik dia belajar kat UITM Segamat juga) kalau2 adik dia kenal u.Adik dia cakap,siapalah tak kenal u kat uitm tu.Dia cakap u memang famous,budak pandai tapi u sangat baik dan humble.Asal jumpa orang,mesti senyum..Bila I dengar ni,I makin bertambah minat dan sayang kat u..

    Paling penting,I belajar kalau nak rambut yang santek macam Hanis,kena tidur pakai sarung bantal satin.

    p/s : I tak kisah kalau I tak menang.I cuma nak u tahu how much I really adore u and love ur blog.I janji akan vote u..Good luck for ur life. :)

  64. I'm not addicted to your blog but still I'm your big fan so I'll give you my 100% support.Best of luck!

  65. 1.Who sent you here?
    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    3.What do you get from my writings?
    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    1- seriuosly, i had found your blog after i blogwalking many blogs and that same time, i know about your names but, i did'nt know who you're, this made i really curious to know who you are and after read your blog, i fall in love with your blog and everything about you HANIS!!!

    2- because, i felt everything that you blog really interesting, fun and you really to share with your fans. that why, i continue reading your blog and make your blog in my list blog to know the latest update from you.

    3- i've get a lot. the information you blog about food, brands, travel, products and so on. i really appreciate and happy.

    4- yes of course.
    i learn about your writting, good lifestyle and make me feel confidence.

    thank you HANIS.

    i really hope you WIN!!! agin. you WIN!!!

  66. Assalamualaikum …firstly thanks for ask me this questions!!haha :D

    1. Who sent you here?
    My instinct that strongly want to know who is hanis zalikha which I found herself on paper last year.

    2. Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    hmmmm the blog show big difference from the others, I realize there is something strong call "chemistry" and most important is you write on your own way, no fake, no worries, no "teragak-agak", and sometimes such a humble blog.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    The influential. The moral and chemistry. When i read each entry on your blog, it just make my mind continue to think and think that almost you said is seriously damn same goes to me! i feel impressed how u can catch my mind, just with your writing.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    Even we dont know each other but most of your story/writings,
    inspired me to be as perfect as u. Bagaimana membawa diri, bagaimana sentiasa bermotivasi, bagaimana menghadapi kehidupan sehari hari. Maybe tak mungkin lah akan exactly sama, but atleast i know you the best mirror. I believe hanis zalikha also has her own role model,
    for me, i found one.

    Good luck hanis! your die hard fans will do their job, dont worry hehe

    Die Hard Fans!/intannuraisyah

  67. Assalamualaikum …firstly thanks for ask me this questions!!haha :D

    1. Who sent you here?
    My instinct that strongly want to know who is hanis zalikha which I found herself on paper last year.

    2. Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    hmmmm the blog show big difference from the others, I realize there is something strong call "chemistry" and most important is you write on your own way, no fake, no worries, no "teragak-agak", and sometimes such a humble blog.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    The influential. The moral and chemistry. When i read each entry on your blog, it just make my mind continue to think and think that almost you said is seriously damn same goes to me! i feel impressed how u can catch my mind, just with your writing.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    Even we dont know each other but most of your story/writings,
    inspired me to be as perfect as u. Bagaimana membawa diri, bagaimana sentiasa bermotivasi, bagaimana menghadapi kehidupan sehari hari. Maybe tak mungkin lah akan exactly sama, but atleast i know you the best mirror. I believe hanis zalikha also has her own role model,
    for me, i found one.

    Good luck hanis! your die hard fans will do their job, dont worry hehe

    Die Hard Fans!/intannuraisyah

  68. 1) who sent me here?
    - I sent, no, i threw myself here and i can't find myself the way outta here (:. I 've been following your progress since you're in the Malaysian dreamgirl. I was google(googling?) your name and tadaaaa....found your blog!

    2)why did I continue reading your blog after that one visit?
    -I'm stuck with your tutorials and tips and I hunger for more! and I bookmarked your blog along with my university notifications so that I won't miss a thing..

