I don’t know why Maxis is giving me so many problems nowadays. Even last time, when the exam weeks were on, Maxis line was stressing me out like real badly! Not just me, the whole campus! My mom couldn’t get through me and smses weren’t being sent on time. But the biggest problem was my mom couldn’t get through me lah. She was so cute, she tried calling like how many times, then I receive a text from her saying “Asal dia cakap The person The person?”. Hahahahahahahaha. Kan kalau tak dapat automatic dia cakap The person youre calling is not available ke apa kan. Haha.
Since the new semester is here, I think ITS ABOUT TIME (gaya perempuan kulit hitam cakap) for me to search a new phone plan. You know how important it is kan to save money so that you can go for outings, to keep you sane (-_-“) Choose the wrong phone plan and you can be spending a minimum of RM8 per day, sms roommate tanya nak kirim apa, sms classmates tanya class cancel ke tak please say yes, sms lecturers kene bagi salam, cakap-cakap dan akhiri dengan thanks and another salam. Semua guna duit y’all. DAN CALL EMAK SURUH DOAKAN KEJAYAAN. Fuish mahal mahal.
So guess whats awesome? Me! I’m awesome sebab I found out about this hee. Spend minimum of RM2 on SMS/MMS/Calls/Surfing and you’ll get to sms your friends and family for free the whole daaay. Spend minimum of RM30 on data in a month, and you’ll get to surf for free for the whole mooonth. It’s the Digi Campus plan *raise both eyebrows up and down vigorously. Tsk all the classes have started and loads of money is needed to buy books and to print out assignments. I hope with this new phone plan, I can save a lot of money.
And of course there are rewards like Reload Bonus™, Birthday Bonus™, DiGi Rewards™, Digi Music™, Fresh Grad Plan for us the hip and happening campus goers.
How is this all possible? Sign up at all campus dealers or participating outlets nationwide or check out digi.com.my/campus for more info and list of participating dealers. So don’t just shop for clothes for your upcoming semester, shop for smart phone plan too *pesanan khidmat masyarakat.
Oh speaking about going for outings to keep me sane, breakfast date is a must for us every week :’)

If these two creatures are not your favourite students, I don’t know what is. Heh :B

Sabar jelah aku dengan Azfar yang biarkan tasbih Singapore halang muka indah I. Tapi muka Ms Ida lagi sabar dengan dua anak didik beliau.

