The moment kami jejak Tanah Melayu, I turned on my Maxis and the first sms I received was "Hanis, Nougat tak balik dah 3hari, sobs" -Mama. No "how are you". No "where are you". No "I miss you my precious daughter". That's where Nougat stands in our lives. Above everything else :'(
They say dog is man's bestfriend. But cats, they are family. You put up with their shit. You clean up their shit. Yet, it's no shit how much you love them.
Mula-mula cuma sedih baca SMS tuh. Dalam hati masih berharap, bila I sampai rumah dia ada tergolek dekat pintu pagar tunggu I balik. And it'll all be a silly panic moment yang boleh dilupakan. Then I reached home, no feline greeting. I went upstairs to my room, no Nougat camouflaging with my carpet. I went under the blanket, put my head on the pillow, and cried. It really hit me; Nougat is no more in my life.

where are you? T___T
ReplyDeleteohmy this is sad :( i hope nougat would return right back to u again.
ReplyDeletesedihnya..harap dapat jumpa kembali..
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that. Moge cepat jumpe die..
ReplyDeleteHope you will find him soon
ReplyDeletedon't worry, she'll be home....just wait....maybe she went and about to find somebody else to play with....
ReplyDeletealamak tersalah gender pulak...sorry....
ReplyDeleteI can feel it dear... Sabar k..I dulu pun Ada cat yg sgt cumel mcm nougat, dia pernah keluar tak balik2.. Memang risau Gile but he came back our home after 3 days he missing.. Banyak Kali gak dia hilang tapi orang cakap kucing ni boleh bau so maybe dia Akan cari Jalan balik dia..
ReplyDeletesmoga Nougat ketemu jln pulang ke umah keknis :)
ReplyDeleteciannya u... hope nougat akan pulang ke pangkuan u... sabar ea
ReplyDeletehilang..erm kucing pandai blk umah sendiri..mcm kucing kt umah i..tpkn nk jupe blk kucing yg hilang..sorry 2 say..memang x jupe..penah berlaku kt i..u kena faham peragai kucing u..kadang2 ia merajuk ngan tuanyer..u wat aper agan kucing u..
ReplyDeleteoh my..
ReplyDeletehope dapat jumpa dia :)
ReplyDeletesedihnya kucen hilang...comelnya nougat kak nis..
ReplyDeletep/s:contest sy n oh daus...
sedihnya..hopefully jumpa balik Nougat :(
ReplyDeleteerk... sebiji mcm kiki.. jgn ade org culik my kiki n pulangkan kat hanis as Nougat sudah..
ReplyDeletei know u feeling...hope nougat will back home soon.. :)
ReplyDeletehope dpt jumpa balik..comel sangat :(
ReplyDeletekenapa ramai yg hilang kucing sejak dua menjak ni?..aku pun hilang kucing.
ReplyDeletehope nougat will b back to u hanis :)
ReplyDeletekeep praying k..
ReplyDeleteselalunya kucing ni bila dia nak mati, dia akan tinggalkan umah yg dia tinggal, sebab dia tak nak tuan yang bela dia tu sedih.
ReplyDeletekucing k lily dah banyak kali buat cam tu. so ktorg dah boleh adapt lah klu kucing ni tak balik berhari2 kan
samela..kucing kite pon ilang gak.. :(
ReplyDeletei had a cat (Akamaru) returned home after 2 weeks.. miracle enough, hope is still there..
ReplyDeletebe patient eak hanis..insyaAllah he will return to you if he meant to be with u dear..
ReplyDeletei miss my bunnies too...:(
kalau nougat tu bjalan2 x jauh dr rumah...maybe nnt dier blek smula....just like my cats hilang 4-5 hari...then muncul balek...insyaallah....
ReplyDeletesangat faham perasaan hanis skrg. saya pernah hilang kucing parsi tapi lps 2 hari die balik, saya pernah hilang kucing selama 3 hari tapi jmpe dh mati tepi lonhkang rumah, saya pernah hilang kucing yang taktau ape cite smpi skrg. jadi ada banyak kemungkinan yg boleh jadi.kalo nougat balik,alhamdulillah tapi kalo sebaliknya, redhalah.