    3)what do I get from your writing?
    -many awesome things! and I got your wavy-like hair by doing those buns now...^_^ (truthfully overwhelmed!)

    4)how did you or your writings in any way affect my life?
    -It's both you and your writing not any, but many ways affect my life. I used to have low confidence for having over tanned skin (you know what I mean rite?) but you inspired me to rise it up. Not about the skin of course. and I love when you telling your readers where to buy jeans and etc because I have a height well, a bit more than you and I know where to find the right size. thank you from the bottom of my heart. U did save me from hating myself without you yourself knowing it. (:

  69. 1.Who sent you here?
    -Godek2 newspaper eh.ehh..Hanis Zalikha la...(macam knal jer tetiber..haha)google ur name..nah..i found ur blog..(hape lagi!bce lerr teman pun..atenye temankan time 2 F.I.K.I.R.A.N. B.E.R.C.E.L.A.R.U. D.E.N.G.A.N. M.O.O.D. T.I.D.A.K. M.E.N.E.N.T.U. M.E.M.B.U.A.T.K.A.N. D.I.R.I. S.U.K.A.R. B.E.R.F.I.K.I.R. D.E.N.G.A.N. M.A.T.A.N.G teman bace older2 post smbl dgr lagu..ahaks!haha

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    -Hah!i nak menang hadiah lerr..haha..i suke keknis sbb slalu make entry yg bg hadiah masyuk2..hahaa(xpyh la i beli)..For instant,i dpt sample mak i letak,nme akak i pun i ltak.hahaha..kan i dpt bnyk lipice dkt situ..ahha.._T__T.I can reduce my long term cost on lipice..Well,knowing me i wnt buy others makeup..better start saving from this method.!haaha

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    -I got lipice sample(AGAINS!)HAHA..
    ok..i got everythings..All in one..Knowladges,experiences,fashion tips and the important things u inspired me..You know how to manage u time(as we know time is golden)as a student,model,daughter and mybe as a wife later..hehe..Then,from ur writings i bley tahu a new events..

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    -First I said to myself ''what you would be and then i do what i have to do.''If Hanis Zalikha can why i cant..''Self-trust is the first secret of success.''This is what i set in my mind..''Beauty with the brain''..Thats u are 4 me and ur blog taught me be a FBI(fabulous,Beautiful,Intelligent) ..
    Thank You

  70. 1.Who sent you here? No one
    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit? i continued reading your blog because u're cute
    3.What do you get from my writings? not so much accept that u're cute and funny
    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life? everytime i read your blog.. i fell... in love (halaaaaaa)

    honours.. eh.. honest.

  71. 1.Who sent you here?
    -Godek2 newspaper eh.ehh..Hanis Zalikha la...(macam knal jer tetiber..haha)google ur name..nah..i found ur blog..(hape lagi!bce lerr teman pun..atenye temankan time 2 F.I.K.I.R.A.N. B.E.R.C.E.L.A.R.U. D.E.N.G.A.N. M.O.O.D. T.I.D.A.K. M.E.N.E.N.T.U. M.E.M.B.U.A.T.K.A.N. D.I.R.I. S.U.K.A.R. B.E.R.F.I.K.I.R. D.E.N.G.A.N. M.A.T.A.N.G teman bace older2 post smbl dgr lagu..ahaks!haha

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    -Hah!i nak menang hadiah lerr..haha..i suke keknis sbb slalu make entry yg bg hadiah masyuk2..hahaa(xpyh la i beli)..For instant,i dpt sample mak i letak,nme akak i pun i ltak.hahaha..kan i dpt bnyk lipice dkt situ..ahha.._T__T.I can reduce my long term cost on lipice..Well,knowing me i wnt buy others makeup..better start saving from this method.!haaha

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    -I got lipice sample(AGAINS!)HAHA..
    ok..i got everythings..All in one..Knowladges,experiences,fashion tips and the important things u inspired me..You know how to manage ur time(as we know time is golden)as a student,model,daughter and mybe as a wife later..hehe..Then,from ur writings i bley tahu a new events..

