Christmas in Cologne? What to do in Cologne? What's my favourite Cologne? Taktau nak bagi tajuk apa but basically I was in Cologne, Germany lah.

That's 12hour-direct-flight face just for you. Touchdown dekat Frankfurt and jumpa dia nih.


Nah limo merah.

Snack machines in subway stations bring back lots of memories. When I was younger, my first time seeing it was in the subway station in London.

We went to Azizi's place to freshen up before heading straight to Cologne. Thanks Azizi :')

Excited youuuuuuuuuuu jumpa snow!

Untuk breakfast kitorang crash Faizal's place. Hahahaha seronok orang bujang masakkan :')

Bagus Nabil ada ramai kawan yang baik dan sopan santun belaka macam Azizi dan Faizal. Boleh I datang selalu. Eh eh..

Nak catch the bus to go to the train station. Instantly touristy at the sight of a phonebooth.

Tour guide and bestfriend. Off we go to the train station..

Being a darling that he is, tiba-tiba belikan roti.

Gemuk camper is a happy camper.

Gedik. I'm just saving you from having to say it.

He handled everything so that the whole trip I could just act pretty and camwhore T_T

Dalam train nak pergi Cologne. the whole trip indahnya pemandangan.

Indahnya pemandangan. Eh. Hoi geli.

Sudah tiba! Antara church terbesar di dunia, Cologne Cathedral. Masuk juga tapi seram jadi tak ambil gambar apa2. Serious seram pastu banyak gargoyles kat tiang2. Kalau korang tengok binaan dia super teliti, yelah nak bina mengambil masa 632 tahun, kalau lembab tapi tak teliti memang macam contractor yang renovate rumah kitorang.

Kalau tak mampu masuk, dia memang kena tangkap gambar kat depan.
Basically kitorang banyak berjalan, dan suhu ialah -6'C. Terelkan? Pastu si jakun nampak snow sibuk nak kepal-kepal, terlupa yang ia akan membasahkan sarung tangan maka lebih freezing.

Masuk bank sebab Nabil nak withdraw duit, ambil kesempatan salai sarung tangan atas heater.

Central Station, tempat kitorang turun train dan simpan luggages kat locker, 5Euro satu bag for the whole day.
What Christmas is like in Cologne, Germany:


Before I came, I told Nabil I wanted to ice-skate in an open air rink. He brought me here, but there were like RAMAI GILA ORANG WOI, so we were thinking of coming back here on the 30th. We'll see...

Nabil pun tanya, "Nak tak?"

Eh mesti.
Dia belikan Vanilla Roasted Almond yang sedap gilo dan a cup of Hot Chocolate. Simpan mug bawa balik sebagai souvenier. Muka dah sejuk kena angin winter jadi samurai dah.

Never-ending touristy mode.

We had to go back to Nabil's place so cepat2 had light dinner sebab nak catch the train.

Nabil wanted me to meet Vincent, his senior. Vincent is like those asians you see in American movies. He's hillarious like that.