ReplyDeletesame laaaa...snowy saye pun dah hilang 2minggu!
ReplyDeletesabar k
ReplyDeleteALAAA HOW SAD ;(
ReplyDeletei hope someone who found nougat,will return it to u..
ehh memang nangis kott tambah2 benda tu yg plg rapat and closed to you..:(
sabar ye hanis..
mudah2an die selamat.. mana tau die tgh lepak eating fresh bowl of steamed fish given by a generous cat-lover.. waiting for a perfect time to make a dramatic comeback..
ReplyDeletehopefully it will be back home safely, Insyaallah
ReplyDeletesorry to hear that. i paham apa yg keknis rasa since i lost mine last year :(
ReplyDeleteharap nougat balik :)
sabar n berdoa ye cik hanis :')
ReplyDeleteThank you :') I'm still hoping for a miracle.
ReplyDelete: (
ReplyDeletei understand the worry *hug*
It is something beyond our control, ask from Allah ya
letakan kain or w.e yang ada bau dia so that dia boleh carik balik rumah tuan dia,...solution yang pernah i buat.. Persian cat i susah nk dgn org so dia pg rumah kosong 3day br dia balik sendiri...tu pown i thing dia sgt lapa and kotor..hurmm bwk besabar ok,sembahyang hajat insallah dia tahu owner dia.
ReplyDeleteSemoga nougat cepat balik rumah hanis :)
ReplyDeleteSedihnya. Same goes to me. Hari ni hari ke 20 kucing sy masih tak balik. Harap Nougat dapat jumpa :)
ReplyDeletemaybe nougat was taking fresh air outside..playing with other cats..think positive sis ! :)
ReplyDeleteinsyaAllah hanis, your cat akan balik jugak sebab kucing ick tikah hilang gak , lastly dia balik. insyaAllah ^^
ReplyDeleteTrust me. I know how you felt :'|
ReplyDeleteIt's like losing a friend, sebab cats have that special instinct that human don't. They'll pull a sad face if you're sad too, they'll try to comfort you, snuggle up to you, makhluk Tuhan yang istimewa.
I never got over the loss of my cats.
I have a cat look just like yours I bought him from a pet shop long time ago.. But he is in furry heaven now..
ReplyDeleteBtw hope you found your cat again... Take care..
hanis...check this out...
let's vote for hanis..=)
I'd be distraught too if my cat went missing :'{
My female cat Brownie went missing for 3 days once, she was found dead under a bridge. Kucing kalau dah nak tau masanya dah tiba akan hilangkan diri dan cari tempat yg sunyi. Today masuk sebulan dia tinggalkan kami.:( I hope your cat returns to you soon :)
ReplyDeleteso cute n fluffy...:). Insyallah, akan jumpa baik...:)
ReplyDeletesorry to hear that.. where r u nougat? moga dia selamat n come home safe!
ReplyDeletehope dier cepat balik.. b'doa je k :) muke kucing 2 mcm kucing sy gak..
ReplyDeletehope kucing 2 balik.. mcm kucing sy dulu hilang gak dlm 2 hri cm 2 la.. akhir2 nya balik jugak ke rumah.. btw, muke kucing awk cm muke kucing sy la.. ^^
ReplyDeletehuhu kesiann.. rupa sama mcm kucing sy.. hmm hopefully dia balik cepat2..
ReplyDeletekalau ada org jumpa kucing gebu mcm nih,jarang nak pulangkan balik..TT___TT
ReplyDeletesemoga nougat balik rumah semula ye
omaaiiiiiii! i love cat. miss my gemok!
ReplyDeletehope nougat return back. seriously nougat handsome :)
ReplyDeleteitu yg xnak bela kucing...
