
Thursday, April 12, 2012


Some say I no longer tell my stories like I used to.
So my answer to that is...

Eh you noticed?
It's because sometimes nak cerita kegembiraan and kesyukuran pun orang kata berlagak.
Really, yawn.

Hari itu baru tweet "I don't have rich parents. Whatever heart desires, I get it myself"
Ramai yang replied positively. Ada juga yang kata "Oh pleaselah takde rich parents konon, dekat belog dah macam anak raja aku nengok"

Anak raja zaman sekarang memang study kat UiTM.


  1. maknanya k lily pun anak raja gak lah coz belajar kat uitm gak... kahkahakhakah

  2. pedulik orang kata,
    kalau kita fikir nak jaga hati orang, siapa nak jaga hati kita?
    dont worry,ramai support hanis.. that for sure..

  3. sabar2..huhu..mulut org ni payah nak tutup. even kite tk kco die, ade je modal nk saketkn hati. sabar tau. :)

  4. i like ur titte ebtry anyway... my opinion is also persetankan...

  5. ahh... I think pernah tgk tweet tue... the tweet ends with a "spitting".. dunno kalau sama lah ... but yea..

    a while back kan .. 2-3 weeks ago if I am not mistaken.

  6. hahaha..biasa la tu.. byk yg dengki dari support kita.. dasarnya hati org tak sama..lalala.. Syukur la kita ada kemampuan untuk miliki apa aja dgn usaha kita sendiri. Hati kita puas, ada kisah apa org cakap2 tu..

  7. abaikan hanis.... abaikan... you just can't please everyone... i love to read your story... keep writing...

  8. toksah peduli orang2 macam tu...tu dengki je namanya....

  9. persetan kan semua itu..mereka jeles ler tewwwww... :)

  10. persehtankan semua itu. mereka jeles ler tewwwww... :)

  11. ahaksss,
    comel jer...

    rilex,jgn serabutkan otak.
    yang dia org follow dan baca tu kenapa!!!so

    ahaks(ketawa nakal)

  12. hahahaha...tu jeles lettew.... klu dia x jeles, dia takkan follow ur tweet...hehehehe

  13. just ignore it hanis.. u know u better than that..

  14. just ignore it hanis.. u better than that ok..

  15. just ignore it hanis... u better than that..

  16. memang susah nak pleased everyone, tulislah apa yg ikhlas dr hati..mcm dulu2. stay strong hamis jalikha ;)

  17. biasalah Hanis, we can't please everyone....
    orang tengok macam senang je u dapat ur success- they don't know the journey and hardships u go thru along the way...
    best to just accept the critism - take the good ones, the rest abaikan aje :)
    continue to improve yourself and be an inspiring example to young adults out there
    life is too precious to dwell on what ppl think abt u :)

  18. persetankan itu semua, you know yourself!

  19. Hi Hanis! Don't worry so much about what people said about you, I've been through it all, as long as you and your family knows what you're doing, that should be fine. Those people would not be the one that would support you anyway, so what the heck. Get yourself away from their negativity, negative vibe would do you no good. Take care girl!

  20. let them be sis.
    memang anak raja study kat uitm.
    memang *perli mereka2 yg ugh*

  21. hehe....akak memang femesss...gooood luck !

  22. let them be sis.
    memang anak raja study kat uitm.
    memang *perli mereka2 yg ugh*

  23. kesimpulannye, mari kite refer balik kt tajuk entri; 'persetankan'...allow me to add on 'mereka' = 'persetankan mereka' hehehe

  24. Hidup Uitm! Dimana semua anak2 raja belajar :D

  25. dear hanis,
    your blogs, writings inspired us. bayangkan inspired kitorang yg lg tua ni.*jalan bongkok2. hehe.