We instantly clicked.
More updates soon! Need to go now, Nabil wanted me to cook something for everybody. Nasi Lemak Sambal Paru, nak?
Eh eh .. bestnya Hanis jalan2. The niew really nice la Hanis. cantek!!
ReplyDeletewoww! dh smpai europe pn xtinggal nasik lemak gk dicarik kn? hehe
ReplyDelete*nasi lemak paru is my fav ;)
uwaaaa....nak ikot....ensem lorh vincent itewwww...ngehngehngeh...kawan hanis p0wn ensem...
ReplyDeleteakak ! bestnya .
ReplyDeleteehem , wiiwwiit ! :)
both look serasi laa,
wow! nice trip isn't it?? never been there and still hoping to get there.. hahahahha
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSalam Hanis :),
ReplyDeleteSi Nabil ni ensemlah sesuai sangat dengan Hanis heheh..jangan marah gurau je bik Hamis :)
nabil is cute and ala2 sehsuai with you. :-)
ReplyDeleteKORANG SWEET!!!
aaaa besnye!!one day i konfem nak p german jugak!haha.eyh muka nabil tu mcm muka jimmy shanley lah. =)
ReplyDeleteOM LV :)
ReplyDeletebest nyer..and he's cute too
ReplyDeletebestnya pergi vacation!
eh,eh..Vincent pon ade di sini...Vincent wat thesis kat Köln ker? cool...
ReplyDeletebestnya!!! :DD
ReplyDelete-6°C dan snow, brr! Sini -10°C pun tak snow snow. Cantik la tempat Nabil, ada kawan belajar kat Germany jugak. Nak kumpul duit pergi ahh :D
ReplyDeletewauuu..bst kn dpt jalan.,,
ReplyDeletejgn lupe bawa balik ole2 utk sy ye sis!!
best nya hamis.. u so pretty beb!!
ReplyDeletehanis cantik!
ReplyDeletebestnyeee anissssssssssss :))
ReplyDeletenice trip . best je tgk . berapa lama hanis kat sana ?
ReplyDeletebestnya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anys cantik !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehave a blast!
ReplyDeletebestnye jalan-jalan kt ngara orang. kak hanis both of you sweet! :)
ReplyDeleteoho, hanis cantek, syoknyee ;)
ReplyDeletewaaaa~ mesti best kan?! hhe, btw, sys still sangat CNTEK :)
ReplyDeletewow serious I nak travel sorang2 cmni oh! hehe
ReplyDeletebest nyee! and u look beautiful.. nak g sana jugak! :DD
ReplyDeletewow..!!!!!!!!! sumpah jeles
ReplyDeleteNice...I like it..As u minat giler tgok akk nie..da laa cntik..happening gik..hOpe dpt knal leby rapt ngan akak...=)
ReplyDeletejalan2 cari malan...
ReplyDeleteawesome <3
ReplyDeletewow best gilerrr .... u are beautiful, gorgues yes dats the word ... rambut nabil n another 1 guy dah same pacak hikssss... anyway i just love the snowy . hope i pon sampai 1 day ..;) thanks for sharing n the places are really best abess.... enjoy ur trip n journey darl take care !!
ReplyDeleteNice...I like it..As u minat giler tgok akk nie..da laa cntik..happening gik..hOpe dpt knal leby rapt ngan akak...=)
ReplyDeleteholiday jaoh2. :)
omy, cantik yaaa. oh sgt jeles dpt pg travel oversea sorg & main snow. teringin sgt lah!
ReplyDeleteomy, cantik yaaa. oh sgt jeles dpt pg travel oversea sorg & main snow. teringin sgt lah!
ReplyDeleteawesomeee :DDD
ReplyDelete*love to see those waffles. hehe
tak sejuk ke u leave ur coat unbuttoned all the time? i sendiri xpernah buka zip baju, even masuk kedai..want to trap as much heat as possible..the weather is so crazy this time..itu in my area..köln lg la kut..
ReplyDeleteHi Hanis Zalikha..
ReplyDeleteFirst time drop a few lines in ur lovely blog.Cuma nak, bukan...cuma nak type 2 pekara :
1) Nabil mcm Jimmy Shanley..
2) Macam sweet jer korang nie :)
Appreciate the friendship.
warghhhh, sumpa jeles gila...even kawan mahupon lebih dari itu, saya FIE akan sentiasa berdoa atas kebahagian kamu hanis...coz bagi saya, anda bahagia, saya turut bahagia..
ReplyDeletewow,,nk mug tuh,,huhu xDD
sonok2...nak itot
ReplyDelete*menangis terharu tgk smua gmbr2 ni
xdpt p sana pun, tgk jadilah.
mauuuuuuuuu lagi!
hehe =)
bes giler ! nak ikt ! haha
ReplyDeletewahh..bila laa nak merasa snow nih..gler jelessss..hux2..
ReplyDeletewin win situation..dorang layang hanis baik-baik..hanis boleh masakkan sedap2 untuk dorang..hehe;) happy holiday..
