Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lelaki dan perempuan berangan benda yang berbeza?

I dont know how did they do it, BUT I ADMIT,
that everytime I flip open through those pages, I wish I'm married.
Yes, 18years old and married. Low ambition wtf T_T
Am I the only one? I dont think so.

Obsession Over Ikea Catalogue

Its not just the smell. Its not just the packaging (you know they put it in a clear plastic wrap before throwing it in your gates). Its the idea of living the perfect life. Even the mess potrayed in them is the perfect kind of mess. Artistic in a way.

Never mind that you can never get your wardrobe looking like this despite few hundreds visit to the store already.

Its okay to dream hehehe mari mari.

Sayang I know its your favourite colour but banyak nyamuk gila dapur kita.

Sayang remember how our living room used to look like before we have kids?

But I like it better this way. So whimsical! Macam tadika.

The space in front of our wardrobe, your favourite part of the house. And ada tempat duduk bila penat pilih baju apa nak pakai pergi open house jiran.

Thanks for painting the guest room during the weekend :)

Haha kuat juga Hanis berangan ya kawan-kawan.


Super cute laundry area. We dont need a maid, seriously.

Eh sayang please stop asking why our kids have freckles and blonde curls.

We'd buy them things from the store that werent invented yet, back when we were kids. Then kita yang semangat main sampai loose screw buaian tercabut tayar semua.


Our daughter's room.

But we'll keep her in the attic until she turns 18. Kan precious that blondie.

The best idea yet is to put a bed in your work room kan sayang? Bila you buat kerja till late night, I bajet romantik ar tunggu sambil tertidur. Cheh kalau muka tidur secomel heroin cerita Korea tidur takpe jugak.


Female's fantasy, is it the same as male's?


  1. romantik sungguh angan2 awk tu ;-)

  2. i wish i ade rumah mcm dekat showroom ikea tuh. perfect.

    cash cash cash cash
    ade cash, ade semuanya.

  3. haha.. keep on dreaming lady!


  4. Fantasi lelaki dan perempuan, rasanya ada beza. Hmm. Macam mana nak imagine dah ada anak kat dalam ruang tamu atau bilik tidur kalau masih belum ada anak....bagaimana rupa anak itu? laki atau perempuan? pendek tinggi? terlalu banyak details yang perlu difikirkan.

    Tapi masih tetap membayangkan sama ada diri sendiri atau ahli keluarga (yang sedia ada) berada dalam iklan tersebut. Rasanya seorang ayah pula akan membayangkan isterinya, dan juga anak-anaknya apabila melihat iklan tersebut. Lalu ayah itu pun bekerja lebih keras.

  5. Mengongs la Hanis..haha!!
    Memang u kuat berangan..
    Tapi takpe, I pun.. LOL

  6. really2 love the laundry area. small but cute. super cute!

  7. Haha...i think it is everyone's fantasy to have a beautiful looking house...but the choice of colours might be concept..modern...chomeyl...colourful...wallpaper lukisan skit arh...msti lawa seyal.hopefully fantasy is nvr just a fantasy..

  8. i also wish that my future home will be like diz ikea catalog!

    someway berangan tak am i

  9. hi there. i, too, admire IKEA's furniture very much! their stuff are so simple yet nice. aww..IF i have my own house. =p

  10. haha.aku pernah terfikir rumah sedemikian.

    mungkin lelaki seperti aku suka fikir tentang rumah masa depan untuk aku tinggal bersama-sama isteri dan anak-anak.

    bagus post ini.buat aku mahu plan betul-betul future house aku bersama bakal isteri kelak

  11. lol i may be the same as males.


    that makes us friends!

  12. Guys would wish to provide these to their loved ones when married. While girls would wish on these and work on to get these if they are independent "I don't need a man".

    By the way, I would say IKEA's stuff are nice!