    Persetankan yg negative. if you think bout negative, how's people yg always positive ni? :(

    dun give up! maybe u don't realise. sometimes, bila we ols bosan, down... we go jalan2 tgk blog sana sini. and it always cheer us up when we read your happy & fresh belog!

    kaya? those people yg should sedar diri kot. because of that of attitude la diorang miskin. wooopsi!

    fyi, almost everyday i visit your belog to see if there's any updates. :)

    love ya'

  26. Hi Hanis! Yeah, let people talk. I do not think that you are such a stuck up but you tell stories about yourself in your own unique way and i believe, it is the truth. Keep up the good work and only mind the good comments and delete off the negative ones.

  27. suka baca tagline keknis.
    ' u cant make everybody like u. u dont even like everybody' :)

    so,persetankan je.:)

  28. suka baca tagline keknis.
    ' u cant make everybody like u. u dont even like everybody' :)

    so,persetankan je.:)

  29. It's very difficult to satisfy everyone. So..pedulikan mereka..:-)

  30. It's very difficult to satisfy everyone. So...just ignore whatever -ve things that they've said.

  31. like u said hanis, persetankan je. it's not ur job to please everyone. behind every successful person lies a bunch of haters. but not to forget those who looked up on u and who finds ur success as their motivation. as example, me! we love to read what u wrote and it does help us motivate ourselves <3 for me, i've just started my blog this year, motivated by u. feels free to drop by (:

  32. hamboi kemais saya yang menajawab tu.

    hikhik kita semua student uitm mmg anak raja kot.

    tapi sebenarnye diorang....

    jeles lettewww..kan?

    apepun,wish u the best dear.

  33. sabar je la kak hanis..manusia pendengki memang macam tuu..

  34. mulut manusia memang cam tu...

    dia jeles la tu...

    so persetankan semua itu


  35. hahahahaa...nice statement..btul gak..terhingin plak anak raja study kt uitm kan?? keep positive dear!

  36. haaa... diorang tatau cite la tu. sebab tu ngate kat hanis. huu.
    hanis kije model kan? :D

  37. hahahahaaa..nice statement..btul gak statement tu..ade plak anak raja taste sgt nk study uitm kan? keep positive dear!

  38. salam hanis....diana rasa hanis x berlagak pon.....hanis sgt2 ok la syg.....gaya pernulisan hanis xde la macam nk menunjuk ke ape...xyah sedih2 to fatin liyana tu...die lagi sangat2 berlagak......bapak die pakai mercedes bagai pon nak cite....diana pakai audi pon x kecoh huhuhuhuu....pakai tudung but you know la..mekap bagai..baju ketat2 bagai..ciri2 dalaman islam tu agak kureng..takbur gitu

  39. biarkanlah dorang berkata-kata.abaikan saje.dorang dh letih nt,diam la tu.chill okeh.

  40. Be patient Hanis...Forget those negative comments. Be yourself, dun waste your precious time entertaining this negative people. Salute you for being very independant. Take care

  41. Be patient Hanis...Forget those negative comments. Be yourself, dun waste your precious time entertaining this negative people. Salute you for being very independant. Take care

  42. Be patient Hanis. Dun waste your precious time by entertaining that negative people...Auntie salute your independant attitude. Take care

  43. keknis.....rindu kat si demok.citalah pasal dia..plishhh..

  44. hanis,

    mereka jeles la tu.
    alahai manusia

  45. (tak boleh puaskan hati semua orang sis.. be patient)

  46. pekakkan telinga her dear, u know urself and hiraukan mereka

  47. hanis, just persetankan.. mulut manusia mmg cenggitu.. kita cakap kita miskin, dia cakap kita poyo menipu, kita cakap kita senang, lagi lah kata kita double poyo.. so just say what u wanna say.. be yourself, orang tak suka lantak dia lah.. :P

  48. salam, cik hanis..biasa ar manusia yg 'kedengki' memang mcm tu..mungkin 'butt hurt' kot sbb u kan 'gorgeous'..abaikan jer..persetankannya juga bagus..just be ur self..ok peace..keep on blogging..

  49. biarkan ja hanis...tak semua org faham apa yg cuba kita sampaikan..lain dimaksudkan..lain pulak ditafsirkan...