ReplyDeletebila dya tetiba pergi..mawnya meratap tak sudah..
u know, org kata kalau kucing dah nak pergi, dia akan pergi jauh2. dia tanak pergi depan tuan dia sebab dia tanak tuan dia sedih. bt i hope nougat will be home soon. alright hanis ;)
ReplyDeleteas salam,
ReplyDeletehopefully segeralah dia pulang.
and by the way ..
Jangan lupa untuk vote for Hanis Zalikha!
go go Hanis Zalikha
Nougat sangat comel.. hopefully korang temui dia. :'(
ReplyDeleteHai kak. Sorry to hear Nougat was missing. Tapi adk ada dengar lah, kucing yang sayang tuannya, kalo dia nak mati dia tak akan tunjuk depan tuannya. So, sabar k akak :) Banyak2 berdoa.
ReplyDeletekalau saya jumpa saya takkan pulangkan ! comel ! errr. saya kat muar, ada probability tak nougat sampai kat muar. booyah! jgn marah. :P
ReplyDeleteOhh how sad. Hopefully nougat will return back to your home place again.
ReplyDeleteI get emotional when I read this (yay) & dropped some tears haha. I understand exactly how u feel but it will be alright, aight? I was once experienced it. Her name is Husky. She didnt come back home for 2 weeks. I've been looking for her everywhere & never forget Husky in my prayers. Until 1 day, my fiance & I walked home from a supermarket near my house & he saw a cat sitting on a table of a neighborhood's house compound, while a (consider dog, barking to her under opposite to the table, he asked me whether its Husky. & it took my whole attention like *gempar* haha, I wasnt sure if its Husky because I wasnt spec-on, but I felt so excited & went nearer to the neighborhood's house, the nearer I get the VERY SURE I AM its Husky haha & coincidentally, the owner of the house went outside to her house compound, so I asked whether the cat on the table is hers? She told me, no & said that, the cat always went there playing with the dog. I was like, HUSKY Y R U SO NAUGHTY ! I've been worrying about u ! So I took her home & pray again to thank God for giving me patient all the way until the very moment ! Hee. Yeah, Husky is such a super playful cat but not anymore because she's a mother already haha. Hanis, keep pray for Nougat too, Im sure God always LISTEN to our prayer =)
ReplyDeleteHopefully, u'll find your Nougat....
ReplyDeletesame here..i lost my cat two weeks before i gave birth to my daughter..and now my daughter is 3 months old.. agaknya dia merajuk sebab away dari rumah lama sangat ( berpantang di rumah lain dan tak jengah2 dia sehingga dia hilang.. which was maximum 14 days)
ReplyDeleteredha dengan pemergiannya.. and i always pray that Yuki will be fine and happy wherever he is..:)
ReplyDeleteThis is terribly sad.
Dear Hanis,
The least I could do is just to advise you to perform a Solat Hajat. And in your later sujud, try to recite this du'a:
"Bismillah Yaa Hadii adh Dhalal wa Roodda adh Dhaalah Urdud ‘alayya Dhalatiy bi ‘Izzatika wa Sulthanika Fa Innaha min Athaaika wa Fadhlika"
Maksud: Dengan nama Allah, Wahai Yang Menunjuki yang tersesat dan Yang Mengembalikan yang hilang (maka) kembalikanlah kepadaku (sesuatu) yang hilang (dari) ku dengan keagungan-Mu dan kekuasaan-Mu. Sesungguhnya ia (sesuatu) itu adalah pemberian-Mu dan karunia-Mu).
Then after, try to recite Yassin pula yer.
Good luck.
owh, im so sorry to hear this. be patient, she'll come back soon..
ReplyDeleteOh my,i have to tell Nouji about this!maybe sister dia can have this feline telepathy? This is so saaaad..
ReplyDeletep/s: muka Nougat and Nouji is exactly alike except that Nouji has feminine features :)
insyaALLAH . ada jodoh bertemu kembali :)
ReplyDeleteowwhhh so sadd... i pernah kehilangan kucing jugak... sobkh... hopefully nougat will come back home a.s.a.p...
