Akhirnya kerja keras sepanjang tahun berbaloi bila dapat tunaikan hasrat pergi Europe sorang2 tanpa menyusahkan bapak-bapak ibuk-ibuk semuanyaa. Akhirnya syukur dapat tunaikan janji kepada Nabil bahawasanya "Dude, one day I'll be there with you, you just wait" .

Sebak dan terharu tau satu keluarga hantar kita nak naik flight pergi bercuti. Nak hantar naik flight pergi belajar overseas tak dapat lagi, pergi bercuti pun boleh.

Lepas dah checked in, terus cari makan. Superb family dinner ahhh makanan terbaik! Lepas kenyang baru boleh peluk-peluk drama dekat balai perlepasan.
Flight tak penuh sebab hello, Christmas eve kot. Namun begitu, still semua penumpang adalah blonde semulajadi, sampai saya perasan saya sorang je Melayu. Bila co-pilot buat announcement dwi-bahasa rasa nak masuk cockpit kata
eh eh takyah susahkan diri, buat announcement sekali je dalam bahasa English please, takpe I paham.

Side dish untuk dinner, dap! Main dish ialah beef tenderloin with potatoes/pasta/chicken breast sebab nak feeling Christmas, kesian kat depa duk dalam kapal terbang lagi.

Siap bagi kek berbentuk kayu balak, dap! Dap tuh maksud dia sedap tau. Bukan DAP.

In-flight entertainment ada banyak gila movies, godek channel je dah sampai 1/2 jam taktau nak pilih yang mana. Sempat tengok Salt dengan The Notebook. Pastu tv show tengok GLEE. Sementara tunggu nak mendarat main Bejeweled -_-
Daddy pesan kena selalu minum air, ambek kau 3-4 kali ulang alik toilet, malu I nanti orang prasangka buruk ingatkan sembelit.
Daddy juga banyak pesan pasal orang jahat kat airport. Memang cuak ah, nasib baik tengok Salt, terus rasa berkebolehan.

Side dish untuk breakfast, dap! Main dish ialah omellete. Boleh pilih omellete atau Nasi Lemak. Tapi sebab semangat Hari Natal, kenalah pilih omellete. Dan hash brown.

bestnye akak :)
ReplyDeletedapat pegi europe sorg2 !! :)
uhhuu^^ besar2 nak jln sorg gak la =___=
Yang pasal toilet tu baru nak tanya, Are you okay? Hee..
ReplyDeletebestnyea akak dpt pegi europe sorg2 !! :))
ReplyDeletent besar nk jugak la mcm ne , bru enjoyy =___=
woah! best dapat pegi europe!! saya yang dah dekat ni pun tak berkesempatan pegi lagik.
ReplyDeletesmga brgmbira kat sana ye...
ReplyDeletemelancong sorang2 best ker? jauh pulak pergi nya smpi kat europe.
ReplyDeleteanyway smoga slamat pegi dan slamat pulang kembali, have a nice trip:)
ReplyDeletesgt2 besh okeyh!!!!
wah...ada seseorang sudah tiba di Europe ya? selamat berkembara-kelana...(^_^)
ReplyDeleteSemoga selamat kembali ke tanah air..amin...
ReplyDeletefrust menonggeng mamat youtube tu
hanis! berapa lama bcuti?
ReplyDeleteentri ms bcuti xd ke?
happy xmas!
Happy Holiday Hanis with nabil...!
ReplyDeletebestnya dapat gi europe :)
ReplyDeletewow..nice la hanis g vacation..huhu..teringin sgt nk pegi europe
ReplyDeletewah!beraninye hanis gi travel sensorang..have a safe journey babe..
ReplyDeletebestnyer!have fun!
ReplyDeletehappy holiday kak hanis ^-^
ReplyDeleteWah! Hanis Zalikha's getaway! :)
ReplyDeletehaha,, tgk salt boleh kick2 cikit,, hehe
ReplyDeletehepi holiday hanis! =)
wow!bestnya..jgn lupa souvenir utk readers ek..hehe =)
ReplyDeletebestnya hanisssssssssssss.....muda2 dah g europe pakai duit sendiri...
