Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gerimis Mengundang

Argh, memory card is with mom and all the photos we took at Teater Gerimis Mengundang are in there sobs. I just have some backstage photos (guna cameraphone jer T_T), so I hope it'll do...

Gerimis Mengundang nih pasal pilot yang playboy, akhirnya jatuh cinta  like real true love, dengan seseorang tapi can he change his ways? You gotta watch to find out. I find this play very entertaining (oh it's a musical btw). Despite the name, I laughed a lot! Ingatkan nak sedih-sedih rupanya gelak jer! Tapi towards the end memang sedih. Kedengaran ramai yang soksek bunyi hingus cover-cover cengeng.

Although ada parts yang draggy, ia ditebus kembali dengan tarian and nyanyian yang super sedap. The cast can REALLY sing! I was in awe, we all were.

This duo sangat kelakar! Tengok, I tangkap gambar with them pun tergelak. 

  And this dude right here, he was AMAZING. I never knew that he could dance that well, selama ini tiada chance untuk menyerlahkannya? Go and watch him in action, sure jatuh cinta. 

Another one for for the road, sorrylah gambar kualiti rendah T_T

Siapa teringin nak tengok teater yang ringan dan fun, inilah peluang anda. Gerimis Mengundang, di Istana Budaya (8pm) setiap hari sehingga Ahad ini. Ticket RM55, RM75, RM105 dan RM155 :) 

Thank you Ain who assisted me that day, really appreciate it.


  1. tapi story line dia cliche la Hanis. Tak bosan ke?

  2. Maybe sebab execution dia nice, jadi tak bosan. Untuk enjoy2 jer.

  3. The cast yang boleh nyanyi tu Mikha Tambayong kan..kan... Hanis tak tangkap pic dengan dia ke? heee

  4. Dia nyanyi sedap gila. Tapi tak friendly :(

  5. apa celop todtt.. huhuhu.. nice pic

  6. I nak pegi tengok lah ahad ni. thank u hanis for the info ^_^

  7. awesome ! susah nak tgk teater best2 kat sabah ni .

  8. Wuuu lama dah teringin nak tengok teater. Wuuu y jb no theatre? T_T

  9. Alaaa, Shiema dekat Kedah, kalau dekat Shah Alam mesti dah pergi tengok dah (:

  10. u look gorgeous!

  11. oh dah lama tak g tgk teater...IB tu dkt je ngan ofis tu...

  12. Wahhhh .Wahhhh . Best nyerr . Kamal Hencemm siot !

  13. nice. hehehe visit my blog dear hanis zalikha ;)

  14. bila nak cite pasal leng chai kak??haha

  15. Woww!! dengan Kamal Adli... :)

  16. gonna watch it too because would love to see mikha tambayong! hehehe

  17. macam best je dengar cerita tu.. diana ingatnya yang cliche2 punya je based on the title.. hehee :)

  18. hmmm must consider watching!

  19. wow best boleh tengok teater. someday i wish i can watch it. Swk takda teater lorr

  20. i saw u n family

    segan nak tegur,posing ker :')

  21. wah,sweet lah dia ngan kamal adli=p

  22. keknis, gmbar cover photo tu kening keknis bercabang dua..but u still look adorable..hewhewhew

  23. keknis, cove pic dekat atas tu kening keknis bercabang dua la..but u syill look adorable..hewhewhew

  24. ohww hanis.. that girl is najwa.. cucu p.ramlee and the guy is tai... both is my senior... from aswara... mmg they re dmn funny!! theater student :)..... btw u should try to cast ur self in theater ! really enjoy

  25. ohww hanis.. that girl is najwa.. cucu p.ramlee and the guy is tai... both is my senior... from aswara... mmg they re dmn funny!! theater student :)..... btw u should try to cast ur self in theater ! really enjoy

  26. teringin nak tngk sb baca review dia sgt best kowt.. tp encix rumet x suke tngk teater.. sobs sobs

  27. Hanis! awak sgt la cantik..:)
    saya da letak blog awk kat blog saya..:0 da follow jugak! best baca blog awak..

  28. phewit! encem gak kamal adli ni eh hehe

  29. mesti syok dapat jmpa ngn artis ni..

  30. Wooooo. Tokkkkkkkkkk. Watper tue tokkkkkkkkkkk ??? Dia pun ada ? Hahahaha


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