ReplyDeletesedihnyer...kucing saya pon hilang...dekat sebulan..memang tak harapkan ape2 pon..sebab dah lama sgt..harap2 nougat balik.. :(
ReplyDeleteOh nougat pulanglah...nnt keknis takde entry lg pasal kamu...uwaaaa sedihnye.....
ReplyDeletei understand ur feeling too well as i once felt it before. "cats are family". indeed, they are.
ReplyDeletesis .. sabar ye sis T___T
ReplyDeletesaya pun turut rasa sedih . .sabar ye sis..insyaAllah nanti jumpa balik meow tu ..
comelnye............awak sabar tau
ReplyDeletemacam kucing semalam kat hujung kedai. Tapi kucing tu betina dan mengandung.
ReplyDeletesedihnya :> .
ReplyDeletetakpe2,nanti nougat balik tu ..
okay pretty :)
ReplyDeletesemoga si comel ni balik umah...dan dapat jumpa hanis lagi..
sabar eh
huhu..kucing ni cute. mana dia pergi yerk? hope dia cpat balik nti. cari la kat mana2..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSaya pernah baca, kucing kalau nak sampai ajal, dia lari jauh dari owner dia. Sebab tanak owner dia nampak dia mati. Sorry but this is what i read.
ReplyDeletesorry to hear.. mokcik pun pernah ilang kucing, ada yg balik semular lepas 2-3 hari, ada yang tak balik2..
ReplyDeleteHope hanis dapat jumpa semula ur cat
Thank you for your stories and doas. Belum jumpa lagi :(
ReplyDeleteohhh..i will return your precious cat if i see him
ReplyDeleteCuba mcm ni pulak, pertama, lps solat jgn putus doa mohon Allah kembalikan dia ke pangkuan keluarga, kedua, panggil je dia hari2 kt luar rmh tu suruh dia balik, ckp sorg2 pun xpe. Ketiga, yakinlah yang dia akan balik, Insya Allah dia balik. Jika sebaliknya, redhalah kerana Allah tetapkan bahawa itu yang terbaik buat dia dan kamu semua.
ReplyDeleteme is so sad.nougat totally cute.bila my cat"dona"mati i cried in front of his grave.
ReplyDeletesome said that a cat kinda know when their times is up.. u know.. so it means.. "nougat dah mati... ahahahahahaa!"
ReplyDeleteno.. seriously.. how old is she? n no.. im not sorry for my bad joke.
Nougat jantan or betina? kalau jantan, if he was not neutered yet, probably dia jalan2 jauh pegi berpacaran kut... i hope this is the case :(
ReplyDeleteKalau nougat betine, hmmm dunno la.. kena curik org kut. I remember nougat when I went to you house to pick up cake, nougat was lounging in front of the gate, then jalan lenggang gemuk tu duduk depan keta kitorang. My sis in law geram sgt and pick nougat up and peluk2 Nougat. Hmmm sedey pulak bila dgr citer nougat hilang ni.
kalo kucing jantan cukup masa mesti die akan hilang untuk, biarkanlah die berdikari....doakan yang terbaik utk die...;)
ReplyDeleteorg ckp, kalau kucing tu sayang sgt kat kita..dia takkan mati depan kita..dia akan hilangkan diri..but i harap bukan itu pengakhirnya..dia akan balik nanti..insyaAllah..banyak2 doa..
ReplyDeletealooo -_-" sedihhh..
ReplyDeletenougat came back home, dont make hamis jalikha cried..... >_<"
ReplyDeletehope nougat xbertukar jadi nuget....kekg kena mkn...hehe
ReplyDeleteSelalunye kalau kucing hilang.. maksud die, die syg kan tuan die.. die xnak susah kan tuan die. so die hilangkan diri die sebab waktu die "pergi" dah smpai... im sorry for your lost cat... :'( i'll be very sad too if my cat gone away... that day i saw you at kl Central! too shy to tegur! you are so damn pretty! you were wearing a velour gold sweater... so pretty!!!! <3
ReplyDeleteSelalunye kalau kucing hilang.. maksud die, die syg kan tuan die.. die xnak susah kan tuan die. so die hilangkan diri die sebab waktu die "pergi" dah smpai... im sorry for your lost cat... :'(
ReplyDeletehopefully nothing happen to him... i'll be very sad too if my cat gone away... that day i saw you at kl Central! too shy to tegur! you are so damn pretty! you were wearing a velour gold sweater... so gorgeous!!!! <3
Alah kesiannya, I hope you can find him eventually
ReplyDeleteayu faham perasaan Hanis..i've been in tat cat hilang jejak terus...and always praying tat Allah will save him..amiin..
