Snapshots of band practice in the evening, by Hanis Zalikha. Oh such a beautiful scene :')
I was tempted to be in 'The Band' instead of the other uniformed societies on the very first day of co only because I hate strict rules, seniority and protocol. I'm into art and something laid back, like music, and band totally has that, or so I thought. Cut long story short, the juniors of the first semester (me and my friends) were asked to organize a dinner for the seniors as a proper farewell seeing that they have done alot for The Band.
I have a question.
How can you ask an event so symbolic (its a farewell hello) to be organised by the new faces? It would be okay if we were to organise a charity event or an annual dinner and such, but a farewell dinner? We've been here only for a few months, which part of being sentimental that got you confused? In my humble opinion, something meaningful like this, should be organised by the people who have been with the seniors long enough, the people that could say a proper goodbye and really meant it, that would know each of the senior's habits and dislikes, and would tackle the event emotionally.
But being the goody juniors that we are, we took the challenge.
Dont get me wrong, I love the band, I respect the seniors, the teachers. Its just that, I cannot work with inefficient people. If you want to delegate a task, something major like this, yes you can guide us, but please let go of the little details will you? If you really want us to get the work done, work with us, see how I emphasised the word with. Because I refused, I mean we refused to have you work for us. Dont go into "Okay you know what, let us handle this, oh and that too". In the end, why not, you just do everything and stop wasting our time.
How can it be a sumpahseranah Farewell for The Seniors if the seniors are in it for the preparations? How can it be a Farewell for The Seniors if the seniors decide on the theme? I thought this is an event for them, we do it for them, so why are they involved even for a tiny bit? I dont do surprise party for my own birthday, do you?
Deep breath.
Perhaps if you would, first, look into our(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) well-constructed theme ideas before rejecting it for your own, it'd be okay. No, seriously. Jangan padam semangat orang bawahan dengan menolak idea mereka mentah-mentah tanpa sebarang pertimbangan, peringatan untuk bakal pengurus besar. I'm sorry Part 1, Ive tried my best.
So anyway *chirpy*, this was my idea for the Band's Dinner :)
Which got rejected for the theme "Princes and Princesses with Masks".
Maybe I should bring the geeky theme idea forward into something profitable :) Hey, if you like this idea and would want to have it for your event, please feel free to do so. I could safely say that it's affordable, adorable and juniors-approved 100% *flirty wink*. And to further guide you on the geeky themed party, heres geeky dress code ideas and geeky doorgift ideas *generous granny*.

Geeky dress code: Preppy is subjective so be creative and work with your inner geek. I even included baju pengakap Malaysia in the draft and some aunty hairband at the top right haha.
Geeky gift ideas: Put a sock in it (lunch box). Haha.
See, if you want/assign me to do something, I can do it whole-heartedly. Why I'm so semangat and excited preparing the draft, complete with outfit, gift ideas and all (I even asked the biro makanan to consider serving the food in a food tray)? Because when you do something, you dont just do it, you do your best for it. Takkan tema Putera Puteri Kayangan makan soto nasi T_T
Long sigh.

umm..kesian kat u..
ReplyDeletexpe2, nnt i tolong u carikn baju princess keyh..
Awwwww... Chill Hanis. Ini namanya bunga2 birokrashit. I bet u mesti tak boleh kerja dengan orang2 pejabat nanti tau...
ReplyDeletePrinces and Princesses with Masks??? that is soooooooo 80's... tgk la movie2 from that era, mcm xx ray... ape da ko nye senior...
ReplyDeletebtw, the geek theme is pretty cool... definitely will be our MPG theme next year ^_-
Let's face it. Nobody likes to admit that they are nerds, even if they are one. Same thing goes for the farewell party's theme. No wonder the prince/princess theme is more appealing.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, those are beautiful shots, Hanis.
haha. kau nih kelakar la hanis zalikha. saya sukah!