ReplyDeletebestnya gi koeln. dulu pnh naik overnight train sampai ke koeln dari stuttgart smata2 nak main rugby. sampai2 je tros bfast kt mcd yg pnuh dgn deutscher2 yg tdo baring atas kerusi mcd dengan botol2 araknya...
ReplyDeletebestnye. suka-suka.
ReplyDeletetapi xtau bila dpt pergi.
ensem a nabil. bahahaha xD
ReplyDeletefaizal is my fwen!
ReplyDeletewhat a small world!
Haha. Bestfren kah? Takpa kami faham
ReplyDeletewah! seronok! n u sangat cute. :)
ReplyDeleteokey nabil ade lesung pipit dan sangat cute.
ReplyDeletesesuai dengan hanis..hehehe sebuk je nak padan2 kan orang kan..aww so sweet!!
alaa . nak ikot ! HEEH :)
ReplyDeleteahhh cantiknye~ will go there somewhere :)
ReplyDeleteYou must hate snow already aren't you?
ReplyDeletewaa ni orang kata..salji di negara orang, hujan emas di negeri kita..hehehe..
bessssttttt sgt
ReplyDeletenabil ni sapa hanis? sepupu hanis ye?
ReplyDeleteWaw!! Best!!
ReplyDeleteRasa cam nak wat Begpackers ker Europe dalam setahun dua nie...
bestnya ^__^
ReplyDeleteoh hanis kat german! >.< jeles weh.uhu
ReplyDeletehabislah~ ramai la jejaka2 yang menangis tgk gamba hanis ngn nabil..haha
ReplyDeletetabik la u can stand the cold weather in frankfurt! btw more picture please!!
ReplyDeletehanisssss jeles kottttttttt!!
ReplyDeleteargh argh arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
eh eh korang sweet heee !
ReplyDeletesys lawaaaaaaaaa gilokss okay! ;)
bestnyer..dpt men snow!!
jeleznyer saya. . :)
ReplyDeleteBestnya Hanis pg German!!!! Eh tak sejuk ke just pakai tight. Kan -6c. :O
ReplyDeletebestnyeeeee..main salji..
ReplyDeletebile la agaknye nak sampai sane jugak..huhuhu
ReplyDeleteseronok gile!
lagi2 lepak dgn besties.
jeles ni.
kak hanisssssssssssssssssss!
kite nk ade kat sn dgn akk leh??
bestnyer....bestnyer.....biler la ader rezeki nk g sn
ReplyDeletehohoho gaye pakcik santa :)
ReplyDelete1. woo besh nyee survive sorang2
2. nabil-such a gentle guy~ ewaahh mesti dye kembang2. mmg menanti kan kumen yang nk kate "korang ni mcm merpati laahh" keh keh kan nabil kannn
*kening double jerk :0
oh tidak !! best giler hanis !! terus jadi putih kat tempat sejuk ,, hahaha !
ReplyDeletehanis knapa best sgt nih??emmm nabil itu cute lah..;D
ReplyDeleteawwwwwww, tiba tiba aku rasa kau dgn nabil boleh couple sekarang juga supaya kau boleh stop bahan aku adalah bakal isteri nabil setiap kali lepak satu AGz. Sumpah, gmbr yg indahnya pemandangan hoi geli tu macam dua dua gorgeous gila, ok i sound so geli. BRING ME SOUVENIRS, MACHO!
ReplyDeletebest best kan ? i pun pernah pergi . tp dah lama . i msk church dia. mmg scary . bau pn semacam je . i tggl dkt bonn .
ReplyDeleteHamis.. Eh! Hanis...
ReplyDeleteI dunno lah. Tapi kan tapi kan..
Since the very beginning. I rasa u dgn Nabil macam sesuaiii sgt. Serius. Like u guys cam giler click.
Nabil cute dowh. Kim salam. Huhu.
Take care...~!
wowww, bestnyeee!!
orang kat sana menakutkan tak ? nya pergi ke tempat orang...alahai...
ReplyDeleteIni Pendekar
so sweeetttt..best2..masakan org bujang utk si sweet hanis..=)
ReplyDeleteouch, vincent sgt hensemmmm.send my regard plzzz.haha.u cantikla hanis, jadi samurai pun ttp cantik.haha.
ReplyDeletefrom the start till the end, i found that u like nabil the most, and this entry should be
ReplyDeleteNabil, bla bla bla love you
sweet couple la you guys
Seronoknya dier jalan2..bilela i nak dapat g holiday cenggini..
ReplyDeletekalau u ckp pegi frankfurt
ReplyDeletei boleh bgtau my aunt
die stay sne
suka gila kalau malaysians pegi sana
lepastu dia akn bwk round2 smpai kaki u patah
wow..what a beautiful place
ReplyDeletejealous gilaaa banyak! one day i'll be theree!! whoop! :P
ReplyDeleteWaahhhhhh . best nyeeee !
ReplyDeletei nak ikot.
waduh2 best kok!
sweetnyer bestie <3
kagum jugak jumpe snack machine kat sime darby medical center ;p
ReplyDeleteBesssstnyaaaa!!! a'ah... muka Nabil mcm Jimmy Shanley~~ lg ensem kot.. ngeee.... sweet la Hanis n Nabil~ (^_^)