ReplyDeletedulu pernah gak hilang appa(my cat)..but a few day later..dia balik ngan muke comot dan kelaparan..hrp nougat pun sama gak..akan blik kepangkuan hanis..
ReplyDeletewe are in a same boat sayang. i lost my kitten (miumiu) last week. and i feel really sad :(
ReplyDeleteSis dah jumpa Nougat?Hopefully dah.Serius sedih bila hilang seekor.Hmm.Just wish that Nougat already at home now.
ReplyDeletechill hanis. maybe nougat will back to you :)
ReplyDeletehow are u?
ReplyDeleteSame with my cat.. Dekat seminggu, baru dia balik.. Risau nye kita je yg tahu.. Appn sabar k.. I. Allah, tak lama lagi balik lah si comel tu ;)
ReplyDeletesabar ye hanis.. doa kami semua semoga nougat dijumpai selamat ngn segera.. i noe da feeling.. i love cats as well.. :')
ReplyDeletesedihnye!!!maybe dia happened to me before..ingat memang dh ilang pusing2 taman jumpa..hopefully dapat jumpa balik..
ReplyDeletesedihnyee..dia mrajuk kak hanis dah lame menghilang la tu..sobsobsobs..
ReplyDeleteApa petanda dia jodoh kita? ♥
ReplyDeleteReally nice blog here. I voted for your blog for Social Media Award 2012 although your blog is soooooo popular that my vote might be negligible.
Really appreciate if you can vote for my blog too, for Best Auto category at :
A million thanks to you.
Admin MMN
ReplyDelete;(((((( sedihnyaaaa
ReplyDeleteinsyallah nougat will be home soon, tawakal to Allah orait.
di tempat kerja i ade seekor kucing yang amat comel lagi gebu. Kucing jantan. Bukan takat comel, malah manja dan boleh la dikatakan bijak. I just tepuk2 meja, tahan die akan lompat naik atas meja. I tepuk2 peha, than he climbed on my laps. tersangat comel. i namakan dia Fakri. Sempena nama player bola harimau muda yang sangat di'anti' ramai tu. Bila i called nama die Fakkkriii, die akan sahut.. Miauuuuuu... Macam paham je..
ReplyDeleteThan one day die hilang macam tu je.. I asked everyone, but no one knew where he gone. Ade yg ckp die dah diambil oleh kakitangan pest control yg buat kerja-kerja pembersihan kat situ. Dan macam2 andaian la. Agak tak best tanpa Fakri sekor ni. Hampir sebulan lebih die hilang.
But siapa sangka. One day die balik dengan sendiri. Datang kat i dan terus minta diusap2 mcm selalu. Memang mircle la... Than i aspect that die sesat. May be die pi merayau-rayau than lupa jalan balik sampai la hari tu.
may be that what happened to your nougat... Hope he'll be back... Die mungkin sesat... Insyaallah.. Die kucing yg bijak, die pasti balik kat u semula...
inna lillah
ReplyDeleteerk, comElnyer....>.<
have u know that u have been listed for 'Best Celebrity Blog'. Please check it here.
ReplyDeleteif i find him will u date me? LOL :)
ReplyDeletehi, just saw your post, well i know this may sound strange but i swear i;ve seen that cat in a petshop before! exact same colour, and my first instinct when i saw it was "looks like they stole someone's cat to sell"....or someone stole it and sold it to the petshop..this happens alot...especially those in the backyard breeder business...if you're willing to try your check this petshop in uptown damansara...N N pet something :/ they sell alot of cats that seems to have previous owners...just a a cat owner myself...n i'd do anything if something were to happen to my baby :) good luck! hope you'll find it soon :)
ReplyDeletemust b somebody dah potong misai dia dan simpan kat umah dia..