  13. haha..cute berangan getting married and hve own hse kan? most women mesti ada berangan like this..haha me 2! bile tgk jer catalogue ikea tuh..mmg mula laa nk bilik camnih laa.ruang tamu color nih laa..heheh..=) mcm2.. guys? i think they did too..just xshow sgt kot..huhu

  14. Berangan mesti ade...ehheheh tapi kan ikeanye furniture not good & tak tahan lama..

    But the idea of living tu sangat bagus...

    Nah ur 18..long way to go la dear..u must finish ur studies 1st..

    Good Day..

  15. hahahaha

    i also love to do this thing toooo


    esp psl rumah idaman.
    bilik anak2
    ruang tamu indah
    dapur territoty wanita

    seronok2 :D

    i even designed my home-to-be


    (plus, ikea catalog menambahkan smgt utk berangan rumah cantik)

  16. haha. baca this entri buat i ter'join' berangan sama yu hanis. hehe. katil baby tu mmg kiutttttt!!

    btw kan. rasa nya ada lelaki berangan mcm ni. tak semua la, mungkin jenis yg mementingkan kekemasan dan minat gler dgn interior design ni.


  17. hihihihi
    lawak la hanis nie.. berangan best jek.... huhuh
    akak pun kalau g ikea slalu jek berangan.. if only blaa lbaa blaaa..
    if only barang tuh.. bla bla lba...

    ehh hanis blajar kat mana ekk? best la baca play yg hanis buat tu..
    about bedtime story ekkk,.. huhu
    kekadang kena buat mcm tuh bila kawan kawan tanak bergerak.... kena la lead kan.... hihih apa pun u rawk gurl..

  18. haih. drama.. drama...

    lelaki berangan pasal pegi tengok bola kat stadium in england and have coffee with kaka.. drive a sports car.. on bed with katherine heigl. haaaaa.. so sweet.

  19. so damn cute..
    i pon giler xsbr nk decorate umah sendiri

  20. adik..

    u really look like nadine chandrawinata...i mean miss indonesia universe..hehehe

    blog yg bagus..lugu dan polos :)

  21. i also want my house full of ikea furniture :D

  22. lol sometimes we cant help thinking of stuff like that. It's just fun to imagine. What to do....

  23. hahahaaaa.... best giler ..sebab aku pun terberangan sekali!!...

  24. I've spent endless hours in IKEA marvelling and daydreaming in their display area.. wishing I can have this and that.. knowing I'll never have them since I live in Johore. T_T

  25. haha. nicee.
    everything need money ;)

  26. nothing wrong to imagine a future happy family dear

  27. who are you?! tell us what've done to our (eh) hanistar?!

    on another note lelaki pun mungkin berfantasi (oh) yang sama tetapi instead of double aw (12harakat) dia mungkin aw(2harakat saja)


  28. lol. we suffer from the same illness

  29. Hanis,tadi kan aku tertiba tertgk nona ngan mak aku kan.smbl buat homework plak...pastu kan zed zaidi pown minat menghias rumah weih...kawan karib kaw dah ar...

  30. well, not really the same with male's but thats what makes life beautiful and interesting isn't it.

    bila istri tgk catalogue bilik baby dgn kombinasi contra warna yg menarik dan susunan teddy bear yg comel dhujung crib.. "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"..

    bila suami tgk kombinasi angka yg 'agak menarik' diketuai dgn symbol 'RM' di dlm catalogue..

    tapi sebabkan syg istri dgn baby. 'angka menarik' pun letak belakang.insyallah.hehe

  31. lets make it easier for girls to relate how we guys have diff fantasy.

    --sambil buka magazine kete--
    "ayang2 tgk la ni, 16 inch fulcrum rim. renult engine. latest hydraulic powered with the best auto shock absorber system..........awwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

    get it? haha.

  32. err to this n@RuTo` aka s@ya aka H@mzah, stop putting "awww" in a guy's sentence.we dont say "awww"..we yell "YEAAAHHH!!!".tsk tsk

  33. kitchen tu raget sangat.....kompom tak nak pakai sebab nak mantain rupa kitchen tu....
    kesimpulan makan kat luar lah....