  50. Perghh, terguris gak hati kalau tula, apa je yg kita wat, ada je org yg akan x puas hati...x tau knp...padahal kdg2 org tu x kenal pon kita siapa...dalam penulisan pon leh judge mcm dah kenal kita 15 tahun...

    pelik ngan manusia ni...asyik salah je di mata dia org...kdg2 niat nak share, tp org rasa kita berlagak....weird kan...

  51. hanis jangan layan langsung . if kite layan kan or luahkan mereka tau kite sakit hati . i rasa membiarkan sahaja untuk mereka terus rasa iri hati . hahaha .. ape la derang ni .

  52. hahahahaha rileks Hanis...yeah! you are right! PERSETANKAN semua tu! apa yg kita kecapi sekarang ni, is better from our own...sometime, it's good if we don't have a rich parents..sebab, kita akan belajar untuk dapatkan apa yg kita nak tanpa mengharapkan dari sesiapa pun..but yes, family memang sangat penting...
    so, biarlah ape orang nak cakap sekali pun...dorang tu jeles sebenarnya..

    *memang tak ada anak raja yang belajar kt UITM, tapi I bangga jadi salah sorg dari student UITM..UITM di hatiku..wakakakaka..Chill k sis..

  53. rileks je..tanya lar diorang,dorang ade?..haha

  54. ala rilek la hanis..hanis tulis we all baca..yg x suka tu biar la..mana bole nk puaskn ati semua kan

  55. Salam Hanis :)suka baca blog u even takde blog sendiri...sabar yer..

  56. hikhik...
    xdpt bygkn ank raja study uitm..
    ignore kn jep..
    be urself..

  57. Yup mereka memang setan he3...

  58. hikhik...
    xdpt bygkn ank raja study uitm..
    ignore kn jep..
    be urself..

  59. hikhik...
    xdpt bygkn ank raja study uitm..
    ignore kn jep..
    be urself..

  60. Biar la orang macam tu...cerita hanis best ape...suka dgn gaya tulisan hanis bcoz ade humor....hahaha :)

  61. Biarkan orang macam tu ape hanis punye cerita. Suka sangat dengan gaya tulisan hanis sbb ade humor dan bersahaja.... :D

  62. wan ada dengar dengar.

    hanis belajar ataupun berbelanja masa belajar guna duit hasil dari blog..


    have a good day.
    macam mana Faizal Hadi. dengar dengar dia akan move to fleet ATR..

  63. Haiyak Hanis.. why bother about what people cakap2 pasal u? U are celebrity (sort of).. tentunya people nak bercakap tentang u.. And when people gossip about u, u tak rasa funny ke, they hate u but they cant stop cakap2 pasal u? take a chill and make us (ur fans) happy.. Now, post a new entry.. ini arahan... ahaks.. Love u, Hanis..

  64. let them be..kata2 orang tu semua takkan bawa kita ke mana pun..

  65. nk blog pasal personal achievement. org kata blagak.

    nk blog pasal product. org kata iklan la plak kan.

    boring boring.
    wat satu lg personal secretive blog lah!

    jgn lupa jemput kami sang peminat:D

  66. mas tengok parent hanis esp mama susah payah cari duit. tak pernah pun rasa family hanis kaya.

    selama ni pun hanis buat aktiviti guna income sendiri, betul tak?

    jangan sedih dgn mulut orang ye =)

  67. mulut org mmg sedap je bercakap hanis.
    die ingat kalo umah besar, semuanye duit tu dpt dr langit.. padahal diorang tak tahu mcm mana kite try nak korban sana sini utk dptkan duit..tgk cara org yg kasi komen tu pun mcm takde moral je.. so u just b yourself, biarla diorang nak kata ape..

    ohh..memang, i pun anak raja jugak.. tu psal i pun blaja kat uitm.. hahaha.