ReplyDeletethat's why akak lupakan hobi pelihara kucing sbb x sanggup nk hadapi situasi mcm ni..
ReplyDeletedulu mak akak smpi jatuh sakit gara-gara kucing kesayangan kami hilang..
sejak tu malas nk pelihara kucing..
oh ya..moga nougat akan pulang ke pangkuan hanis sekeluarga..
ReplyDeleteweh!! sedih kut kucing hilang. Kucing aku , nama dia MOJO. Hilang seminggu. Meow macam orang gila. Basikal satuu kampung cari MOJO. Makcik2, nmpk tak kucing kiter? #$$%@%$%^%^ like...hada haku kesah kucing hengko ker..? eh tak lah..tak jumpa lah lily. Menangis kesialan kerana kehilangan. Lepas seminggu, baru balik. Balik jer, KURUIH! hadoh! dah aku kena beli ikan kembong sekor kkasi gemok balik! Haih MOJO..
ReplyDeletecepat sumorang carik!
ReplyDeletei feel you. my dear cat, mok tam lost during christmas 2010. i still cry when i think about him.
ReplyDeletelol my kambing pun ada nama nougat satu ;D haha anyways, im pretty sure your nougat will come back. most cats do :) they just like to well umm.. wander off :P
ReplyDeletelol my kambing pun ada nama nougat jugak :D anyways, im pretty sure your nougat will come back. most cats do though. they just like to well um.. wander off sometimes :P
ReplyDeletehope it find its way home :)
ReplyDeleteakak dah cari satu uma ke? hurmm, syg nye. comel kot kuceng ni
ReplyDeleteComell nye kucing tu ;) Hope cepat jumpe balik tau . Eyraa ade tag keknis kat sini
oh my, semoga cepat jumpa kembali
ReplyDeletehey, I'm sorry to hear that. I have a lot of cats at my house and I can't even imagine if they are not there anymore. Best of luck for you :')
ReplyDeletekesiannya, kucing hanis hilang... Harap2 ada la orang yang baik hati jumpa dia...
ReplyDeleteSo cute la ...
ReplyDeleteawh, this is sad :'( i used to have the feeling when we lost the loved one. lg2 kucing. hurm, dun cry sis. May Allah protect him always. u take care.
ReplyDeleteso sad
ReplyDeletemy cat pn baru hilang...tak balik-balik...selalunya time makan je balik..walaupun he's not fluffy as yours,but we love him so much...hahhaa...just miss when he standing infront of us waiting for food..he wait and wait and wait till kitorang kesian tengok muka sedih+mgada2 dia tu...
ReplyDeletemiss u rumi..
i just lost my cat.. hit by non stop crying..its so manje..! the whole family also been crying a lot.. kuasa tuhan kan.. how Allah create mahluknya yg bley menyentuh jiwa manusia! no more MOMOT in my life! R.I.P syg!! :'(
ReplyDeletes0 cute!!!
ReplyDeletedun w0rry, kucing biasenye taw cri rumah tuannye . . .
my cat dlu did da same thing . . .
be str0ng gurl~~
so cute!
ReplyDeletemak oiii... Comelnyer kucing! klo org jmpe pun mmg x pulangkan.. simpan sebab comel sgt! tros jatuh syg hanis!
ReplyDeletemcm i punya kucing.sejibik ! tapi dia dh takde :'(
ReplyDeletepoor u
ReplyDeleteyes, selalunya kucing akan bau jalan balik rumah tuannya..but, sometimes if org suka dia, they will keep as their own pet..itu mmg sedih..mine kene sembelih oleh Vietnamese..they ate it..uwaaaaaaaa...laaagi sad...
sebiji mcm kucing yg i jumpa.. ada kat umah mentua skang...