Lelaki yang paling memahami Hanis dari setiap segi, setiap isi hati sanubari, setiap aspek psikologi. Lelaki yang Hanis berpegang pada setiap tutur katanya tanpa perlu ada periksa. Lelaki yang Hanis tunduk di depannya tetapi jalan bangga mendada apabila mengikut setiap aturan langkahnya. Lelaki yang tiada putus Hanis panjatkan syukur atas keberadaannya di setiap ketika, duka dan teruja. Lelaki yang jika ada duanya, tanpa gusar tanpa ragu, nikahi ku sekarang dengan restu dariMu.
Daddy. You’re the only man that I will love like this throughout my life.
Weh boleh tahan jiwang pula bila I start mengarang tentang Daddy I. Hari ini birthday Daddy! I am so thrilled! Alhamdulillah syukur panjang umur Daddy! Are you amazed that I didn’t forget your birthday this time around (sehari awal tahun ini hewew)? Hehe I remember last time I terlupa your birthday and kakak would always be the one yang ingat dan wish dulu, then I nak cover I would made up excuses like “Alaa Hanis nak wish nanti along with the present etc”. Tercalar ego I bila I sebagai anak favourite boleh lupa birthday Daddy T_T Ceh tak boleh blah anak favourite. Mentang-mentang nak mengendeng laptop Toshiba :B
Daddy! I want to marry someone as wise as great as smart looking as tall as handsome as awesome and as understanding as you! I doubt anyone is as perfect as that but please let me know when I’m almost there with my choice of future husband, teehee. I trust your judgments, always do.
I remember last time when I was the little mischievous Hanis. We would watch the telly together till late night. It wasn’t exactly watching together as the midnight news doesn’t appeal to me. But theres just something about staying up late with you that pleases my young heart.
But being a good father that you are, you would ask me to go to bed, eventhough I was just 5 years old, and have no school on the next day. And I would lie down next to you and say “Kejap, mata Hanis boleh tahan lagi, boleh tahan lagi”. When I assumed that youre too busy to notice, I started pretending that I’m asleep. Of course, you knew better, but you would always layan me and dukung bawa naik atas. I mean who else nak layan I kalau you tak layan? T_T
And I will never forget betapa manjanya I dengan Daddy sejak kecil lagi. Okay of course I takkan lupa sebab setiap kali jumpa semua kawan Daddy diorang akan ejek “Oh nilah anak hang yang masa kecik-kecik dulu nak roket nak roket?!” Haha the rocket joke. I tak pernah paham the rocket joke, tapi kalau diorang mention, I akan chuckle to the thought yang I mengada-ngada nak Daddy dukung je and minta macam-macam especially kat airport.
Daddy buat I minat sangat dengan orang Kedah. Sebab Daddy sangat lawak, buat I assume yang semua orang Kedah kelakar. Kalau lawak yang Daddy buat, expiry date dia lambat gila. Tahun depan kalau ulang pun belum tentu boleh tahan gelak. Daddy punya skill komunikasi memang like no other lah. Banyak I belajar dari Daddy. Everytime you send me to work, I will use the opportunity to bring something up, anything, just so I could get into how your mind works, how you place your words and utter it carefully, how you turn people to think alike argh the magic. Youre so magical! I want to be like you!
Haish Daddy this, Daddy that, I’m such a Daddy’s girl.
Kan Daddy?

OhSoRandom: Selamat hari ulangtahun kelahiran kepada kawan akrab, Lutfi Rashid juga! Zainal Rashid dan Lutfi Rashid, ada persamaan di situ bahaha.
Cak! Happy Birthday uncle =)
ReplyDeletehappy besday 2ur daddy..
ReplyDeletenice moments..
hehe..hanis, org kedah mmg best dan kelakar pun! :)
ReplyDeletecik hanis, kalo gua nak minta lu tlg promote label kitorang boleh ka?
ReplyDeletetgk kat:
gua bagi selai 2 kat lu. janji lu pakai.
you think idk that you're having a problem between u and babuji? TAKNAK ANGKAT CALL AKU KAN SKRG, FINE.
ReplyDeletedahlia!! garang gila..
ReplyDeletehuhu..kenangan pura2 tidur n ditatang hingga ke katil memang seronok. i do remember it well too..
ReplyDeletehallo aunt! i am ian, 8 months old. check out my blog ;')
ReplyDeletehepi besday to ur dad.. :)
ReplyDeletehye sis.. luv to read ur posting.. can i link u?
ReplyDeletehanis makes me imagining my future little girl..
happy birthday to ur daddy!
cik indie
epy bday uncle!
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to daddy hanis!
ur entry make me missed my late abah very much.
may him rest in peace.
ayah..kawinkan daku dgn org kedahhh..hehee
ReplyDeleteHey there Hanis,
ReplyDeleteI think you rock! Love the attitude.
When you're married / give birth nanti, let me know, I might be interested to cast you (ceyy cast..) to model for JumpSac Baby Slings.
If you're interested that is..
Oh.. the website is at http://jumpsacbaby.com
Or if you know any rocking mama with a baby (or babies)..let me know too k!
Have a Happy week ahead!
contact: jumpsac at gmail dot com
pergh..kening budak tu tak boleh blah... mcm tak nak lepas and tak nak kasik orang dekat. hahaha garang tu!!
ReplyDeleteheyloww....agaknya mmg daughter akan rapat dngn father.. btul2x mmg father like the main role model for the family :D hehe ~
ReplyDeleteanywayy u're lucky to have such a great n humurous daddy, n ur daddy is veryy lucky to have a CUte n adorable dauGhter like u
< roCket pun roCket lah :B >
i lahir kedah...
ReplyDeletetapi i dah bertunang.. sigh..
Have a blessed daddy birthday!!
this is so...touching:)
ReplyDeleteTo Cik HZ...Tahniah atas a very2 Umphh & Jiwang (actually Sedih, for Me) cer-pen. U're such a Daddy Girl.
ReplyDeleteTo Daddy Cik HZ...Ucap Selamat serta Syukur, Semoga Panjang Umur Dimurahkan Rezeki senantiasa.
p/s:(Aku pun nak Hasben yg ada ciri2 Bapak aku jugak? Ada sesapa yang kenal? SMS me: 0128*****5)
touching ler beb...
ReplyDeleteorang kedah memang lawak!
ReplyDeletenice one babe,
'ter'touching lak bace,
ReplyDeleteWhat coincidence my dad has the same birthday as your dad's and I posted a birthday entry as well.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
ReplyDeletecomella dahlia angkat kening he he
ReplyDeletekiut gle dahlia..
ReplyDeletepengganti ziana zain nih!!
hanis mmg daddy's girl..
ReplyDeletetgk pic last tue, muka hanis sebijik cm daddy hanis esp part hidung n dagu :)
sucha sweet dedication to your dad.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday daddy hanis. org-org utara memang kelakar.percayalah!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Uncle...eh my mom's birthday one day after ur dad's taw..huhu
ReplyDeletevery wise !
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to him..
ReplyDeletehi,touching gile baca..tsk.tsk. huehue..
btw, nama saya Dahlia jugakkk..ahahaha..sama nama ngan bebi itu. LoL.
hanis, i'm just like u too. anak ayah. we always think the same thing and we work more or less the smale style.
ReplyDeleteluv u Ayah!
aku org kedah tapi tak kelakar pun?