  68. Abaikan ape orang nak cakap long as kite happy ngn life kite dh la..pape pn, ramai lg orang yang suka nak tau n baca pasal life u kt belog..:)

  69. Abaikan ape orang nak cakap long as kite happy ngan life kite dh..pape pn, ramai lg yg nak tau n baca pasal life u kt belog..:)

  70. haha...betul3..story lbh kng ckp kencing lak, brlgak & sewaktu dgn klo x der citer pun boring la kami sume ni ling....:)

  71. haha...betul3..story lbh kng ckp kencing lak, brlgak & sewaktu dgn klo x der citer pun boring la kami sume ni ling....:)

  72. people can say a lot of things .
    biasalah tu.
    just dont give up being u !

  73. You can't make everybody likes you, you don't even like everybody. ;)

  74. yeah..persetankan orang sebegitu...happykan diri sendiri dan keluarga sudah :)

  75. Theyre jealous of you, Hanis. Definitely =)

  76. so , just "perstankan" mereka2 itu... >_<" haha.. UiTM rupanya.. baru tahu =_=" haha.

  77. so , just "persetankan" mereka2 itu... >_<" haha.. UiTM rupanya.. baru tahu =_=" haha.

  78. Hanis yang saya kenal, tak pernah goyang pun dengan kata kata orang. Manusia memang macam tu, susah nak rasa senang dengan kesenangan orang lain. Chill lah dear, they won't harm you, your family, life and career. :)

  79. hmm..sounds of jealousy when someone said like that.

  80. dulikk la kate org...
    kaya tu rezki Tuhan...tu klebihan...

  81. jessie J mentioned, let the haters hate. Enjoy your life! :)

  82. Pedulikan je apa kata orang. Ni kan blog Hanis, so cerita Hanis la kan. Kitorang enjoy je baca. =)

  83. heh2..stended r tuh
    u cannot pls everybody meh

    life goes on, still

  84. heh heh
    stended r tuh
    u cannot pls everybody meh

    life goes on, still

  85. sbr lh hanis..mlut mnusia mmg xblh ttup..Allah lbh tau...biar kn jelh..we know who we are..always support u...=)

  86. oh! pehleaseelah, kat belog cam anak raja tuh same ke ngn anak raja yg real ke? anak raja blogging ke? and pehleaselah, uitm mmg tempat anak raja belajar kot.

  87. people will always dengki towards other people's success.. :( the more well known you are, the more people will try and bring you down. forget them, blog what you like. it's your blog after all. and above all, Allah knows whats inside your heart. :)

  88. ouhh..setan sungguh mereka..abaikan je hanis...sungguh tak memberi effect...

  89. bykkan bersyukur. alhamdulillah. kalau allah tarik satu nikmat sahaja pun kita akan susah. inikan pula nikmat Nya yg tak terkira byk nya.

  90. hahaa...abaikan mentality mcm tu =)

  91. Sabar....sabar jer bebanyak....yup. dat's right..PERSETANKAN...hehehehe. Diorg ke kasi kat kita wet mkn n minum...

  92. Laaa haaii.. cam tu la adat dunia dik oi... Whatever, I suka je baca story u. Tak pulak I nampak berlagak. (muka konpius) berlagak tang mana ye? I rasa normal dah kehidupan macam u sekarang, coz ada ramai gak orang yang life macam u. So nak kesah hapa.. citer jelah. Sapa yang komen tu, u takyah publish komen dorang. Kitorg suka je baca entry least dapat menimba ilmu sekali kannnn...

  93. dont they know everyone has their own trials?

    everyone's trials tak sama pls

    *pats ur back* its all good :D

  94. alaaah,jeles lah tuh! ignore je!

  95. kita pun UiTM gak, jom tubuhkan Angkatan Anak-Anak Raja UiTM Se-Malaysia, hehe~

    steady Hanis !

  96. tu r, kt rindu gak hanis updet, abaikan apa org nk ckp. lama2 derg penat tu.