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    -First I said to myself ''what you would be and then i do what i have to do.''If Hanis Zalikha can why i cant..''Self-trust is the first secret of success.''This is what i set in my mind..''Beauty with the brain''..Thats u are 4 me and ur blog taught me be a FBI(fabulous,Beautiful,Intelligent) ..
    Thank YOu.

  72. its except.. not accept.. demmit ururu

  73. and no need to send me "Agent Dust" phone number, i have my own agent.. why do i need to call agent dust when i have my own agent? u can send it to the runners up

  74. Some link snt me here. awak kena dapat banyak vote Hanis. congrates!! :)

  75. alamak, meow awak lebih kurang meow familia di sini yang namanya bobi lah heheh.. btw all the best to you!

  76. Hello :')

    1. I just clicked my friend's blog then she's linked you there. I was just blogwalking here and taraa. Now, melekat! HAHA.
    2. Just because you are having a good life, and some experience that you shared with the readers are so difficult to find by myself bacause I am young.
    3. Hm? My english better. Teehe.
    4.I've gain a little bit more confident on myself to dressed up and tell myself that everyone can be pretty. //Gahh. Jiwang sangat. :')BTW,Thanks to you, Hanis Zalikha.

    May Allah bless.

  77. all the best hanis!! . besar gila kucinggggg!

  78. 1.Who sent you here?
    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    3.What do you get from my writings?
    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    1. Terbaca dalam newspaper few years ago lepas tu mesti everyday mesti nak masuk blog Keknis walaupun tak update.

    2. Your writing simple dan kelakar hewhewhew.

    3. Motivation.penulisan yang matang.paling suka entri Sakit tak pakai braces sebab saya pun baru pakai yang sangat2 berguna..tapi nasib baik gigi tak rongak depan hahaha.

    4. Inspiring me.berfikiran lebih matang dlm kehidupan.

    Good Luck Hanis :)

  79. gud luck ya hanis.. wish u all the best!.. :)

  80. terbaik..all de best sis...hope u get the award..

    Jemputan khas singgah ke blog chegu zubirBLOG CHEGU ZUBIR

    IPAD 2 FREE untuk ANDA

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  81. keknis keknis
    1.Who sent you here?
    semorang cakap pasal hanis zalikha. it was earlier this year. and i was like.. seriously siapa hanis zalikha and i google ur name and wallah keluarlah keknis punya blog!

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    kenapa?sebab the way u write nak macam how i wrote. in a way inspiring me. cerita hal hari-hari (sibuk nak tahu life orang macam mana--') and when i read ur blog and gossip2 dengan member pasal produk2 kecantikan whatever pastuh cakap oh keknis cakap this product is good bla bla bla.. wah2 macam keknis duduk sebelah rumah men badminton sama2 je.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    actually bnyk lah jugak on all new groupon punya deals and contest. walaupun lah saya pun subscribe groupon tapi bila come across keknis punya blog macam hek eh, groupon ada benda ni la..

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    affect my life ni macam besar sangatlah. baca blog keknis macam leisure reading... i mean its more fun than reading my literature blog so terisilah masa2 terluang dengan something yang berfaedah as in.. bila u post on new food ke ape.. next week pergi try dengan member camtu.. quite an influence la..

    harap2 keknis menang lah ekh most influential blog sebab seriously blog keknis sungguh influential. and oh. i hope keknis x bertanding dalam mpp. ntah macam x fun je keknis klau masuk mpp. besar tanggungjawab plus selalu bila dah jadik mpp people change...mostly to someone yang dah x cool XP (masuk pengalaman sendirik) be who u are ^^ GO KEKNIS XD

  82. Okay let's start.

    1. Who sent me here?

    Personally, I can't quite remember. I think it was back in 2009 when I was having my first semester break. I was quite bored so I started blog walking when I stumble upon your blog. My friends and seniors had mentioned your name every now and then back when I was in Part 1, but I seriously had no idea who you are and one of them showed me your blog, but I forgot your URL so HAHA. Then, during the semester break, I came across to your blog, I think one of my homies linked your blog in her blog list and that's when I realised that you were quite famous. Silly me! ;p