ReplyDeletebelikan ole ole ye
wah jauhnya!lem salam nabil eh..ngeh3
ReplyDeletebest betul ni...
be safe and have fun!
ReplyDeletehaaaaaa..sedapnye makanan..lepas ni nk tinggal dalam kapal terbang jek la...puas hati..
ReplyDeleteHanis Zalikha: bestnyer pegi Europe..slmt bercuti Hanis..:)
ReplyDeleteBesttnyeeeee!! happy holiday gurll.. last time to Europe wuz 8 years back.. :(
ReplyDeleteBesttnyeeeee!! happy holiday gurll.. last time to Europe wuz 8 years back.. :(
ReplyDeletebestnyaaa dapat pergi europe.
ReplyDeletetake care and enjoy your trip hanis zalikha .(:
wah hanis!
you pegi mana ni?
nice one..sonok betoi kak long jalan2 makan angin bawak adik2..banyak sunggoh duit depa himpoonnn.
oowh sangat bestnya ur trip...enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteSeronot nye hamis.. take care & have a nice trip..ole2 untuk i jangan lupa..hehehe ;)
ReplyDeleteselamat bercuti :)
ReplyDeletebestnye. =')
ReplyDeletekitorg baru balik dr Jordan. Sbb I dah kahwen (kawen awal. umo 21 lg), kitorg dengan terharunye pergi suami isteri. Terharu cm hanis sbb tak nyusahkan mak bapak. haha.
take care hanis!
seronoknya ....
ReplyDeleteowwwwhhhh..bestnya dapat bercutiey...lagi lagi kat europe..
ReplyDeleteniway cik hanis,happy holiday....wish you comel cute cun sentiasa kat sana...auuuummmm!!!!
memang best!
ReplyDeletewow! euro trip ye? take care hanis!
ReplyDeletebest nya dapat naik flight
ReplyDeleteHave a nice holiday there Hanis =)
ReplyDeleteSend my regards to handsome Nabil hehe
bestnye. bile la my turn pulak.
ReplyDeletesafe journey hanis zalikha =)
wow..airlines apakah ini?hehe..havw a ggreat holiday :)
ReplyDeleteits going to be a great holiday for u..enjoy it..take care
ReplyDeletebestnya bercuti !!
ReplyDeleteholiday kat mana ni?
ReplyDeletelondon ek hanis?
ReplyDeleteand who nabil??
wohohoo. first!! :P
ReplyDeletewow.. beshnya.. travel europe
ReplyDeletewahhh tak sabar nak tau melancong ke mana tuu?
ReplyDeletetravel alone. omG!
ReplyDeletethat's what i'm craving forr! :)
Envy you.
ReplyDeleteNis, kayu balak tu best ke? mcm menarik je..
ReplyDeletebest nye kamu hanis!!!
ReplyDeletehave a nice holidays!!
Bestnye! How long u gonna be away?
ReplyDeletesemga adik selamat pergi dan balik.. di usia muda berjaya ke oversea dgn duit sendiri!! syabas!!
ReplyDeleteso, hanis kat europe sampai bila?
ReplyDeleteselamat bercuti hanis!
ReplyDeletewah.. tengok chanel ada angelina jolie... kalo terjumpa angelina jolie kat sana kirim flying kiss kat dia ehh :D
p/s: kagum dengan kejayaan hanis!
nampak fleet ryanair di situ.. moh dtg dublin kalau x stranded, heheh
ReplyDeletewah! sronoknye!
ReplyDeleteNice :)
ReplyDeleteWhere to in Europe, Hanis? And for how long?
Gila best daapt pergi! :D
ReplyDeleteUntung Nabil..bru je pergi dh ade kawan yg dtg jenguk..;) hanis pergi bpe hari??take gud care..;)
ReplyDeleteyey !
ReplyDeletekamu mmg berani syg :)
mana gambar2 time jalan2?huhu
ReplyDeleteeh eh.. hanis pergi mana?