ReplyDeletesapa pengajar Brass Band kini? Encik Mat perut buncit lagi kah?
ReplyDeletepaling penat, sambutan hari merdeka. malam merdeka turun count down, esoknyer seawal 5am ko kena siap2 untuk berarak 1 bandar segamat, tapi sonok sangat!
ah, persetankan senior2 yg berlagaks tuh..
errr.. ko main ape hanis? trombone?
i find ur idea very interesting and unique..dan sgt kewl kot...
ReplyDeleten about the princes and princesses mask tu...bley je short kn jd masquerade night...kn..kn...
fadYGbaek: haha sebenarnya teruja juga dapat jadi puteri untuk satu malam. SELAIN DARI PUTERI BUNIAN EH.
heretic preacher: hahahahahaha xx ray hahahahaha. me and shika had a good laugh over this one. xx ray hahahahahahahaha.
Izuan: yeah youre prolly right. typical.
aqmal: woh woh woh bangga.
||alis||: tak sempat dapat cik mat. tapi cikgu baru juga seronok. oh memori merdeka yeah? best best. eh tapi senior semua baik. sebab itu nak buat event untuk diorang gempak walaupun tak kenal sangat. tapi tatau lah macam mana.
ztotheA: yeah masquerade. tapi tema itu dah ada je majlis kat sini buat. so macam wha? takkan band pun nak buat. kata band.. kata kreatif..
alahai, kesiannya adik part 1 ni. sian dia. meh nak tumpang simpati. biasa la kerje-kerje mcm ni. macam-macam kerenah. erm tak luah ke habis-habisan ke kat senior yang aiyoo yo tu? tak pe la, janji jadi dari tak jadi langsung.
ReplyDeletei guess it shows how much everyone there nak jadik puteri and putera...
ReplyDeletewhich is soooo high-school kan...
haha..puteri pun okay what..puteri maniss..haha..
ReplyDeleteband best! enjoy je.. :)
ReplyDeletelike your style
ReplyDeletekita bukan pak turut saja yang akan kata yes yes saya setuju eventhough the idea is so ridiculous (adik2 kita punya idea lagi best)
keep up! Ini lah calon MPP musim akan datang in the making!
ohh ini yang kau teruja terus sms aku lepas dah post blog ni. woh first time siot kau taikor tunjukkan ketegasan lu. best best.
ReplyDeletealah bebeh, kau faham ah kalau senior stok yang saje kasi peluang junior sumbang idea semata mata ingin nampak sebagai senior yg baik lah kan. ok tapi i malu lah i pun senior kepada part one hee hee.
tapi takpe weh, kalau takdapat tema nerdy ni, kita buat rombongan ke wee nee junior ok spongebob?
ganas ah hanis. kan best klu dapat junior macam hanis.
ReplyDeletemeh meh tlg organize farewell kitorg. eh lupe yg arahan dari hanis zalikha mengatakan kena amek org2 yang dh bersama dengan org yg diraikan dengan lamanya utk organize sesuatu FAREWELL party haha
caya ah hanis, rasa nak print entri ni dan lekat kat board department.
hidup lah brass band segamat..
ReplyDeletekem slm kt En. Mat & Ajak..
p/s:msuk band sekerat jln je..
Baru teringat our dinner theme next week. Hollywood glamorous... Mana nak carik baju???
ReplyDeleteKlu nerdy theme kan senang, bley pakai uniform pengakap lama je...
Kay Faizal: just go with the flow i guess. enjoyzzZzzzzz.
ReplyDeleteQasiyh: haha sekolah rendah juga.
.i.z.z.a.t.i.: kalau benar-benar bermuka manis tidak mengapa T_T
Juz call me Star: alright!
bvlgarigirl @ Arianna: oh saya takut saya give up dengan minded majority di sini makanya, saya tidak mahu aktif lagi dah *merajuk konon*.