    2. Why did I continue reading your blog after that one visit?

    Well, for your way of writing of course. You have your own style of conveying your message and you can be so funny with your words and most importantly back then you did most of your posts in English. I was reading pleasantly and there is this one time where I had a lot of free time so I read ALL of your posts. Didn't miss one of them. And that's when I found out that you are actually my bandmate, well a senior that is. Here's a funny story. Last time, our batch had to conduct the Brass Band Dinner, the theme was Rock Kapak and I was in charge in photography. And I don't know if you remember or not but there was this red carpet sort of session and all the seniors posed in front of the camera before proceeding to their seats. And there you were, along with your friends, you were with Aween if I'm not mistaken. I snapped your photos and I look at the photo and wondered, how beautiful! I even asked my friend who were you and said you were a senior and I said why haven't I seen her before? HAHA that was when I didn't have a clue to who you were. Silly me again! Oh and you have posted a lot about your cats. Since I love cats, I just can't help but sticking around. Cats make people stick. LOL And I can feel that your family bond is so tight and it's just so warming reading about a happy family. Oh there is just so many reason why I sticked around. But I had always been a silent reader, I don't really know how to comment actually. ;P Oh, you know, there is one time that you didn't post much and all that you did post was the contests or the promotions and whatnot. I love the random posts of you more. Eeek, am just saying. >,< Don't sue me!

    3. What do I get from your writings?

    Inspirations on how to view life better. That one can be a beauty with brain. That one can be successful without leaving family behind. I also get to know a lot of info and sometimes your writings just de-stress me! ;)
    And I know that there are cute and fluffy cats alive in Malaysia. Loads of them!

    4. How did you or your writings in any way affects my life?
    Well, let's see, you are a top scorer in your batch, so I secretly set your achievement as a benchmark. HAHA Weird I know. ;P
    And you seem like a woman full of confidence so yeah you somehow triggered my confidence booster. I don't know, the inner me has so many conflicts and has many motivators too. We all do! And in a way my way of writings was somehow influenced by your way of writing. ;P

    I wanted to do a blog post about this but since everyone posted as a comment so I guess I'll just do the same. Is it too lengthy? I hope not.

    And good luck Keknis! ;D

    I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

  83. 4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    1. surat khabar berita harian.
    2. sebab keknis org JOhor,sbab kita nak jadi mcm keknis. keknis adalah my model. ^-^
    3. experience,lifestyle
    4. my english. follow up cara lifestyle keknis.

  84. good luk hanis..;)
    ada bc kt magazine remaja katanya hanis ni pemalu tp murah senyuman..:)

    most important things, suka gaya penulisan anis..

  85. tahniah... tercalon juga akhirnya... good luck

  86. 1.from my friends, and I forgot who is she
    2.honestly i didn't follow at first(skrg tiap kali on9 bkk blog u) but Ur profile attract me.(boleh plak eh),same Uni,age,city. but banyak yang u tempuh.
    3.Dove chocolate(haha) seriously! and good information about health
    4.effect my life? my time when reading ur blog and love more urself and family,confident

  87. 1. saya sent diri saya sendiri kat sini lepas dengar cakap2 orang n terbaca artikel u kat paper. But still orang laen xleh paksa saya tekan link blog u klau saya sendiri xnak kan kan kan? :)

    2. Sebab i nak curik idea2 u then post kat blog i plak.. Hahaha ..

    3. i get a good exercise for my belly..tq :D

    4. U should change ur question to 'How many ways my writing affect u' .. i would happily answer with 'So many ways u can't imagine .. :)

    btw.. already voted! Most influential blog ~ All da best!!

  88. 1.Who sent you here?

    Nobody sent me. I was reading my friend's blog and she put your blog as her fav. I was attracted by the name of your blog, 'inibelogsaya' . It's cool!

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?

