Just did another fabulous photoshoot with a fabulous duo. The outcome? Coming soon.
Stay tune people.
OhSoRandom: I seriously do not have what it takes to be a model. A decent model. I'm not photogenic (I pick my pictures very carefully heh), I dont have the required height of a model (170cm ++) and I just couldnt bring myself to throw cellphone at people networking is so hard when youre not a clubber. I'll continue my study soon, but I do not know what course should I take. I want to take up Business Study but I'm so lame in Math (B3 is lame okay) that I think I'll give up easily. I want to take up Graphic Design but there's just too many people doing it already. I want a job thats always hot on the market OTHER THAN ACCOUNTANT (-_-"). One more thing is that, Ive always wanted to be a teacher for Standard One pupils haha. Or (or! *excited*) open a daycare center! Wouldnt it be awesome? I get to design the wall murals! Because I always see murals for kindergardens and think to myself how I can do better and why the monkey shouldnt be purple (-_-") And I get to decide what the kids will eat, last time when I was small I went to Tadika Impian where they served biscuits dipped in Sirap drink. Talk about tragic childhood. Okay I think I dont want to be Standard One teacher anymore because I just remember my friend used to shit in his pants and the teacher had to clean it wtf. WHY AM I SO INDECISIVE?!
comelnya hanis...upload lebih banyak gambor yA.jadi cikgu ? jadi modellah...! kalau jadi cikgu, x glam yang.
ReplyDeletemarilah kita menjadi mereka yang menyelamatkan alam sekitar. environmentalist rox! hehe
ReplyDeletemaybe u should do arts n design, or journalism, so u can b a fashion journalist!!cool kan..
ReplyDeleteDon't take up Graphic Design dear!! Business studies sounds like a better option. Not sure what else is of your interest, but graphic design, definitely nolah. Like you said too many ppl are taking it up. Including myself, but because I'm so lazy to do anything else I went for this just to get a 'paper'.
ReplyDeleteHow about Law? You like reading? You seem that you can strike up a conversation and debate well enough. Hehe.
Mmm, broadcasting or mass com is quite interesting, major in journalism or something.
Hehe. :)
All the best in whatever you do huns! Tak sabar tengok the shoot and dress!!!!
Nanti kita what shoot ekkk.
kamu sgt funny..
ReplyDeletepurple monkey?
ReplyDeletei think it will be fine if that monkey was painted by the pupil. comel apa? purple monkey.
that reminds me of anak ayam warna-warni dalam kotak kat pasar. :p
cikgu jane: jadi cikgu yang sanggul besar bagaimana?
ReplyDeleteharihaz: okay! tapi itu hobi sahaja.
typical virgo: cool! the only way i can go to milan fw.
sue anna joe: i was expecting you to shout at me like that. like "noooo0oo". haha. im glad you did or else this entry wouldve been meaningless. haha.
the uncle's: baiklah. haha.
shahril mohd: bukan mojojojo ke?
ReplyDeletetoo many graphic design student. kebanyakkannya ingatkan skill lukis anime itu adakah the ultimate skill. too bad.
flooded with crap people like me!
takde chance nak jadi artis kot...pelakon ke, penyanyi ke, pengacara ke....try lah eh eh eh
ReplyDeletehi hanis..
ReplyDeletei've been reading ur blog for sometimes... lupa camne leh terjumpa, and i found it's very interesting to read about ur life and yeah, you're funny, and cute, and beautiful! i wish to know u better...
to comment on ur blog.. ehm... akak (yes, i am a kakak) rasa kalo hanis jadi cikgu tadika, mesti budak2 takmo balik umah, sebab cikgu hanis yang cummil dan sporting dan klakar made their days.. hahaaha.. so, jadila cikgu tadika... peace!
jadi pramugari ke..
ReplyDeletejadi cikgu nanti kena belasah dengan anak murid lak..
masuk berita cikgu hanis kena belasahan
slm perkenalan tuk c's hanis..
nice blog n entry..
Man, I imagined you saying the 'ohsorandom' part like a bullet train. At least that was how I read it.
ReplyDeleteOh, be an architect! - everyone's gonna need that all the time besides doctors and accountants. :)
You may or may not find out that I'm actually promoting my field. Biased betul kan kan kan.