Macham Iz Punye: patrick I need a hug. pastu perut kau buncit aku terbounce back.
ila ni: haha terima kasih *tunduk seperti puteri*
akizaki: kami sendiri tak kenal cik mat lagi.
Don: jadi je paris hilton. pakai baju tidur.
sungguh kewl tema tu... i like d ideas n designnnnn.. (tak tipu otey)... tapi biasalah, senior mesti nak LAWA2 dgn harapan dpt memikat/mengorat senior lain n terus kawen pas grad....ala2 tersentak gitu dgn kejelitaan/kemachoan di hari itu yg selamat ini tak disedari... (hahaha..lariiii)....
ReplyDeletehahahaha....seriously princes & princesses with masks????!! theme ni hanya sesuai untuk harijadi budak 6 tahun ok tolonglaaa... apepun ur idea mmg best hanis, peluk peluk!!
ReplyDeleteeh eh..sorry, Assalamualaikum..saye ni pembaca senyap je before tetibe nak bg comment mcm dah kenal lame plak - sgt kurang sopan... ok wassalam..
your idea mmg beshh giler..ruginye deme
ReplyDeletedon: glamorous hollywood punya tema? kalau perempuan pakai dress balut shawl aje (sopan)walaupun shawl is so over dated dah. kalau lelaki kena la bersut.
ReplyDeleteAla biasak a hanis, seniors malas nak prepare sendiri so dia suruh korang buatlah semua fizikal job dan dorang buat the thinking and planning.
geeky theme. i like that and i don't need a costume. dah memang macam geek pun. haha.
ReplyDeleteand what? princes and princess with masks? itu naturally geek punya idea!
C'est la vie! It's not like you were only born yesterday. Keep your chin up, kid! Smile and move on!Blossom Blooms
ReplyDeleteputera puteri kayangan makan apa.?
ReplyDeleteserius aku bodoh tentang ini.
ReplyDeletebaik buat sndri la function tu klo nk get involve like sepnuhnya.
geek theme tu sangat menarik. :D
prince & princess tu cam cliche ahh.
bila baca blog hanis yang ni, akak dapat rasakan yang suatu hari nanti kalau ditakdirkan hanis jadi MPP atau presiden kelab apa2 ke atau apa2 saja yang memberi maksud ketua walaupun ketua kelas...meleret la plak... hanis adalah seorang yang kreatif, berwibawa, talented, komited, excited, apa lagi yang 'ted' ek?... pendek kata, i wish i have a student like you in my school... senang buat keje... kita cakap sikit dah faham dan tahu dan boleh buat kerja... ini tak, serba-serbi nak cikgu yang suapkan...
ReplyDeletegood luck for ur future...and oh! jangan merajuk utk terus komited... kalo orang tak hargai sekarang, it's ok... masa utk orang hargai akan sampai juga suatu hari nanti..
Aw... too bad. The theme you created seems really nice. But I think maybe they want to dress super glamarous and charming on their last day or smth. Haha.
ReplyDeletehi hanis! i dulu pun brass band segamat! *giggles excitedly*
ReplyDeletesuch a shame to hear this to be happening to the band.
i mean we used to mingle quite well with the seniors back then. of course they had their ways of making things difficult for me back then.(getting their signatures at the wee hours in the morning or how they made it a must for all part 1 to perform as part of the orientation programme. you know the drill).
but never anything like this. well people came and go in the band. cant expect everything to remain the same can we? but i sure miss most of the moments when i was there.
owh hey, is En. Mat still teaching?
kirim salam plis!
owh.. teringat zaman sekolah dulu.. duk berlatih military band kat tgh padang.. ngan panas nya.. tp puas hati..
ReplyDeletehaha...as gempak mana u plan the party, segamat just dont have the heart to do it. serious
ReplyDeletemesti orang bising asyik tanya....
takleh pakai baju kurung ke?
im in the dinner comittee juga.
Kalau Putera puteri jawa la kot makan soto......