    Because you stole my heart by publishing stories, experiences, what to do and what not. Somehow, It inspires me. A lot! You use funny words that often make me laugh my ass off! :P You never afraid to include about your personal life and journey like some other public figures do so I can feel the sincerity of your heart in sharing with others. And of of them, is ME :)

    3.What do you get from my writings?

    I gained a lot of knowledge, I got motivated, sometimes it also push me up to be someone like you.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    You never failed to give advices when you are writing. It burns up my confident level. You know, you shared about your love story which is sound alike like mine but I never know how to handle myself. God sent me to your blog by the time I need those inspiring sayings and quotes so that I can smile again.
    You inspires me a lot, sis! <3

    Thank you Hanis Zalikha. I love you!

  89. goodluck!!!! pesaing kuat2 semuanya :D

  90. 1. erm...mle2 housemate i told me to read ure blog n i just opened it n read n found it very nice blog :)

    2. i continued read ure blog bcoz ure blog too sempoi (like it), u byk cite psl life u (sometimes u bg solution kt msalah i), n i like ure style of writing when it comes to promote something (iklan u sure2 wat i terpengaruh ok~), n the last thing bcoz u sebaya ngan i so byk fikiran u kdg2 sme ngan i :) i told u before, u byk bg solution kt msalah harian i, u buat i terpengaruh ngan iklan2 u, u bg info bout the other country/restaurant/shopping mall u had visit.

    4.erm...disebabkan ure writing, hampir hari2 i bukak ure blog dgn harapan u da update blog...n i love the way ure writing in english. it give me inspiration to speaking :)

  91. U have my vote, bestie!!! Alles Gute!!!

  92. ok. entry ni pon dah cukup gemilang *wink* dan menawan hati untuk mengundi awak :))

  93. wow hanis congrats! proud of uuuu!

    i dah vote, gud luck tau! :)

  94. Insya Allah hanis..akak support u.. ,apapun must support orang Mesia jugak.

    1.Who sent you here?
    Dengan izin Allah, rezeki baca ur blog thru my besfren's blog

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    Fun, simple, and lots of idea.u like to share knowledge n experience.Pandai mengoleh ayat..memang boleh improve english jugakler.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    Banyak implikasinya, it's about life, about wat teenagers do n don't,sometimes banyak perkara yg i tak dapat nak buat masa teenagers just like u,i nak applikasikannya to my dotters.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    u're good role model for teenagers, not for me but for others, daughters,niece etc.u got a good mother(maybe she can be my role model to be a good mom)and happy in life.Your mom really superwoman lar.

  95. dah undi
    nnt kalo menang belanja roti canai tau

  96. suda vote of luck kay.. :)

    1/terbaca kat facebook member : "OMG!!HANIS ZALIKHA RETWEET AKU 2X" , so, saye pun google la page hanis zalikha dgn 1001 pertanyaan dlm kepale "hapesalla mamat ni excited sangat???"

    2/1st taim bace belog ni terus bookmark..kehkehkeh..ade tips berguna + ade gojes people + ayat2 x bosan :)

    3/idea idea idea 4 my entry..

    4/1stly sebab kite suke gile kat cokelet dove, dapat tengok tempat orang sebab hanis suke melancong, asik tertunggu2 nu entry, hehe..

  97. .... the last but not least - i'll vote you : congratulation for being nominated to the final

  98. hye hanis :)

    1. i type "h" & "a" at google search, search something i cant remember what. then i saw hanis zalikha on the google list. so i click bcos i wonder who is this girl come out on top google my curiosity brought me here.
    2. tips n ur opinion on something is just blow my mind. ur not like someone that i call bimbo. :)
    3. i learn a lot of beauty tips u inspired me a lot.
    4. not used ur beauty to take advantage on something u want to hard as equal as other people..

    neway congrats for the nomination and good luck! :)

  99. 1.Who sent you here?

    One fine day my cousin told me 'Weh aku ada jumpa blog best. Dia pandai tulis and blog dia interesting' 'Ye ke? 'And dia cantik' 'YE KE?'--> dan dan skeptikal. So I came to your blog. My impression was.. interesting, best, hahaha, so true, kelakar, OMG! So what my cousin has said are true, pandai tulis, interesting.. and Hanis memang cantik (nangis sebab kena akui :P)

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?

