If youre into hot chicks and flawless skin, youre at the wrong blog , however, if youre into nostrils and roller coaster,
My ultimate bestfriend, Marlisa crashed my house last weekend (it’s a beautiful daaay *crash*) and we had a jolly good fun together. The thing about Marlisa is, just like Izdiyani, she’d make a perfect daughter in-law (sopan, berakhlak, kelakar, suka menyapu) and that’s why she’s my bestfriend (because my parents love them so its easier to get around haha). Its important for me that my parents approve my close friends because they know whats best for me cheyy and and I just love being stress-free, guilt-free and carefree (jenama pad). I know teenagers with raging hormones are ridiculously rebellious out there but trust me, your parents do know whats best for you when it comes to choosing friends and, in future, YOU WOULD WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO LISTEN TO YOU, so yeah.
Apart from gossiping, snacking, and helping me around the house for my weekly housecleaning, just like any other typical bff would do, we camwhored. Unfortunately for me, I was having my period with complete package of stomach cramp, pms and pimple on upper lips. PIMPLE ON UPPER LIPS PEOPLE. I used to have this problem of not taking people with mole on the upper lips seriously and now, I know what it feels like (for people not taking me seriously T_T). Karma is real.
This is me while waiting for Marlisa to finish her breakfast. And that’s my pimple saying HELLO WORLD.
This me, again, before realizing that side ponytails make me look like a maid.
After a while it(looking like a maid) got boring.
So I let go of my hair and kacau-ed Marlisa eating.
Oh takde beza rupanya. Masih maid.
We tried so hard to look vogue that its annoying.
This is what we’d look like on a roller coaster.
Sumpah dah takde siapa nak naik roller coaster dengan perempuan ini lepas nih.
What a show off.
Hyper mode.
Mungkin akan hilang pembaca dengan kehodohan ini tapi sebab nak tunjuk rambut best, takpe.
Being a true camwhore at heart, we shifted spot and took more pictures. That’s when my neighbour came back home from somewhere, resulting this picture.
Gambar menyapa jiran.
In the evening we got all dolled up and went to Ikea to grab couple of hotdogs and ice cream.
Saved by the power of make up.
But no amount of concealer could cover this baby up "HELLO WORLD!" ey jerawat jangan menyampuk. Haha enough said.
ReplyDeletei miss that cake too.. ;p
hanis, enjoy the teenage time before one day you will realize that lot of memories are hiding behind these pictures.
n dunt worry, u wont loose ur reader just because of these pics. ;p
Say goodbye to the pimple by using Clean n Clear
;p ;p
haha this is so funny! yeah best friends forever!!
ReplyDeletehaha this is so funny! yeah best friends forever!!
ReplyDeleteowh hiro sedapnya mana jumpe?kedai runcit ya!
ReplyDeletehuhu....salam hanis
ReplyDeleteugly bedah gitu ? kalau wa, kategori apa ekk....huduh giler wa nih!
this entry reminds me of the movie austin powers yg ade THE MOLEEE tu! haha. itu namanya jerawat pemanis la adik yg manis! ;)
ReplyDeleteHANA bUdaK cEkElAt: wah siap promote klin en kliyer lagi tuh. bagus-bagus.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: Is that you bebeh?
momoe: terserempak atas meja belajar adik.
cikgu jane: manusia adalah ciptaan Allah yang indah!
now-im-april: manis? alamak tak sempat jilat. haha.
sian org nama bedah.haha
ReplyDeletemuka boring tu sangat menjadi ok. haha
ReplyDeleteitu bukan selendang/tudung kotak kotak piknik ke? ho ho lucu
ReplyDeletehaahhahahaha.gambar menyapa jiran ialah sgt kelakar. hahahahahhaha.gelak guling2.
ReplyDeletehiro memang best!!!
aduh..pecah perut tgk gamba awk yg dikatakan hodoh itu..mmg sgt hodoh ok!!!
ReplyDeletetp jgn risau. tidak akan hilang pembaca. rambut cantik tidak apa.
ReplyDeleteone day i jalan2,dan ter-rindu hiro,dan ter-serempak hiro dan ter-beli 10..
huhu.buat stok..
hiro sekarang seperti semakin pupus.sobs.
btw.dun worry,as long as i maseh dapat kenal pasti u hanis zalikha,
i tak kan kemana..
Just wanted to drop by and say Hi.
ReplyDeleteSebab my blog, very few people drop comments. Kesian...I know.
Was blog-hopping, fyi.
Cute blog btw.
Keep it up. :)
Hanis, why u're oh so comel? Grrr..
ReplyDeleteSuka kamu yg x control cun.Tak mcm setengah blogger yg control cun habis --> read: yours truly.Haha)
Hanis, why u're oh so comel? Grrr..
ReplyDeleteSuka kamu yg x control cun.Tak mcm setengah blogger yg control cun habis --> read: yours truly.Haha)
hai budak kecik,
ReplyDeletesomehow the words being comfortable in your own skin reminds me of u.
jaga diri baik-baik ha..always listen to your parents ehee :D
lawak jugak ye u ni
ReplyDeletedulu jual 20 sen je..
but now dh gone wihtout wings dah
hahaha ..you guys are funnily cute .
