Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aidiladha and kitten giveaway

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha dari Hanis Zalikha
dan Jebon bt Mat Nor.
*Gambar lama.


The flirty miang gatal suka bunting Audi is pregnant again. If you'd like to own one of her kittens, be prepared to do a trade, barter style.

One of that living things inside Audi's tummy.


A packet of IAMS Kitten, 9.07 kg.

With terms and conditions okay. Like you have to be able to provide a good home etc. You have to wait till the kitten is able to survive without Audi's milk. I'd prefer to give it to someone close to me, or living near me so I can visit often. You cannot change its name even if it's Boshok or Mahemalipu (wtf I made this up 2 seconds ago). Interested, please apply within. JANGAN HANTAR EMAIL NAK BERKENALANJFSJDCNK.


  1. haaa...update pon...

  2. saya nak saya nak!
    saya tinggal di shah alam sect 3.
    ha ha. tp taula mak saya bg ke tak. lgpun saya tinggal di kolej. tp dekat je, uitm shah alam.

  3. Mcm my cat slalu menggatal -_-"

  4. kalau la takda kucing lagi..
    memang dah apply dah..
    but now dah ada 4 ekor kat umah..

  5. OMG..tu jebon ke ?...seriously comel giler...

  6. berapa anak tangga dinaiki oleh jebon? sy teka 2!

  7. haaa !! jebon anak mat nor !

  8. ala comelnya jebs

    and btw hanis, what did u mean by cannot change the to-be-born kitten's name? it got name already meh?

  9. ehhh..jebon!!!http:

  10. jebon comell ;D ehh hanis kasi org dkt2 and siasat sapa dia, tinggal mana, dia suka kucing tak apa ke. kang dia potong bulu kucing buat kot mmg kena flying kick ahh

  11. arif: hehe :)

    L: okay bincang dengan mak ya. saya tak mahu kucing saya dipulaukan nanti haha.

    alan marz: kaaaaaan! gegege.

    Enon: sedekahlah dekat kucing2 lain esp mak dia yang dah penat ngandungkan.

    farahaina: hehe nanti boleh buat majlis keramaian dah.

    penance: haha satu je :)

    amphitects: yes ash! yes! gedik tak gedik.

    dani: ye.

    semua anon yang puji jebon comel: ya memang. eh adakah kamu jebon?! haha tak lah main2 je :P

  12. jebon is a girl??? i thought jebon is a boy!!!

  13. hey you,
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!!!!!

  14. jangan hantar email nak berkenalan. hahahaha. to be someone close mesti lah kena berkenalan dulu kannn? lol =P

  15. Owhh.. My friend so wanted to have one but too bad we're in Kuching !!

  16. i want the kitten!!! pleasee walaupun saya duduk jauhhhhh uwaaaa i like cats

  17. jebon ut bkn plakon impian illian sunsilk tu ke?

  18. can include postage to pahang?

  19. hahaha... junz yg amik anak kucing u tu ek?? bagus laa.. nanti kucing u pun akan kuar dalam blog dia.. xD

  20. Eh serius beb... Muka Jebon ni mcm pelakon Tomboy dalam Drama Impian Ilyana dulu tu kan?..

    Yg jadi watak besfren ilyana..

  21. hi there.

    dear hanis,

    i advocate neutering. i know you are an open minded girl, because most people rasa neutering ni jahat la, berdosa la, macam2 lagi.. tapi if you do a little bit of research you might be able to see it from a bigger point of view.

    plus, in malaysia the fatwa is that neutering berhukum harus.

    hope you'll look into my suggestion! thanks :)

  22. aaaargghhh!!! ur givin ur kitties away and I'M NO WHER NEAR YOUR COUNTRY!!! (ahem miri, sarawak is located near Alaska btw) continue AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!

  23. Tak baik kutuk2 kucing betina tu..dah nama pun betina mestilah flirty dan suka bunting. She really knows how to be feminine bukan like some people..hehe

    Tapi human female pun apa bezanya, you sedar tak masa u most fertile you prefer colours that attract men a bitch on heat.

  24. hi HANIS salam perkenalan dari saya, & selamat hari raya aidiladha.

    bye muaachhhs.

  25. hanis, kucing saya yg akn di anak tirikan kalau saya dpt anak audi. hoho. tp tak jd la kot apply. bile saya ada rumah sendiri nt saya apply. wtf, padahal br 19

  26. anak kucing tu M or F?
    kalo M saya nak.
    F tanak. bole macam tu?