    The way you write. Most bloggers write things in a very complicated ways, with complicated types of writing with even more complicated layout, colors, fonts and language. Yew taw en I cakap sal apew? Yours are simple, honest and the kind of style that we speak regularly. Latest sentence which I like is this 'For triple chin effect, just add lemon.' I loled hard.

    3.What do you get from my writings?

    Apart on information on traveling, bliss yoghurt drink, choc dove, cola susu, I also get a feel good feelings. Usually when I read posts on your family. It reminds me to spent my time with my precious family.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    Let me explain this in the following situations.

    Situation 1

    Friend: I nak beli losyen la. Losyen apa ha?
    Me: Johnson’s Body Care Naturally White Daily UV Lotion. I heard it's good.

    Few days later my friend thanked me.

    Situation 2

    Friend: I nak bank in duit.
    Me: Eh jaga-jaga tau. Kadang-kadang ada SESETENGAH bank tellers tipu amek duit senyap-senyap.
    Friend: Ye ke? Mana kau tau?
    Me: Ade la *saja taknak mention baca dari blog sapa, hahaha*

    Situation 3

    Me: Nape teruk sangat kulit kau ni
    Friend: Aku pun tak taula, sedih!
    Me: Ni pakai Collagen Dust
    Friend: Apa tu?
    Me: *explain macam pandai, padahal dah hafal info dari blog Hanis*

    So basically, I look smarter. *Matila kalau kantoi kat kawan-kawan yg aku baca semua dari blog Hanis*

    And one more thing is, my desire to earn my own money and travel around the world is now stronger than ever when I read your posts on traveling. I honestly think that not just you, your parents, but your siblings are very hardworking and know how to enjoy life without being melebih-lebih in terms of kebendaan and it's smoething that most of us need to learn and practice.

    Good Luck on the nuffnang blog awards (I'll be voting for you of course)


  100. first of all, a congratulion wish from me to tou for the nomination listed.proud to be your reader!!!

    1.Who sent you here?
    i'am really new in this blogsphere.while blogwalking to get knowledge in this world, finally i found one blog that show me a real blog's world.the most thing that make me proud of it is its come from a young malay's

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    the way you write in each and every entry makes my finger clicking to your blog and my eyes keep reading your writing and my lips smile with every joke that you did! brings me into your world actually.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    i get many i said before, i can be u just by reading your blog.everything you said and i read, its make me feel that i am hanis zalikha. =) even in a real life, i cant be that, but in i can be just totally her!

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    it's confident level i know u, i've read in ur mom's blog's stated that you are actually a shy girl that will only stay in her room everytime people comes home before but with supporter and motivation from your surrounding people it makes you become today's hanis zalikha.a superb malay girl that still got a characteristic of a real malay girl.

  101. 1.Who sent you here?
    - Perasaan annoying bila tengok link 'Hanis Zalikha' kat blog orang lain yang membawa saya ke blog ni dulu. Hehe. Tertanya2 sapelaa awek yang konpiden 100% untuk guna nama sendiri ni, bukan nickname je like the rest of the world??

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    - Truly, for your unique insights of things, and how you always perceive things in different angles than most people. I have to give the credit to your mom, I think it's the way she raised all of you, coz I can see similar patterns in your siblings - UNIQUENESS - especially when expressing your ideas!

    You know well how to cook your words with humor especially, so it won't bore people when reading ur posts including advertorial posts! Eh banyak lagi sebabbbbb, tp i think i don't have to state the obvious fact that you're prettayy, and we just visit your blog again and again just to 'see' you.. :P

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    - A LOT! I see you as a very positive person, so I feel motivated to always stay positive, always bring good energy to people around you and just keep the bitter part to yourself.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    - You are very young, but you inspired older people (ehem) a lot just through your writings Hamis! You enlightened me on what it takes to succeed in life - be firm on whatever you believe, truly appreciate your friends n family, find the goods in people first than anything, and be passionate in life! :")

    All in all, you and your writings are very influential to most of us, so u really deserve the title!