ReplyDeletewahhh best gle gi europe..huhu nk ikut nk ikut sis hanis hahaha
ReplyDeleteBEST GILA!!!!!
ReplyDeletesedapnye makan makan
ReplyDeleteare u flying on emirates or mas? emirates entertainment is the best!! haha
ReplyDeletebestnye..mesti sujuk glerr kn..brape lah temperature kt situ agaknye =)
ReplyDeleteHOHOHO...epi HOrny day! i mean epi holiday beb :)
ReplyDeletegi mana jer tu Hanis? =P btw, have an awesome holiday!!!
ReplyDeleteenjoy a safe journey at Europe.
ReplyDeleteMoga2 Allah Taala sentiasa lindungi Hanis kat saner. Aminn..
May Allah s.w.t alwiz be with ur side.
wah! seronoknya! untungnya leh g bercuti ke europe..
ReplyDeletebest nye bestnye! have fun hanis(:
ReplyDeleteoh! janji ngan nabil meh? xpe. kim salam ja kat die ea.. take care!
ReplyDeletebest nyeh!
ReplyDeletewah..beraninya hanis g europe sorg2...take k slalu la kat sane ye...
ReplyDeletehai kak hanis...cantiklah kak hanis..,hmm..nnt kak hanis boleh lah ajar aqilah pasal blog ni..lagi pon aqilah baru je buat blog ni...,so,x tau sgtlah pasal blog ni..nnt kak hanis bolehlah follow aqilah ye..taip je aqilahabdulrahman.blogspot.com.(kalau kak hanis nak follow)=)
ReplyDeletewaaaa.. best nyerrrrr ! :D tak pernah nek flight ! T~T
ReplyDeletehave fun yo! :)
ReplyDeleteomaigod..the foods is so tempting..
ReplyDeletebile nak dapat gi oversea ni.. T_T
hai kak hanis...cantiklah kak hanis..,hmm..nnt kak hanis boleh lah ajar aqilah pasal blog ni..lagi pon aqilah baru je buat blog ni...,so,x tau sgtlah pasal blog ni..nnt kak hanis bolehlah follow aqilah ye..taip je aqilahabdulrahman.blogspot.com.(kalau kak hanis nak follow)=)
ReplyDeletehanis naik flight pap nie? MAS ke AIR ASIA? baper jam nek flight? dr mlm smpai ke pg tu. bestnyer dpt gi europe. bila la saya plak dpt gi. hehe. :)
ReplyDeletewow best giler hanis pi europe sorang2!! u go girl!! cant wait for the next entry!!
ReplyDeletegila berdikari u ni! bestnyaaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteselamat bercuti hanis :)
ReplyDeleteah snow. great! wish u'll have a great holiday hanis. :)
ReplyDeleteBest!!! Happy holiday hanis!!!
ReplyDeletesonoknya pg berct...
bila laa dapat pg sane maen.
enjoy ur holiday hanis..
whoaaaaaaaaa syioknyaaaaaaaa ! :D
ReplyDeleteomg beznye u pg holiday by urself.have fun yah! (;
ReplyDeletewoowww!!!! bestnyeeeee!! mesti proud kan, dapat pergi europe tak susahkan orang lain and gune duit sendiri... waktu umur still 20 pulak tu... have fun HZ. =)
ReplyDeleteenjoy kt sne k..
wah bestnya i nak pg holiday jugak!!!!!!!!!!!1 :(
ReplyDeletetersembul kejelesan dalam diri ni bila baca orang leh pergi bercuti jauh2 gini.. haishhh haishhh haisshhh
ReplyDeletewaaaaahhhhh bestnya....HAve FUN!
ReplyDeleteKaka Hanis, i want to follow you laa :)
ReplyDeleteoh awesome !
ReplyDeletewahhh. hanis g europe..! tc babe. kirim sakam kt nabil. kih3..
ReplyDeletebtw, enjoy your holiday..
tak sabar tunggu gambar holiday hanis :)
waa.. bestnyer..