  27. neuter the cat?

    how is that for an option. i have a cat who is perpetually pregnant. baru beranak dah kembang balik

    such a slut! hahaha

    so hanta klink and neuter her. now no more annoying kittens or smell of new kitty poo poo

    i love cats tapi not 67 cats! when u have kitten kena cek bawah kereta when reverse all the time. cuak lak. nanti ada kucing RATA



  28. my god jebon sungguh comel.. terkelip2 mata aku tgk gambo jebon.. tak seperti yg aku imaginasikan... comelnyerrr

  29. Hohh!!! (tertekan melihat muka sendiri)

    Peringatan : Hanis Zalikha yang sebelah kiri, Jebon Mat Nor yang belah kanan. Okay, percaya tau?

    P/S : Saudari Hanis, semoga maju jaya menempuh fasa kehidupan baru di UiTM nanti. Selamat!

  30. slmt hari raya anis & family.

    bila ke segamat?

  31. jebon! finally dapat tengok siapa diaaa :D

  32. mak ai!!!

    mkn kucing 10kg..

    hohohoh :D

  33. selamat ar rya aidiladha..:)
    congrats on ur cat new born baby...just keep it..and u will be in the malaysia book of records..the most kitten keeper in malaysia..hehehe

  34. jebon yg cumel...
    adekah jebon adalah nik dlm impian illyana?

  35. hahaha patut la blog anak mat noor
    tuh cool abes.. empunya diri pon mcm tuh
    siyes, jebon itu sggh nmpk cool..
    but dier da mati ek?
    asl x update2? (nada marah)

  36. trade ngn iams jer ker.. ;p
    ok2..i nk sekor..
    i da ader sekor..
    her name is chimie..
    tgk la kt blog i tue..
    br 6 bln jer..

    for name nego arr sket ehh.. ;p
    i nk ltk name die fahrin ahmad leh.. ;p

  37. hanis, bila tengok anis macam serupa dengan satu pelakon filipan rhian ... ada la sikit sikit sama

  38. sangat setuju ngan anon di atas.
    hantar audi for spaying. but only spay after the babies dah reach 3 months, k?

    healthwise, it's good for her pun.
    unspayed female kitty senang kena sakit. the worst - cancer.
    i just spayed mine coz she got pyometra (her bits ada keluar discharge mcm nanah. menyesal tak buat awal2. kesian dia. she so much better now, btw. (phew)

  39. omg, jebon! haha.
    btw, nama betul dia jebon ke?
    i know i sounded like some dumb blonde.
    but, seriously, nama betul dia jebon ke?

  40. hanis.. tak nak spay ke the cat? actually by spaying or neutering ur cat it will live longer, sihat sejahtera and kesian die asik beranak je.

  41. btw, i'll be boycotting iams if im u coz they tested on animals. kesian the animals.

  42. No, I think her real name is..
    Junad Mohd Nor.
    and I think she is the one playing 'NIK' in Impian Ilyana!!
    Jebon, kalau kau baca ni...
    betul kan tekaan aku?? haha.

  43. jebon mara tak gamabr die da diexpose? hihi

  44. Jebon tinggi?

  45. maka, kupernah lihat wajah jebon di tv.adekah benar jebon adelah...?

  46. hehehe..silent reader hanis n jebon. if semua orang baca entry and comment2 dr kwn2 jebon..leh tau jeb is a girl n dia memang "NIK".

    hanis, letak la pic kittens tu... huhuhu

  47. jebon anak mat nor sangat comel!!!!

  48. Jebon sangat comel!!!

  49. i nak satu kalau ada black color

  50. Hanis I hope you read this.
    Almost everyone here is asking you to spay the cat.

    Okay, I'll leave that to you.

    But most of the time, cats who are spayed will become obese because they lack the hormones that keep their metabolism running.

    So please think before letting your beautiful cat gain weight until she gets to heavy and tired to even walk a few steps.

  51. ada teori mengatakan
    jebon mohd nor adalah junad mohd nor yg merupakan anak dato Mohd Nor bin Khalid ataupun lebih dikenali senagai kartunis fav malaysia dato lat yg juga merupakan abang sulung pengarah mamat khalid ...betul tak?


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