  102. 1.Who sent you here?
    I could not remember myself, but i'm sure what keep me on viewing your blog because i could not get your hairy-guy's joke on your first post. Idiot me thought you really had turned to that guy. I was young. haha

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    i need to make sure you did not turned into that hairy legs guy.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    4 flats two times in a row. :) when i received my first semester's result i was so frustrated to see that i could not reach what you have achieved in your very first semester. Your results inspire me in a way and I praised Allah for the best rezeki and making you as a medium of kesedaran even i'm in the science field.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    tak baca ke jwpn no 3? Now, i need raised a lot of money and buy a new car :P

  103. oh btw hanis, can you please just read my previous comment and do not publish it? just keep it to yourself.

    I'm sure dont want everyone to know my results. Im very not good in handling my riak. Still practising!

    May peace be upon you. (yg ni pun tak payah lah publish, buang masa. hehe) Bye.

  104. 1. It was Elia Ekbal,a friend of mine. If Im not mistaken, we were in semester 1 in uitm shah alam last year. We were drooling over your facebook page,stalking your pictures. And and I do really really envy you so much! Then I get to know that you've got a blog. So thats how I was sent here up until now, looking forward for your latest posts.

    2 & 3. Haha! Exactly, that one visit continues to infinity visits to your blog. Your writing is very interesting,influential and motivating. Its fun reading about your holiday, family and "demok' haha and i wanted to know more and more. And not to forget evey bits and pieces of informative posts that you posted, e.g advertisements,contests etc. its like 'hey,you want to know some interesting or latest news?' go to i know am exaggerating a bit here, but thats what i think why i continue to read your blog. Through your blog, people get the perspective of life of a student, a daughter, a sister, and a model which is YOU. You made me realised that its not impossible to get what I want.

    4. You've become one of my idols. Yes,hanis! you're my idol haha. I read a post on your mom's blog about you achieving an award in uitm. I was like WOW! I want to be like her too. thats what came to my mind. When im stressed or unhappy,this blog will be my first visit. By reading your blog, it'll eventually change my mood. In anyway, to be like you is my goal. You can be considered a successor though i know you still has a very long journey to go. So do I.

    All the best! and you"re voted for the most influential blog ;)

  105. 1.Who sent you here?

    A friend of mine who said there’s gorgeous lady + model + brilliant student, own a blog with good + cool entries.

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?

    Because I found it as amazing, inspired blog that made me feel (yeah yeah, u’r right, yeah2, i’ve done this b4, etc.)

    3.What do you get from my writings?

    Relieved my tension, depression, stressed during my study time, & now working, I feel this is one of good blog which always & never let down me to read this again & again! Pendek kata : informative blog la n relevant!

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    I feel that beauty is on the eye of the beholder, but makesure just be yourself. Everyone is beautiful and smart. Life is easy as ABC but sometimes it’s y=mx + c2.

  106. 1.Who sent you here?

    A friend of mine who said there’s gorgeous lady + model + brilliant student, own a blog with good + cool entries.

    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?

    Because I found it as amazing, inspired blog that made me feel (yeah yeah, u’r right, yeah2, i’ve done this b4, etc.)

    3.What do you get from my writings?

    Relieved my tension, depression, stressed during my study time, & now working, I feel this is one of good blog which always & never let down me to read this again & again! Pendek kata : informative blog la n relevant!

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    I feel that beauty is on the eye of the beholder, but makesure just be yourself. Everyone is beautiful and smart. Life is easy as ABC but sometimes it’s y=mx + c2.