ReplyDeletebeznye dapat holiday kat oversea~
ReplyDeletepergi euro x ajak kan..:(
ReplyDeleteperrrghh keknis pergi sorang2...best betul ...momo teringin juga nak pergi sorang2..one day nnt.hehe
ReplyDeletewaahhh. dah lame tak nampak salji. :( kat mana ni? cuz nampak kapal terbang emirates. ehehehe.
ReplyDeletebestnya... new year getaway sorang2?
ReplyDeleteApe lagi,winter shopping la sampai pengsan. Sales!!! Pergi mana ni actually?
ReplyDeletetake care hanis zalikha!!!
ReplyDeleteini boleh dikatakan sangat cemburu!
ReplyDeleteHalo.Best tak? Mesti ah kannnnn!Oh keknis dah baca surat pinko tuuu???
ReplyDeleteBaca tau!Belikann benda tu tauu!
hanis, beruntungnyaaa. ilike u <3
ReplyDeleteberuntungnya dapat survive sendiri. i like u very much. take care
ReplyDeletehave fun! :)
ReplyDeletewaaaahhh!!! bestnyer g holiday!!! jeles sekali..
ReplyDeletebestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... suka sbb makan best... lalalallalaaa
ReplyDeletebest bleh main salji!;)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Boxing Day! :D
ReplyDeletewahh bestnya! Nanti update lagi yeaa Kak Hanis :).. Take care!
ReplyDeleteTake Care hanis
ReplyDeleteWah cuti! Best nye! Jangan lupa beli present for me, okay Adik? :D
heeee~ wau! mcm mobiliti pelajar plak kan hanis ni.. take care odey~
ReplyDeleteHomaigod! Best gilos. =)
ReplyDeleteslamat jln hanis...semoga selamat pergi blk...wah fevret same main bejeweled laaa.ati2 juga pada orang asing yg selalu kenakan rakyat Malaysia pasal dadah. nak2 hanis g sensorang
ReplyDeletesenyap2 je pegi, AMIK BANYAK GAMBAR.
ReplyDeletepesan mak ayah kalo gi oversea:
jgn la bawak menantu org putih dtg msia, x berkenan.
ReplyDeletenak jugakkk..huhu..
wah, which country?
ReplyDeleteAmin to your doas :') Thank you <3
ReplyDeletenak anta gak..hehe...takpe la..nk jemput nanti
ReplyDeleteOmg , sngatt syokkk :D
ReplyDeletelast time p Uk pun, saya dok ulang minum air ngan g toilet..sebab tu pilih seat tepi so takde lah mat salleh tu membebel..
ReplyDeleteanw, teringin nak jadi backpacker..
wow, Hanis pergi Europe dgn duet sndr? salute lah kat hanis!
ReplyDeletewah..bestnyer :D
ReplyDeletetke care ya..
hv a safe journey.=)
ReplyDeletehappy holiday...enjoy the cold weather..
ReplyDeleteOMG! bestnya!
ReplyDeletesejuk bangat dong di sana kan
ReplyDeleteKesilapan Besar Lelaki Ketika Mengorat Wanita
pegi holiday watpe hanis ? jumpe nabil je ke ? eheh
ReplyDeletelove to hear more from you! have fun!
ReplyDeletebest giler.. krismas eve still meriah lagi ke sane?
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays :)Have fun :)<3
ReplyDeletehave a safe and fun trip!
ReplyDeletehanis, kat sana mesti sejuk gila kan..
ReplyDeletekite stay kat UK ni sebulan lebih pun msh xthn dgn kesejukan..hehe..
kite lusa dah nak balik dah.. :D
pergi sesorang ker ? berani sungguh
ReplyDeletemacam kat frankfurt je nih..btul x hanis?hehe...jom jumpa..i ada sini..kekeke~
ReplyDeletetake care dear.. n hav fun.. ;)
ReplyDeleteoh..hash brown how i missed that very much...
ReplyDeleteenjoy =)
ReplyDeletebestnye. have fun!