  34. hahaha cute punya angan-angan. I love IKEA too.

  35. no worries hanis. this fantasy of yours is shared by people global wide

  36. Hmmm... There's a lot more you can do when you're single. If you're married, you'll have commitment and you can't/won't hang out with your friends anytime... Really...

    Anyway, I've been following your blog for quite some time. I'm finally back to KL for 2 weeks. Hoping to have a meet up with a few bloggers. Are you up to it? My temp. number is 017 2240 628. Ta.

  37. Hanis Zalikha ni memang comellah.

    Tapi seriously, it’s not just you. I dulu before kawin, tiap2 kali balik dari Ikea ada angan-angan begitu jugak. Last wiken pegi Ikea, I told my Husband, “sekarang dah tak jeles dah tengok show room Ikea, sebab dah ada rumah sendiri yang disukai.” Hehe.

  38. Guys dreams that his gal would turn his house to look like that without him spending a single cents... hahahahahaha

    but guys mostly berangan about gals..
    typical but it's true... or is it just me???

  39. berangan adalah satu terapi yang amat sihat..sila teruskan tidak kira anda lelaki mahupun permepuan..

  40. wah wah.. berangan kuat ni.. heheh..
    semoga jadi kenyataan la hendaknya.. :)

  41. laundry area tu mmg super cute.omfg.eheheh,..nak nakkk


    Tak weh, betul I tengah gelak terbahak-bahak.

    Jom pergi shopping kat Ikea!

  43. Dear Hanis, i've been reading ur blogs quite awhile. like it when u express things..hehehe. n yes.lelaki dn perempuan berangan benda yg berbeza.definitely.cthnya:. bila kita berangan tentang cincin yg kita nampak kat kedai pohkong or watsoever,diorang akan berangan ps3 la,rim kereta la..dan macam2 lagi.feel free to read my blog. just started blogging. A good way to express myself tho.

    -Cik Fira Tirona-

  44. that's why i hate the feeling every time i go to ikea. rasa macam nak semua benda kat situ pasal cool kan.

  45. best2! nice dream dow ;)

  46. hanis,

    '18 years and married' doesn't mean low ambition lorh. i got friends tat married early but now they are very successful in their career and academic.

    people do something because they have reasons. i believe tat you also do. ;-)

  47. lelaki and perempuan akan berangan benda yang sama
    i got that catalog in my home
    and i looked at it whenever i can.
    and, we do berangan benda yang sama, but as for lelaki, we go slowly from berangan to ambition
    as for me, i want a home like that in future
    and i will strive for that
    no matter how, i will not put my credit card for it
    oh itu sahaja bezanya.
    women likes credit card, and they dont like to pay them


  48. amboi panjangnya post..lama betui berangan..bilik kat attic sgt attic kt malaysia..blh wat bisnes sauna..

  49. i love ur wackyness!

    want to link ur blog to mine.


  50. suke sgt entry nieeeeeee!
    dats wut i do when pg ikea dgn boyfie
    we both berangan haha

  51. slm hanis..i've been reading ur blog for some time now,then i clicked a link from ur recent post dat brought me to this post n i freaked out so i have to leave a i do d same too everytime i get my hands on ikea catalogue(!!).seriously.guess girls do think alike in a way ha?hehe.rly love dis post n do u mind if i share it on my fb wall?cz i xhv a blog,so mampu post kt fb je la,if u let me of course.i'd really appreciate it if u do,thank u!:D -wan

  52. hahha~

    us girls can only HOPE that guys do want to live in a home that is tastefully decorated as this and not just feel that these furnitures are a waste of money

    Guy: "sayang, say whatt??? ridiculous prices!!! baik beli almari yang ada kat kedai furniture belakang rumah. Tapi TV HD takpe kalau 3D dan brand new sebab nak tengok bola"

    +_+ owh men...


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