You seem like you have great people skills, I agree with Sue Anna Joe, mass comm or something related macamtu would suit you.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much pasal the modelling industry, tapi for normal people like me, I prefer models yang seem genuine and dapat relate to other people like you rather than one yang cukup tinggi, pandai networking, fotogenik bla3 but got a bland personality.
Hmmmm, pcycology? do u like reading? Business is generally alright, but the subjects are a little dry. U can do a course in education as well. If you don't like accountancy, you can always take economics lol. If you want to know more, u can contact me la.
ReplyDeleteBe an Air-stewardess then, they do not need math; travel here and there, taking pictures here and there.... After that do some business of your own. Open a di di la la ...
ReplyDeletejgn amek apa yg relate dgn math if rs x dpt bwk..nnt menyesal je..tp business xdelah mcm nk kena buat math zmn high skool sgt kot..mgkn adalh sket2 sj.graphic design nk kena creativity.and nk jd ckgu standard one perlukan kesabaran
ReplyDeleteok ok.. ini kali saya rasa mampu memberi komen yg mendatangkan fekdah kat pembaca inibelogawak... walo apa pun yg awak decide, jangan decide oleh sbb-sbb berikut: bakal gaji besar, ramai org dah buat jadi takot susah nak dpt kerja kelak, tak ramai org buat jadi mungkin senang dpt kerja, nak dapat pahala (kalo buat sbb nak dpt pahala mmg takkan dapat pahala sbb dah tak ikhlas), itu je offer yg diterima atau dapat biasiswa/pinjaman, senang nak lulus/dpt ijazah, ada cable orang dalam, uni power - macam harvard ke, ikut kawan atau kekaseh, tilek nasib, mimpi, glamer, cool, masa pendek, masa lama (lambat skit kerja), senang nak kawin, orang cabar, sesuai ikut jantina, itu je yg layak, sesaja, boleh pergi overseas, tak perlu pergi overseas, kolej dekat rumah, dok jauh dari rumah, menyahut seruan kerajaan, atau baling dadu...
ReplyDeletetapi pilihlah sbb berikut: minat DAN direstui ibubapa (kalo masih hidop).. sbb kalo kita minat satu benda tu, insyallah kita akan teruskan pelajaran/karier tersebut tak kira apa jua masalah.. pastu kalo makbapak kita restu otomatik akan dapat pahala & berkat.. misalnya hanis minat dgn api atau anti-api maka jadilah ahli bomba, tapi makbapak mcm berat je nak izinkan dan selalu risau, maka susah gak nanti sbb kita nak kerja pun tertanggu...
saya sendiri dulu blajar nak jadi akitek sbb memula skali mmg minat bebenda kreatif so senibina tu pun salah satu seni, dah tu bukan senang nak dapat pi overseas study, nak lari dari malaysia, nak rasa susah-senang di negeri orang, pendek kata banyaaklah yg positif untuk teruskan study senibina.. pastu org pun kata kerja tu menjamin masa depan dan sampai bila pun org akan nak buat rumah jadi kerja senantiasa akan ada, disamping glamer, berprestij, gaji besar, dan nanti bakal keluarga mertua sure bangga sbb bakal menantu saorang akitek... tapi kita sendiri bila nak pi opis rasa mcm ada yg tak kena padahal dah abis blajar 6 tahun, then masa tu baru sedar kita akan lebih ikhlas melakukan profession lain.. dan nak rasa ikhlas tu yg susah.. masa memula blajar pun kita mcm 50-50 je sbb ye lah, senibina tu pun benda kreatif dan berseni jugak, so line tu dah kena, cuma tak berapa jitu.. rerupanya nak kena jadi artis (seniman) jugak.. dan walopun masa depan sebagai artist di malaysia tak begitu menjamin secara amnya, namun sbb kita amat minat dan ikhlas dan ada support makbapak, walopun org kampung kata "apaaadaaa.. belambak artist kat central market tu tak kemana pun.. pastu dah ada ijazah akitek sia sia je.." itu ujar org kampung laa... namun sbb minat+support makbapak alhamdulilah baru start kerja pun kita dah buleh rasa macam wow, i was born to do this!
ok ok.. dah berjela macam ini-belog-saya pulak...
tak, belog saya ditempat lain... haram tak semenarek inibelogsaya, i mean, itubelogawak.. aahhh... lepas ni buat lah senarai kenapa hanis memilih jurusan dotdotdot
kalau nak jadik cikgu sekolah tadika i have a friend who sambung belajar pasal tadika education/early education this is herhttp://self-madeskirt.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteor something hot in the market is pharmacy! like me! hahahhaa
take masscom la!or law no freaking math!
comel sgt2...hati2 jga kecomelan anda ye hahahaha
ReplyDeletecikgu lah bagus ... mengajar anak bangsa ....