ReplyDeletepergi holiday????/take care..
ReplyDeletennti jgn lupe upload pic byk2..huhu
ReplyDeletebile lak lionteen nk smpy sane yek..
gila best! :D
ReplyDeletehappy holiday :)
ReplyDeletebestnye pegi sorg2..
ReplyDeletet.care !!~ :)
happy holiday!!~
happy hols :)
ReplyDeletennti turn i plak...hehehhe :P
alaaah jealousnya! kau makan ke lawat nabil sekarang?! mana gambar kau dgn nabil main snow pakai baju winter panjang dengan topi bulu biri-biri dan boots pjg? take care of my baby there! (padahal kat nabil pun aku ckp macam ni, macam tamak dua dua pun bayi aku ke apa)
ReplyDeletehihi ;D BEST ! and "dap" d:
ReplyDeletekak hanis kite nak ikot~~!
ReplyDeleteem take care tau sorg2. nant ade org nak wat pape kat kak hanis bkk langkah oke! hehe.
Hanisss!!!wanna meet you!!u pergi germany eh?
ReplyDeleteSeriously Hanis, I think you are one of the most lucky girl in the world. U have evrything that u want. Things flows the way that u intend it to be, alhamdulillah.
syoknye!!!have a nice journey
ReplyDeletegi german ke? alles gute und herzlich willkomen in deutschland.Geniessen Sie Ihre Reise!
ReplyDeletewanna to now more about ur getaway soon k hanis!!u r so natural baeuty!awww!
ReplyDeletewaaaaaaaaaa have a great holiday sis:D:D:D:D
ReplyDeleteselamat shopping sampai bankrap on Boxing Day! :p
ReplyDeletebest wooo!
ReplyDeletemesti dpt main salji kan kat sana :D
wow , that should be a great trip . esp this is the christmas season and the snow view there . enjoy it .
ReplyDeleteu r travelling all alone? cool!
ReplyDeletebesh nyer. nak ikut..hehe. have a nice trip :)
ReplyDeleteBalik jer dari Europe interview plak dalam radio Bernama..glemer ehhh
ReplyDeletenasib baik turun dr kapal terbang tak dye ur hair black, kan?
have a blast with nabil!
selain citer Salt citer Taken juga bleh diambil sbg cth nak bercuti tanpa family lain ;)
ReplyDeleteepi holiday hanis..
europe! wah...
ReplyDeleteselamat bercuti2an sayang :)
la pi sorang je ke, apsal x cakap k lily boleh temankan (cuti lama nie x tau buat apa lah)
ReplyDeletewow...best tu... hepi oliday dear...:)
ReplyDeleteHave Fun HZ!!
ReplyDeletewow wee...bestnya dpt pergi time winter..happy holidays hanis
ReplyDeletewaa......sronok2 pat gie hliday alone .
ReplyDeletewish one day i can hliday alone too...btw...have a safe trip going n coming back,,,:D
ReplyDeletewah! bestnyer pegi eropre tu!!! jeles2...
ReplyDeletecis, nabil suka la tuh hanis sudah sampai.bw dia jln elok2 incik nabil, supaya dia boleh update dgn byknnya nnt bila dah balik.haha
ReplyDeleteoo jumpa nabil ke.. kem salam jelah kat nabil yek.. kata kat dia, org malaysia kem salam...
ReplyDeletehello hanis! bestnye dapat pegi europe! sila visit blog saya, sure you akan gelak.
Take care nis!!! :)
ReplyDeletebest nyerr....
ReplyDeleteenjoy ur trip :) nasib baik u watched salt! be a superheroin. tetiba :D
ReplyDeleteBestnya! Happy Holiday!
ReplyDeletetk saba nk tunggu gamba cuti cuti europe =)
ReplyDeletesalam hanis, baru baca blog nabil. alhamdulillah u safely arrived. have fun ya..take care!
ReplyDeletehave a safe journey hanisss....
ReplyDeleteokey tu gurau ja tu... perghh, x sabar mau pegi oversea.. huh