ReplyDeleteehehehe. da pic so funny but cute. =)
ReplyDeletewaa ,hiro. lame dh x makan, rindu samanya... haha.
kek hiro tu kan, skarang makin kecik kan?
ReplyDeletejerawat chomey :)
ReplyDeleteoh damn!
ReplyDeletemana nak dapt ye ni??
sius rinduan
hiro !!! kenangan di sama zaman kanak-kanak tadika !!!
ReplyDeleteyipeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
ni kalau onal yang amek sure meletup!
ReplyDeleteada2 saja kau ni hanis nak bikin orang gelak...
ReplyDeleteada2 saja kau ni hanis nak bikin orang gelak...
ReplyDeleteHIRO...pergh..kagen bangat sama cake Hiro! .....Tak sangka maseh ada g.
ReplyDeletewahh... you gigi so cantik !! *envy*
ReplyDeletegambar vogue tu paling tak boleh blah.
ReplyDeletesuka manyapu?? hahahahah wtf
ReplyDelete"'HELLO WORLD!' ey jerawat jangan menyampuk" HAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeletehanis you are so ridiculously funny!
cool lah gmbr2 itu. tak control cun lgsung!
nadxoxo: maksud bedah di sini ialah, bedah as in pembedahan? ugly bedah bermaksud ugly surgery, pembedahan yang hodoh. haha chey kaver terbaik.
ReplyDeletenazminabdullah: fine. haha.
Eireen Camelia: peka sungguh.
anster: atau dipendekkan rofl.
ahmad: yami!
jengae: mari gelak bersama, sambil letak tangan atas bahu anda dan pegang perut diri sendiri.
sarjan ochs: kenal pasti lubang hidung.
Hafizah: saya hargai anda :)
reena: ha ha ha yorstruli.
Temi: tengkiu tengkiu. dengar cakap anda.
Fitri Shahrizat Jailani: juga jelah. haha.
sHwEeT ByAtcH: kaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Bikran: lebih kembang hidung dari yang naik roller coaster, mendengar statement itu.
Liquid: bersamamu rindu.
virgo: omg sangat! macam, kepada siapakah kita harus komplen??!
Star: belum tengok panau.
reny rino: kalau jumpa, poskan skali ye.
asyraffaiz: haha, kilang hiro, kembalikan memori kami!!!!
alif-mikail: jap tak paham.
dina: astro ceria.
Miss aiza: hampir pupus. kek terancam.
ahlost: ahlost! sorry i didnt hear you mase di ikea! maaf maaf.
Z: macam nak kena siku.
Suet Li: lupa nak tulis mengemop sekali.
carol: *flip hair* haha.
ohhh baru gwe prasan. hang dah bukak braces ehhh. patutla senyum kambing habiss. hihi. nicee teeth ! ;)
ReplyDelete'Mungkin akan hilang pembaca dengan kehodohan ini tapi sebab nak tunjuk rambut best, takpe.'
ReplyDeletehahahahaha! looks like you didn't lose any readers!
ha ah laaaaaaaaaa. hiro !!! lama tak makan hiro. nyammmmmmmm =D
ReplyDeleteomg, i tau rasanya macam mana ada pimple di tempat2 tak best cam tuh. Dulu bila stress je kuar pimple kat upper lip, asyik picit2 terus nampakmacam ada misai. Buruk tahap cipan ok.
ReplyDeleteooo lamanya tak jumpa hiro. kat singapore nih haram takde. So hanis, sementara ada, hargailah ia like you value your friends!
hye..cute face of ura!and i used to eat hiro so much during my kiddies days heheheh windu same itu cekelat..*wink*
ReplyDeletelook like a maid...?
dari Lombok ya bu...
ReplyDeletetakkan ilang de feminat kalu tengok gambo2 tu!
kan ke org sekarang dah fandai menilai, bukan pada rupa je, tapi lain2 juga..
in this case, i like how u put your stories into words and it is sooooo funny and interesting..
keep on writing hanis..
baik anak mak ni :)
ReplyDeletelawa sangatlah maid kalau begitu!!!
@Hanis: Hehehe.. It's alright.. You look so gorgeous the other day :)
ReplyDeletehaha..u sure are funny hanis..keep up posting great entries
ReplyDeletehi, i'm ur 'silent' reader.
ReplyDeletecute blog and definitely fun to read!
keep posting ya
ReplyDeletepeh.. udah lama gu tak pekena hiro..
ReplyDeletegambar2 entry ini mengingatkan saya kepada anak pakcik saya.
ReplyDeleterupa mereka kalau sudah besar mcm ni la kot.
ada iras.
cuma cik ni cantik sikit dr mereka.
mereka cantik banyak.
hua hua hua.
marlisa ni your sister ke?
ReplyDeletei know her.
people always get confused between me and her while at school.
nak kata serupa macam tak je.
hanis, si marlisa ni pernah masuk boarding skoll kat negeri sembilan x??? she look familiar..
ReplyDeletekita asyik nak gelak je tgk entry ni ,, adehhh !
ReplyDeletefuyooohh!!!...mcm model lah..hehe..jom photoshoot la..natural is isteresting..hehehehheh...