ReplyDeletebest nye dapat jalan pusing europe sorang2..;)
ReplyDeleteaaaaaa.mau ikt.bile hanis amek2 gmba ni kire promote cologne.ade la tu yg nk wt tmpt honeymoon.wahaha
ReplyDeletebesnyer...sumpah eka jeles!! hahaha..
ReplyDeletenabil cm jimmy shenly..
ReplyDeleteT_T bestnya main salji..
ReplyDeletecantiknya pemandang!
sangat besttttttttttttttttttttt
dan hanis sangat cantik!
tibe2 rase macam hanis ng nabil pun ok je berpacaran.takmo ke? takkan kawan2 je kot.hehe
ReplyDeleteApa lagi Cik Hanis,
ReplyDeleteShow your talent by cooking for them some of your delicious nasik lemak sambal paru... they must be craving want to eat Malaysia food.. ask them to get you all the ingredients... then show us all your Nasi Lemak a'la Euro... bon voyage.
wah..bagus betul si nabil tuh
ReplyDeletefirst time reading your blog :) You look gorgeous
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Minimaos!
We would like to sponsor you a name necklace (visit that we are selling in return for a short mention in your blog post that contains few photos.
Let us know what do you think ok?
bik hanis,
ReplyDeleteseronoknye main salji. brp RM tiketnye tu..uuuuuu...
#sambal wong jowo best kan?
merah, hitam, pekat..hehe..
uih ada bestpren mcm nabil..tanye dia nak akak angkat tak? huahaha..hanis, coat lawa sgt! gamba pon lawa semua..update lagi..mana tau lagi 20 tawun akak lak pegi ;)
ReplyDeletela..kenape cik hanis x singgah copenhagen..kan dah dekat tue..
ReplyDeletehanis sesuai dengan nabil :)
ReplyDeletet8care ya...!!
ReplyDeletewah best nyer pgi la kt sane ye...
ReplyDeletewauuuuuu.ini menimbulkan kejelesan.. xpe2.. next year....i'll go there~
ReplyDeletehanis , u shuld come and cook nasi lemak for me too ! last time having it at malaysian hall in London which taste good but i wanna have ur sambal paru too ! :p
ReplyDeletenice views and nice holiday. Wish u a nice trip there and all the best.
ReplyDeletehanis..pandai2 la translate..willkommen in Deutschland.ich hoffe,dass du eine tolle Reise hast!und Gute nacht aus Malaysia.du sollst nach Dresden ist ein schoenes Stadt in Deutschland.
ReplyDeletesyok abis tuhhh.....
bila la nk pi sne..
mybe kene tggu m'sia turun salji kot..
im new blogger...
lawat2 la yerr..
omg hanis tak sejuk ke pakai macam tu je -__-" pakai snow cap lah hanis. demam kang.
ReplyDeletebest nye jln2....
ReplyDeletejln2 blog sye
Mari melawat Berlin pula!
ReplyDeleteBerlin has so much to offer
(padahal nak jumpa hanis je)
eh,eh part paru tu sumpah jeles. u guys have paru ke in krefeld?? nmpak gaye,esok jgk kne pegi visit all turkey markt yg available
ReplyDeleteich liebe dich.
ReplyDeletetu je ayat germany yg aku ingat.
ReplyDeletedari dulu, my mind keep on saying nabil will be your future,kaya,penyayang,sabar oiii sebab bini dia byk peminat.hehehee
ReplyDeleteu have wonderful friends and having a wonderful day of ur life. Sangat jeles ye.huuu~
ReplyDeleteHaha..aku pulak yang tersipu baca komen..thanx..owh about the jimmy shanley..x rasa ada persamaan tp dah ramai ckp..i terima jerla...
ReplyDeleteHanis Sayang, seswai dengan Nabil. Hehe.
ReplyDeletewahhhh bestnyer!!jalan2. nak ikot! =p
ReplyDeleteperghhhh bestnyer pi jenjalan ke euro...
ReplyDeletesuch a wonderful hols you had :)
ReplyDeletesweetnya..... bestnya jalan2....:)
ReplyDeletehanis...nampak sesuai ngn nabil
ReplyDeletesesuai sgt.. nyer g europe! haishh.. when its my tyme T_T..
ReplyDeleteyes, both of u are so sweet n muka nabil n hanis ada iras jgk
oh..i sgt jeles u dapat main salji..
u take a good care k...plz plz plz..kamu jangan nakal... :)
sedapnye nasi lemak sambal paru...nk sikit buleh? =))
owh..jln2 tmpt org mmg best..bertambah best kalo dpt tourist guide yangggg.. ehem..ehem..hensem :p
ReplyDeletekorang dua sangat sweet lahhh.. sesuai. :))
ReplyDeleteseronoknye berjalan2 kat negara orang..
ReplyDeletesalam kenal dik..