This is so much better siap ada effect kipas angin di rambut si diva tuh. Dan ekor tasbih di dahi Azfar. YES.
So unless you ada awesome lecturer macam Ms Ida untuk bawa you breakfast selalu, sila lah guna phone plan Digi ya.
OhSoRandom: Penat I dikeji oleh rakan taulan yang mengatakan rambut hitam seperti rambut palsu dari jauh (ini Miza okay, masa dia cari-cari I dekat dewan kuliah, haha). Tsk memang hodoh saya mengaku dari sudut hati T_T
helo hanis
ReplyDeletedropping by just to say im with u!
been using digi since last sem
murahhhhhhhh gile ok woohoo
oh yes
havent seen the diva around campus
so, didnt get to see yr new hair color
nak tgk laaa :)
eh btw
thanks to u
my mom dr dulu suruh i cuba peeling gel yg syahirah tu kan
tp i x prnh bother nak try
so mcm i baca dlm yr prev entry
u recommend that thing kan
so i tried la jgk
n yes, sgt bagus. thanks again. :)
ReplyDeletesabo jer la...
enjoy la campus life puas2
oke...jgn putus asa..
mmg btl!maxis mmg problem kat kampus universiti..bkn kat uitm segamat tu je,my u campus pn maxis problem,exactly the same problem with yours...luckily ive been using digi for 4 years now,no problem at all :D
ReplyDeletehanis, nmpk sehat.Alhamdulillah. :)
ReplyDeletejangan makan ice cream banyak2 k. hik.
i guna celcom u pax.. murah jugak wat..
ReplyDeletecik hanis ni blaja lagi ke?
yeah..agreed bout the rambut hitam! n some frens tend to tarik2 ur hair to make sure it's original hair..but u'll get use to it..n later on, u'll realised..kalau dah melayu tu mmg cantek rambut itam hehe
ReplyDeletemaxis nowdays mmg cam haram sket... digi plan is always the best!! tapi, coverage pulak....(lagipun i takut la kalau ngah ckp2 tetiba ada org gemok kuning sebelah i)..hehe... plus kawan2 ramai pakai maxis..
ReplyDeletehanis, rambut u mcm mana pun tetap gojes ok.....sangat nak rambut mcm tu....
hmm serius said, rambut itam ni ok dah ni....
ReplyDeletecampus life mmg agk leh thn cekik darah...hoho...sbo jela stelah dkeji eh...huhu..
ReplyDeletehahahaa babi kau angin air cond buat kau macam photoshoot dalam kerete
ReplyDeleteok ms ida lawa rupanya. eh azfar, kirim salam dia eh gatal.
weh tukar ah celcom, gila gedik nak digi.
nope,, black is sexy..
muke ms ida tu ade sket cam sofea jane...
ReplyDeleteHanis, in fact semue service provider sengal lah skrg!!! i hate Celcom so much now. makan duit haram selalu *org celcom, sile bace!!! :P
ReplyDeletemaxis giler mahal untuk segalanya.i tak kaya. haha.
digi slow macam siput bertatih jalan plak. bagi sms kol 2pm, kdg2 leh sampai jam 4pm ok. hahaha tp, i rase nak tukar digi cuz..no choice dah kan???uhuk3
tak tau la nk ckp cmne post ni..lucu thp super..esp part naration gambar2 itew
ReplyDelete1.Tp disini susah nk cari Digi.(East Coast)
ReplyDelete2.Nak jd lecturer perlu hati yg pnyabar. (Congrats to ms. Ida)
wah....(Kagum tengok gambo)
ReplyDeletedigi? is that really2 a wise decision? not to condemn but.. friendS of mine ( notice the S which means not a friend but friendSSS ) who've been use digi always have a problemS ( again the S ).. eventhough they were in Klang Valley.. which supposed to be a good area for signal.. but still.. it's a no go for them.. especially when they into building (office, house etc.) signal is out.. not even an emergency call could be made.. so think twice.. this marketing plan always seems sweet.. (^_~)
ReplyDeleteu r part time model yer??? so sweet la muke u :)
hahah. hanis kaki panjang smpi kena lipat2.
ReplyDeleteanyway, nak pilih digi kena makesure de coverage ah kat sane. sbb digi ni leceh bab tu lah.
skang ni pun kan telco M (macam iklan) and telco C de promotion for student. youthclub la UOX la. eventhough tak lah super murah mcm digi tu, tp still murah gak. sebab u topap singgit pun leh call lame2 plus expired date kedit u in 3 to 4 years to come.
i have both number mxs n clcom sbb due2 pun murah. digi tak minat sbb coverage die tak wide lg lah.
especially bila going back to my hometown terchenta segar amat tuh!
maxis pun ade youth plan kan? ok jugak tau
ReplyDeleteyup gune la digi hanis. seriously jimat. even if u wanna call ur max frens, they're cheap!! i know this cuz im using it.. leh gayut non stop (ngn person under ur frens n family list) siap leh letak dulu jap ats meja or tido je biar on the line pastu sambung.. hahaha!!
ReplyDeletelove ur black hair btw! oh oh org ckp cm rmbut palsu mungkin sb lawa sgt x boleh percaya kot. erk...
anyway, be gud in school! :)
hanis..Ms Ida ajar u subjek ape ek??mcm familiar r...dulu2 zaman sekola i ade english teacher we use to call her Ms aida. Die org johor n graduated frm uni of colorado. Same person ke ek??kalo ye..kem salam rindu kt beliau k
ReplyDeletebf anda ke tuh....ngeh ngeh ngeh
ReplyDeletetau takpe..
ReplyDeleterambut hitam mmg cam rmbt palsu..
so kaler lahh rambut anda dengan kaler kaler extrems eperti pink hijau dan biru..
wow 1st again! is it?? hehehehble jd promoter DIGI lepas ni..
ReplyDeletebtw i miss ur old dashing hair honestly! this hair...naaa....pssst... btul mcm new hair wig + extension(bisik.. xckp kuat2 ek)jgn marah
wow 1st again! is it?? na...impossible hehehehble jd promoter DIGI lepas ni..
ReplyDeletebtw i miss ur old dashing hair honestly! this hair...naaa....pssst... btul mcm new hair wig + extension(bisik.. xckp kuat2 ek)jgn marah
nice pics!
ReplyDeletesinggah jap haha
hehe..tengah cakap pasal digi, kat atas iklan celcom...kelakar tau hanis~
ReplyDeleteeh ade azfar dctu...
ReplyDeleteg mne tuh??
Have a nice weekend Hanis... :)
ReplyDeletetak dijawab soklan itu
welcome to the world of yellowness :P I've just switched from maxis to digi too early this year, due to some glitches on maxis' part... not regreting though, walaupun dah setia pada maxis for 10 years!
ReplyDeleteWooottt!! tak pakai seatbelt belakang.. nak kena hamis ni..
ReplyDeletewoh0oo... glemer mis ida..
ReplyDeletecekgu ku dulu~ ahaha
err hanis... ms ida 2 aja subject ape ek??
ReplyDeletemsa i kat MRSM btu pahat dlu ada sorang ms ida yg muka mcm 2.. ahaks!!
graduated from colorado uni....
if btul..
tlg kem salam kt dia k..
ank murid lama.wohoho
Hmm. Its nothing dear, deal with it positively.
ReplyDeleteIt shows Allah was still here protecting the girls from something bad that might be occured.
It shows Allah still giving his guidance to u and other girls to walk in his world on his path.
It shows Allah still love u and other girls at uitm and to make u girls being more grateful for what he had planned.
Although it sounds Islamic, but u are a Muslim. And as a Muslim, u have responsibilities and protecting ur own self are vitals. So it would not be anything annoying to be accepted right dear? :)
boleh tau x, miss ida u tu dulu penah mengajar kat mrsm jeli x?
ReplyDeletetau soklan ni spt mencapap, tapi betul2 nak tau ni.
jika x pernah, abaikan shj komen ini. sekian,
azfar comey. hahaha
ReplyDeletetolong kirim salam ok ;p
hi..miss ida 2???
ReplyDeletelecturer kat uitm is it??
dulu dia teacher kat mrsm kew??? just wanna know...
comel laa azfar nii.. =P
ReplyDeletehehe last thing on your post is quite funny..
ReplyDeletehuman hair kan tak pernah blue black, mesti lah nampak palsu :p
go for the color my mother got for her hair to cover her uban, so she can look hot to my dad, the stylist gave her this reddish black, that looks very natural, very natural sebab rambut hitam semula jadi akan nampak merah sedikit di matahari..
don't worry though, sooner after a few more hair wash, the dyed brown hair will come out a bit, or the original peroxided hair will show.. nanti nampak lah kurang palsu....
hye anis. miss ida tuh my teacher jugak time kat MRSM BPJ. dia sngat sempoi kot. i loikeee...
ReplyDeleteoh and btw. kirim salam kat miss ida tau. lame gile xjumpe die.