ReplyDeleteKalau puteri puteri Johor makan beriani gam kot
So putera puteri yang pakai mask tu macam dari London je so makan steak ke lamb chop lat kot...
ouh,suka ur idea untuk tema dinner itu.mahu curik untuk event saya nnt boleh kah?
i hv to agree with mimielola that this is a piece of *birokrashit* that you are dealing with... lps ni akan byk lg yg dtg, but jgn patah semangat... we need fresh, young ideas like yours, busan la asyik2 menda yg sama again2... nasi soto is a dead spot on example of that (don't mean to offend penggemar nasi soto, but u know what i mean, ulang menu sama sampai bole muak dah org semua)... lps meeting saja mesti mkn bihun goreng atau soto, x de ruang utk kreativiti langsung... *SIGH*
ReplyDeletewhat instrument do u play, btw?
hanis kate la kau lukis tu pakai paint?
ReplyDeletementality class ketiga.
ReplyDeletecadangan yang baik,selalu always bukan kadang mesti akan dipertikaikan.
hey sis
ReplyDeletesorry for the late rep
currntly bz
this is my email nadjeehah@yahoo.com
being a junior mcm nie lah
ReplyDeleteasam garam kehidupan
kalo i sure dh patah semangat tak mo g kalo g pun tarik muka 14 hahaha
ohh your idea which is "geeky theme" is oh-so-cool.
ReplyDeletejarang orang buat ,baru bestkan ?
and the senior idea which is "Princes and Princesses with Masks"is so typical lol .
mane2 jek ada theme ni .
maybe diorang terpengaruh dengan hollywood punya movie ?
btw,the scenery view yang you snap sangat cantikk :)
Hi, came across your blog from a friend's blog.. Nice and interesting blog..
ReplyDeleteoh, i guess the masquarade party theme is kinda trendy for this year..Cause in my uni (USM) there are about 3 parties with this theme..Including my club's party which i am soo looking forward to.. Mungkin mau bagi bisnes kat pembuat topeng kot.. How bout bringing your theme to the next semester? (apabila diri dah jadi senior, dan suruh junior baru sediakan theme sedemikian) Hmmm, kan best jugak ye?
Concerning the masquarade theme,i guess u will make a nice Arab princess (mcm Princess Jasmine from Aladdin) and you need not buy any mask..Just use the scarf to cover half of your face.. kinda tak lari dari theme jugak kan? (but you will have a hard time eating ler.. ) ;)
makan SOTO??!
oh sangat lah menarik tema senior kamu..
oops.. i spelled masquerade wrongly.. :"
ReplyDeletemy coursemates r also doing a masquerade theme farewell party next month...hehe..yeah, initially i also think they're kinda outdated n blah..hehe...but i'm excited anyways.. ;)
ReplyDeleteTell your seniors princes n princesses in masks is such a lame name. (ewah rhyme pulak). kot ye pon taruk la a night in venice ke, masquerade ball ke.
ReplyDeletewah canteknye gambar band yg lime green itu . mau amik boleh . plz
ReplyDeletebest gila kalu buat theme yg hanis cdgkan tu. tapi. tapi. kalau semua ikut tema best la. kalau ada yang ngade2 jugak nak pakai kebaya. tak boleh buat apela. XD
ReplyDeleteI was tempted to be in 'The Band' instead of the other uniformed societies on the very first day of co only because I hate strict rules, seniority and protocol???
ReplyDeleteI don't think band is a laid back uniform it has more strict rules than any uniform there is..it's about getting people to think as one and do you think with laying back would do all the work? Are you in a band by the way? 'cause you wont know till you are..
it gets tiring to explain all these misinterpreted words. how one sentence could give out different meanings based on intonations and emotions.
ReplyDeleteblublublup *menyelam*
dude, i like the geeky themed event. good idea and very cheap. tapi princess makan soto nasik mmg tak leh blah. lawak gile.