nak mintak tlg vote bby akak bleh
its really cantek in the winter...
ReplyDeleteape-ape u makin cantik! i like!!! take care! happy holidays!
ReplyDeletei luv snow!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteUntungnya dat you got superb friends there. Total jealousy !
ReplyDeletesweet la k.hanis btw muka nabil mcm jimmy shanley hehe
ReplyDeletewow..bestnyer....gambar2 pon cantik gile...
ReplyDeletewah hanis..ur face putih macam snow tu lah..tak lah tipu je...hahahah
ReplyDeleteeuro trip time salju memang awesome!
ReplyDeletenice pictures...!
lame tak dengar cite pasal nabil.. hehe.. sweet ah korang!
ReplyDeleteHanis , lawa sangat and europe best ..
ReplyDeletewow...bestnya..kena bawak balik souvenir untuk semua orang ni...
ReplyDeletewow...bestnya..kena bawak balik souvenir untuk semua orang ni...
best2..nak lg gambar =P
ReplyDeletebestnyeeee....tringin nak bila lah ye..huuuu
ReplyDeleteNabil hensem lah..kirim salam kat dia ye...^_^
bawak balik souvenier utk setiap follower..:)
ReplyDeletewaa.. best ar dpt main snow tu ^^
ReplyDeleteBESTNYE!!! WEE
teringin mahu pergi jerman satu hari nanti.
ReplyDelete*terus catat dalam nota "perkarawajibbuat"*
eeee bestnyerrrr hanis gi bercuti di germany. klo zie. mmg x akan pernah kesampaian kot...hehe
ReplyDeletelayan giler jadi backpacker gini!!! snow..i miss it!
ReplyDeleteOh wow bile la giliran i ada rezeki gi sane yek hehe
ReplyDeletekena menyimpan gila2 ni
jom kengkawan :)
eeee bestnyerrrr hanis gi bercuti di germany. klo zie. mmg x akan pernah kesampaian kot...hehe
ReplyDeletei miss Koeln!!!hope u love it...
ReplyDeletebeautiful pictures....must be very cold now.
ReplyDeletecantik nye tempat tu hik3 komfem best main salji teringin gak nak kesana
ReplyDeletejom join sini tag member2 hik3
nak pergi jugaaaak!~ best la hanis.
ReplyDeletesalam kenal..
ReplyDeletekalau u all free jom ramai singgah my blog..macam2 adeeee...
i love reading your blog, can be such a light reading..hope mine is like yours too....keep blogging girl~
heheh...korang yg golongan marhaen ni mampu tgk jela die gi holiday ye dak...OMG hanis,i'm so amazed!!ouhh..ahhh..
ReplyDeletehi..hi..saye bru je mengikuti kamu..btw..besh nye dpt lepakkn kaki kat negare org...sonok g jalan ek..:D
ReplyDeletehi..hi..saye bru je mengikuti kamu..btw..besh nye dpt lepakkn kaki kat negare org...sonok g jalan ek..:D
ReplyDeleteCool :)
ReplyDeleteweee -_-
HANIS ZALIKHA: versi lelaki ;)
hahaha bestnyyyy...
ReplyDeletelalalala...ingatkan Jimmy shanley tadi..
ReplyDeletenak salji sikit as souvenir. pelissssss. ngeee
fuh!best giler tgk cik zalikha kite enjoy n happy je jalan2 kat sane tuh.. nampak cik zalikha kat germany tu, rasa cam dh puas dah..haha.. saya ni peminat top1 cik yang jelita ni..follow la saya(hahaha..xkan la orang famous nk follow ko) kih3x...
ReplyDeletebestnyer dapat g jalan2..
ReplyDeletemahal x pi sana??
ReplyDeletewah...teringat pulak kenangan di frankfurt...germany was my first europe country i went =)
ReplyDeleteperghhhh bez giler dpt g bez lau dpt g gk...
ReplyDeleteupdate lagi lagi ! nak tengok ! hee
ReplyDeleteda jumpa satu blog yg mukanya,caranya,and byk lagi la sama like u...teruja! u ada gak kembar iras sikit2..
ReplyDeleteHanis + Nabil. nice....
ReplyDeletehehehe :D
pehh..serious aku suke bc blog ko nih, not like pompuan femes lain, siyes! german mmg cantek,lagi2 u amik gamba angle pon agak canteklah..hehehehe , slmt cuti2 !!
ReplyDeleteBestnya pergi German! :D
ReplyDeleteTak mahu post laju kan sikit nasi lemak ke m'sia ke? :D
wah bestnya pergi jalan sana.. dah la time snow.. bestnya... happy new year hanis zalikha...
ReplyDeleteU and Nabil ada iras...;)
ReplyDeletecantik giler view!!seronoknye pergi melancong ek...hamis cute giler!!kwn hamis pun ensem..kem slm ek..hehehe...
ReplyDeleteWedding of the year diego and dora
u nampak ideal dgn nabil...
ReplyDeletewahh cantek la view kt sna. nti nk pegi la!!!