ReplyDeletehehe.. cikgu tadika ok gak.. lukis mural tu bole decide sendiri.. kalu nak kerja mencabar dan penuh dugaan, bole try journalism (mcm ada ciri2 kat ko jer)..
ReplyDeletenote: Mojo Jojo? minta Powerpuff gak ke? sama la kita~~~
try interior designing. it should have a good prospect in malaysia. =)
ReplyDeletehey..kindagarten teacher..jus like my fantasy wannabe ! tp kena ada duit yg bnyk utk membuka pusat kanak2 itu . dang!
ReplyDeleteu can take childhood care education.. cz i think u talk about kids much so u better take that...
ReplyDeletewas a silent reader here for some while.
ReplyDeletebelog kelakar dan best.
i know what u can be.
hello hanis.
ReplyDeletea little advice for someone who has been in your place.
Draw up a list of things you see yourself doing for 10-20 years. Don't worry about the job prospect or how much you are going to be paid because those issues will only be addressed after you graduated, 4 - 5 years from now. Nothing that you can control.
List down the Pro & Cons. Get info from professional in those various fields.Please refrain yourself from asking if it brings much money because in the end, your ability and passion will determine how much money you can earn. Find something you love doing because at the end of the day, when you're feeling slightly sick/tired/lazy the only reason you're going to get out of bed on a Monday morning is your passion in your work.
Explore other options. Alot of Malaysian are limited in their view of professional jobs, doctors, lawyers, business etc. I have friends who took these profession but end up doing something else. Physiotherapist, Aqua-entreprenur,medical care consultants, Musical Arts teachers etc.
If you really love kids, a suggestion. Take specialize courses in helping kids with learning disabilities, Autism. There is a big misconception (kids with learning disabilities = terencat akal) when in fact there are alot more to it.
I work part-time teaching kids with learning disabilities and the greatest joy is seeing their eyes filled with hope and happiness when everyone else looks at them as "bodoh" when in fact, their minds are not in-tuned with the current governmental syllabus. Imagine a 12 years old kid, who cant pass his Standard 5 examination but is able to do O-Levels Physic.
Good luck Hanis and keep on blogging
jadik wedding planner? party planner???interior designer??menggubah bunga??? bukak kedai kek dan kuih muih.. katering??? dlm erti kata lain bisnesss....
ReplyDeletems hasni khaliza.. gambar u tu gempak okay.. =D not photogenic? u ni lebih kepada ada angle2 yg gempak laa.. bukannya tak photogenic lah!
ReplyDeletebout studying.. i'd suggest Mass Comm, Law or TESL(Teaching English as a Second language)
Mass comm would really compliment your modelling career.. law is kinda hard, but promises big things in the future. TESL.. sbb u kata nak jadi cikgu.. btw im a tesl grad as well.. it's flexible sbb i can teach dari tadika hingga lah ke college.. and if u dont feel like taching, u can go for journalism, PR(for companies and what not) and almost anything related with language and communication.
your pick.. =D
halu hanis..been reading ur blog for quite sometime now. looking at ur entry..i guess being indecisive when it comes to choose ur career aspiration is normal. ;) been there done that.
ReplyDeletehowever, im down with sue anna joe..u seem to love writing. y dun u pick up journalism? its tough job..u hav to travel a lot..but in the end u change ppl's life thru ur article/material. be it fashion or curent affairs ke..ppl just need something to read after all or shall i say they need updates! :) instead of putting ur creativity in canvas or (mspaint..hehe)u put it in words. it wud be lovely! this is just an opinion. hav fun browsing for more interesting courses that suits u best!
try mass comm @ uitm! I think it will suit you pretty well. you can venture into loadss of areas after that. most importantly, don't limit your options, because at such a young age you would never know what you wanna be and what you will end up with. hehe. wah mcm makcik kaunselor.