  97. Give me 5 Hanis! Kite pun belajar kat Uitm Segamat dulu so kite anak raja jugak lah kan? LOL LOL.

  98. dia jealous lerr tu tgk org laen success. be chill ^^

  99. no matter what people say, I STILL ADORE YOU KEKNIS! (Y)

  100. kalau akak dlm "kasut" dik nis,hati pasti terguris

    persetankan aje

  101. bcos they donno u and family as much as i do. Tak kenal memang ramai mengata. Again, "Persetankan"

  102. biasala tu..dimana2 pun akan ada suara2 sumbang dari mulut yang sumbing ;)

  103. itu namanya dengki....biarlah hanis..kita tak bole buat semua org suka kita kan...jgn simpan dlm hati..tak berbaloi pun...stay cute always!!

  104. I likeee.. Persetankan komen2 negatif tu..

  105. Hanis cantik. Successful model. Afford to buy anything u want with your own pocket money = orang jealous.

    manusia memang macam tu. tak semua orang akan suka kita. dan kita pun tak perlu susah2 nak buat semua suka kita.

    stay gorgeous.

  106. Hamisssssssss we people love you k. Y yu no kill 'em?

  107. Biasalah tue. Orang klo tak mengutuk org lain, memang tak sah la idup dia. Sabo jerlah.

  108. Itu komen org dengki.. Kalau kaya, takdernyer your mom and younger siblings gi keja sana sini.. Anyway, kalau korang kaya pon, i still respek sbb still korang gi keja sana sini. Huhu... Next time tulis je anything yg hanis experience, yg happy, sedih, yg mengada huhu... Yg suka lagi ramai dr yg mengata

  109. diorang takde apa yang u ada. so, persetankan.

  110. ekceli ramai je anak orang kaya yg study dekat uitm tu. true story.

  111. julingkan mata je dgn org mcm tu..haha.

  112. persetan kan dorang tu , dengki and tak reti fikir. I suka gila baca blog you babe , ta kisahlah macam anak raja ke apa ke . tapi seriously bila baca I terasa you bawa I ke tempat yang I tak dapat pergi :D means you blog about your travel , I rasa happy sangat baca , macam I yang pergi pulak . sorang tak suka you , ada million billion yang suka you <3

  113. they just jealous ..( me included ) -.-'' but they are not suppose to give such harsh comment. persetankan.

  114. hai hai kak hanis..:)

    btul ckp kak hanis..
    perkara yang pling susah nk kite tutup n elakkan mmg mulut manusia..
    mmg jadi sifat mnusia nie yg x pernah berpuas hati dgn kelebihan org lain..msti ade dyorang nk pangkah...hehehee..
    sabar ye kak hanis..:)

  115. i'm proud to be UiTM student!hehe

    nak like la keknis ayat last skali tuh.. :3

  116. abaikan, apa kata hanis update tentang derma, kan dekat seven eleven tu atau kfc ada tabung derma tu kan, kasi upload banyak banyak, huhuhu

  117. ramai yang "menjeles" dalam kehidupan sekarang...Just ignore manusia kampung nie...Just be ur self.....
    Tak perlu layan perasaan manusia lain ...

  118. i love you Hanis Zalikha....

  119. yg kaye ur parents...not u...if u got anything from ur hard work, kepuasan tu lain kan...persyaitonkan apa org nk kata long as u r happy :) weeeee

  120. manusia selalu tak pernah puas hati dgn apa yg dia ada atau org ada..

  121. Eh, dah lama tak tuit-tuit dengan Hanis :)

    Boo.. je orang tu!

  122. YEAH! :)

    p/s: anak raja study uitm mau satu bangunan asrama jadi istana beliau ._." hehehe..siap bawak dayang2.

  123. haha! memang phd adalah merata2 didunia cyber ini

  124. lol~ terbaek laa kak hanis
    biase ah manusia mmg camtu

  125. maybe sbb u selalu makan sedap2x n pakai gmbar lawa2x maybe tu kot..tapi sye respek awk hanis coz u work n being independent n xde msalah sosial inshaallah.

    gud luck

    tapi u kene hati2x jugak ramai org akan support u sbb die suke u yg cantik n etc....I bace blog nih tuk tips cantik okay hehhe, n those supports can be a test for ur heart too...


  126. ha3.. anak raja skrg ni mmg studi kat Uitm.. Nice :D


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