  107. 1.Who sent you here?
    - The amazing Kosmo! :)

    2.Why did you continue reading my -after that one visit?
    - Your blog is clean, tak serabut kepala tak nak baca. a very interesting pendahuluan for each post(amazed sbb i tak tahu buat pendahuluan). Penulisan yang tak bosan macam baca yellow pages.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    - Ideas on how to write introduction. value of family and friends in our life. angels to shot beautifullll pictures. and be more confident.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    - Sekarang lagi rajin nak tulis sebab ada ideas untuk pendahuluan. and confident! confident! when there is confident, everything is possible :)

  108. 1.Who sent you here?
    - The amazing Kosmo! :)

    2.Why did you continue reading my -after that one visit?
    - Your blog is clean, tak serabut kepala tak nak baca. a very interesting pendahuluan for each post(amazed sbb i tak tahu buat pendahuluan). Penulisan yang tak bosan macam baca yellow pages.

    3.What do you get from my writings?
    - Ideas on how to write introduction. value of family and friends in our life. angels to shot beautifullll pictures. and be more confident.

    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?
    - Sekarang lagi rajin nak tulis sebab ada ideas untuk pendahuluan. and confident! confident! when there is confident, everything is possible :)

  109. Xnk ckp bnyk....i adore u la for u...ofcos la dear ;-)

  110. jom undi !!!

  111. I am looking forward to meet you at the award:)
    lots of love

  112. 1. back in early 2008, mase tu Malaysian Dream Girl tgh on air. from that series la sy tau HZ punye blog.MDG

    2.Bila kita minat kat orang kan, hari-hari nak tgk blog dia. tapi tak tahu kenapa.pernah tak rs perasaan tu? So i need no reason to keep reading blog HZ. i just read :)okie, btul-betul la, sebab Hanis punye writting y bersahaja but with info, bukan kosong.

    3.Dulu Hanis selalu buat entry tips jaga rambut la, tips itu la ini la. so that's a new knowledges! Kalau Hanis cerita psl family, mostly, akan bg kite sedar family base sgt important.besides that, bile cerita pasal study pulak, Hanis suddenly become highly motivated. hormat lecturer/pandai amik hati lecturer and all (even ade lectureer y puji hanis) Benda tu good influence la.As a students semua kena positive n motivated mcm tu.

    4.Overall, macam kite mention pnjg lebar kat atas, semua tu sedikit sebanyak affecting readers life.As for me, kite rs motivated nk score in school, nak behave friendly n politely towards other,and nk syg family kite more, like u do :)

    sebaik-baik manusia adalah y bermanfaat kepada manusia y lain.

  113. 1.Who sent you here?
    2.Why did you continue reading my blog after that one visit?
    3.What do you get from my writings?
    4.How did I or my writings in any way affect your life?

    1. A friend and I saw you with your mom at Tesco Extra Shah Alam. Both of you were tall and gorgeous. She then introduced that you're a famous blogger. Came back home to find your blog, read few entries and fell in love instantly. Followed inibelogsaya.blogspot right at that moment, of course :)

    2. I really adore your writings, simple, sempoi, easy to understand. What more can I say? I am just attached :')

    3. Obviously loads of useful knowledge. Almost each and every entry of yours made me learn something new every single time. Also, I love the fact that I get to learn how to write good sentences in English just by reading your blog instead of other reading materials. Wee!

    4. In any way? Make that in every way! :p I tend to get influenced easily by people I admire. So far, honestly, I buy things which you promoted in your blog, or things you use/have. Not to be like you (obviously no one can), I'm just attracted to what you use/promote because I believe they could be useful to us followers too. Another thing, I try to improve my writings to write good sentences like you too. I used to write my blog in full english but after reading yours, I write half of them in Malay now. Thanks to youu. I realised that writing blog in Malay isn't not cool at all ;)

    P.S. Maybe what I'm doing is not fair, but I vote for you using 5 FB accounts. Because I hv my loved ones passwords. Don't worry, they love to read your blog too. Just that I vote on their behalf. They know. Make that 5-6 votes everytime I vote for you. :) Good luck Hanis! xx

  114. hok alo hai,..kena la kempen mcm parti politik skit utk tarik pengundi,..heehe,.good job my Lovely Sis,..All the best,.

  115. tahniah.... goodluck ye kak hanis yg sgt manis:)


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