ReplyDeletegood luck!
u mmg cantik cume kualiti pixel gambr kcw sket :)
ReplyDeleteif you boleh cakap2, why don't you take journalism or mass com? untung2 boleh lihat hanis mengacara rancangan tv satu hari nanti!
ReplyDeletescary pic!
ReplyDeletetadika impian? kat usj ke? yang ada orang bulat orang pendek orang petak warna-warni tu? jeng jeng jeng..
ReplyDeleteyes freakin fabulous!
ReplyDeleten gorgeous!
waiting for your next post!
& maybe u will be my next 'model'
catch my blog~
Yeah! Fashion journalism sounds awesome!! Also, that way, the models will be the ones throwing their cell phone numbers at you! Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteJadi full-time-blogger luhh, tak payah kelulusan atau ijazah. Tunggu advertorial jer. Pastu boleh act macam diva-diva , datin-datin.
ReplyDeleteFuyoooh Datin Hanis
mojojojo colour purple ke?
ReplyDelete*check kejap*
colour hijau laaaaa.
I think mass communication is quite a popular major lately :)
ReplyDeleteI actually like kids too!!! When I was young, I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher but once my mum told me that I might have to wash the kid's butt, I gave up that thought immediately... -_-'''
hmmm..bukak pets shop lah.hehehe.n letak semua kucin2 kat situ. hehehehe..bes gak kan..kan..
ReplyDeleteSaye pernah jadi cikgu budak kecil.
ReplyDeleteKalau tak sabar janganlah.
Kena basuhkan berak lagi.
Tapi saye tak pernah buat la
Jom bukak Florist Shop
Jual bunga
Macam romantik je
(impian ketika kecil)
hahaha aku semakin ketagih membaca blog ni...satu penyakit baru...
ReplyDeletehi hanis. fashion journalist...i thinks thats suit to you
ReplyDeletetake psychology. that should be fun hehehehe
ReplyDeleteyou could take up something more specific. for eg, mass comm majoring in videography or something like that. *just an example*
ReplyDeleteSince you are not studying YET, take some time off and explore the things that you might want to be doing in the future. then only choose your course.
and choose wisely. :)
muka kamu menakutkan saya..
ReplyDeletehow bout early childhood edu? dun wori bout d shitty pants.leave it 2 d janitor.muahahahhahaha! im takin tesl..pretty well ok jgk la..i cn rcmmned u 2 take it. tp jgn amek under maktab. nnt terikat wif government. amek kt ipta o ipts. bley jd lecturer glamer cm shafinaz.die lect penyanyi.u lect model. hws dat? cool wat...hehehe
ReplyDeleteermm.. jadi cikgu english la... hehehe... ur english is superb... how u do that? u go to english class meh?
ReplyDeleteDont worry...you dont know what'll you be doing till you knee high in deep within it. Kindergarten teaching is cool. Rates are higher then normal school, working hours are less and if you're enterprising enough, open one of your own lah...and get rich.
ReplyDeleteYou can call it Initabikasaya pre-school.
become a chef, take a diploma and then degree in Culinary Arts Management.
blog-hopping, btw. hello..
ambil architecture
ReplyDeletebest.challenging :)
tp nnt kalo tbe2 awk kne bt modeling lg ke..awk dh kurg cntik utk amek gmba
sbb kos ni mmg sgt x cukup masa utk tdo
eye bag besar(mcm saya)
n btw,tadika impian dlu ade bg food eh time recess?
x igt pon ;/
igtkn bwk bekal nugget ngan fries je dlu..
haihh..suda lupa :p
aesthetician might works.hehe.
ReplyDeletebut i like your idea,being teacher is superb. gudluck in your future undertakings.
even u rasa u tak leh jd model, tp u punya bentuk badan yg mnarik skali, bleh kongsi petua camne u mkn bnyk2 tp still body slim
ReplyDeleteoi, whats wrong being an accountant?!!
kalo ler cikgu aku dulu macam ni....
ReplyDeleteyay! same tadika ngan hanis zalikha! wawawa..
ReplyDeletesame tadika ngan hanis zalikha! yay! tadika impian yang comey